/ / Silver Carp Baked in the Oven: Recipes and Secrets of Cooking

Silver carp baked in the oven: recipes and cooking secrets

Silver Carp is a fairly inexpensive freshwaterfish from the carp family, has a fat, tender meat and contains many beneficial trace elements. Due to its properties, this product is considered an excellent component of the diet in the prevention and treatment of various diseases. True, in order for the fish to be really useful, it is very important to cook it correctly.

Silver carp baked in the oven is quiteable to become a crown treat at the holiday table. This fish is usually cooked with a variety of spices, vegetables and spicy sauces. Besides the fact that the whole bird is baked, it is often served in portions and steaks.

Cooking fish in the oven allows you to savein it the maximum quantity of useful substances. In addition, if you bake a carcass in foil or a sleeve, then you will not need to supplement the dish with excess fat, and the silver carp will languish in its own juice. Such treats can be safely given even to kids. And the recipes of silver carp baked in the oven, today a huge number. So choose the appropriate and take it to the note.

How to choose a silver carp

As a rule, this fish is sold freshly caught,and in some cases still alive at all. This one, of course, is best to choose. Well, if the carp does not show signs of life, be sure to pay close attention to its appearance and smell. His eyes should be transparent, scales - moist and shiny, and gills - bright pink or even scarlet.

The smell of such a fish is specific - it resembles algae, which is characteristic of all freshwater individuals. But do not worry, after the heat treatment, this fragrance will completely disappear.

Silver Carp Baked in Foil

Choosing a silver carp, try to give preference to large carcasses - usually in them the minimum quantity of stones and a lot of meat. The best option will be a silver carp weighing 3-4 kg and above.

Some cooking secrets

To spoil such a fish is actually very difficult, but some details of processing are still worth finding out before starting the process.

When choosing a silver carp for baking, be sure toconsider the size of your oven. After all, this fish is quite large, and it can simply not fit in the entire cabinet. True, in any case you should not despair, because you can bake a carcass in slices. By the way, it will turn out not less tasty.

If you decide to cook the silver carp as a whole, make deep cuts in too thick places of the carcass. Thanks to this small trick the fish will reach readiness much faster.

To the side of the silver carp on which it lies, not burnt, it is best to put it on a layer of onions.

Do not place the carcass directly on a baking sheet, preferablyuse parchment, sleeves or foil. If you don’t have auxiliary materials, heat the baking sheet before putting the fish on it.

Delicious carp recipes in the oven

Recipe for carp baked in the oven

Portioned fish is an extremely healthy, nutritious and tasty dish. In addition, such a treat can be made in parallel with a side dish.

If you buy fish already cut into pieces, try to pick up steaks about a centimeter thick. Such slices quickly cooked and at the same time remain juicy.

For this dish you will need:

  • 5 carp steaks;
  • 3 teaspoons of honey;
  • half a lemon;
  • 0.5 teaspoon Provencal herbs;
  • the same amount of black pepper;
  • a spoonful of salt;
  • as much vegetable oil.
How to choose a silver carp

Cooking process

If you have a whole fish at your disposal, firstqueue should be divided. To do this, clean the carcass from the scales, carefully gut, be sure to cut out a dark film, cut off the tail and head. Only then can the fish be washed, dried with paper towels and cut into steaks.

Pieces of silver carp salt and pepper with bothparties. Then sprinkle with freshly squeezed lemon juice and leave to marinate for 15 minutes. In the meantime, get ready to make honey sauce. Combine melted honey, a teaspoon of lemon juice, oil and Provencal herbs in a deep plate.

Cover the baking sheet with foil, grease itvegetable oil and lay out the marinated steaks. Finally, pour the slices of cooked sauce. By the way, it is best for each steak to build a separate tin of foil - so the meat will be softer and juicier. Lemon, remaining after pressing the juice, cut into slices. Insert these slices into each piece of fish - they will complement your dish with an unsurpassed flavor. Pinch the foil and put the pan in the oven. Cook the fish for about 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

How to carp carp

As you can see, bake the silver carp in foilthe oven is not so difficult. And the cooking process takes a maximum of half an hour, not counting the heat treatment. This is another advantage of this dish. In addition, silver carp baked in the oven in this way will be fabulously tasty, fragrant and tender. A bonus for true gourmets will be a light golden crust on a fish that awakens a brutal appetite.

Silver carp baked in the oven in the sleeve

Such a dish turns out to be unusually juicy, while the fish itself acquires unsurpassed softness. This version of silver carp baked in the oven is considered to be one of the best ways to cook.

First, prepare:

  • carcass carp weighing about 3 kg;
  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 2 lemons;
  • salt and pepper in a teaspoon;
  • a large onion;
  • 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise.


First and foremost, as usual, prepare the carcass by chopping, peeling and washing it. Be sure to cut the gills by making longitudinal cuts under the jaws of the fish.

Peel the onions, wash and slicesmall cubes. In a deep bowl, mix lemon juice, shredded vegetable and mayonnaise. Thoroughly rub the fish with this sauce and leave to marinate for 15 minutes.

How to cook carp in the oven

Peel, wash and slice the potatoes.slices. Salt it and mix well. Optionally, you can add other spices and herbs. Then put the potatoes in a sleeve, put the pickled carcass on top and tie it up. Send the billet to the oven for 40 minutes at 200 degrees.

During cooking, the fish will excreteA large amount of juice, which will soak the potatoes, due to which the side dish will turn out incredibly tasty. The silver carp baked in the oven will decorate any table and will definitely appeal to not only adults, but also children.