/ Vegetarian salads for the New Year. Vegetarian festive salads: recipe

Vegetarian salads for the New Year. Vegetarian salads: recipe

Vegetarian salads for the New Year are usually preparedin the event that one of the invited guests does not eat meat or simply follows a healthy and dietary diet. I would also like to say that today there are a huge number of recipes for such dishes. Using them, you can quickly and easily make any salad without the use of meat. Consider some cooking methods in more detail.

vegetarian salads for the new year

Quick and simple vegetarian salads: cooking recipes

In this section of the article decided to tell you abouthow to make a simple salad "Health" with mushrooms. By the New Year's table it can be served in the form of heat. If you decide to make it in the summer, it is recommended to cool the snack in the refrigerator compartment.

So, the ingredients:

  • fresh medium-sized mushrooms - about 300 g;
  • canned white beans - a small jar;
  • canned peas - a small jar;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • fresh herbs - apply to taste;
  • walnuts - apply to taste;
  • various spices - apply to taste;
  • sunflower oil without aroma - to apply at discretion.

Processing ingredients

Presented Mushroom Salad Vegetarianyou should start cooking with processing ingredients. First you need to wash the mushrooms, and then cut them into strips. Next you want to clean the bulb and shred it into half rings. As for walnuts, they should be sorted, washed thoroughly and divided into large pieces. At the end of the canned products need to drain the entire brine.

vegetarian salad recipes

Frying some ingredients

Delicious vegetarian salads may includeyourself completely different ingredients. We decided to use the most simple and affordable. Some of them should be fried in a pan. To do this, pour oil into the dishes (without aroma, sunflower oil), and then lay out the onion half rings and achieve a rosy color. Next to the vegetable should pour mushrooms. Having spiced up the ingredients, they need to be cooked until soft.

In the end, it is required to lay out the pressed white beans and keep on the fire for about 5 minutes.

Mixing ingredients and serving salad to the table

Вегетарианские новогодние салаты можно подавать к table warm and cold. After all the ingredients have been cooked, they should be removed from the heat. Next, they need to immediately put chopped fresh greens, washed walnuts and canned peas. After mixing, all products should be placed in a salad bowl and in a warm form to present to the table.

Making a hearty salad with potatoes and mushrooms

Almost all vegetarian salads on Newthe year is preparing amazingly fast. This is due to the fact that for their formation you do not need a long time to process the meat, boil it, and then shred into the right pieces. For this reason, such snacks are particularly popular with those who do not like to stand at the stove for a long time.

So how are vegetarian salads made? Recipes for such dishes may include any components, of course, with the exception of meat. In this case, we need:

vegetarian salads festive

  • fresh medium-sized mushrooms - about 300 g;
  • small potatoes - 3 pcs .;
  • sour cream of average fat content from the store - 110 g;
  • Onion - 1 pc .;
  • fresh herbs - apply to taste;
  • fresh cucumber - 2 pcs .;
  • lemon juice - two teaspoons;
  • Table vinegar - about 60 ml;
  • various spices - apply to taste;
  • sunflower oil without aroma - to apply at discretion.

Preparing the components

Vegetarian Christmas salads should differ from other dishes only in that they do not contain meat. Otherwise, such snacks should also be hearty, tasty and nutritious.

So, for the preparation of this dish shouldpre-boil the potato tubers in their uniform, and then cool them and peel them. After that, the vegetable, along with fresh cucumbers, must be cut into not very small slices.

As for medium-sized mushrooms, they should be washed and cut into strips. In the future, mushrooms need to fry in sunflower oil until light brown crust.

If you want to get vegetarian saladsfestive with a little sourness, then they are recommended to add pickled onions. To do this, the vegetable is peeled and cut into thin rings. Next, it is poured with vinegar and kept in it for half an hour. At the end, the products are strongly squeezed and, if necessary, rinsed.

vegetarian christmas salads

We form a dish and serve it to the table

Vegetarian salads for the New Year are formedsimply and easily. To do this, take a large bowl and put in it boiled potato tubers, fresh cucumbers, fried mushrooms and pickled onions. Next, all the ingredients should be flavored sauce, made from fresh sour cream, chopped herbs, lemon juice and sunflower oil (a couple of spoons). Having mixed the salad, it is required to put it in a deep plate and immediately present it to the festive table.

Simple and very beautiful salad

Vegetarian salads for the New Year are well done using fresh herbs and vegetables. These snacks will decorate the holiday table, making it more bright. For this we need:

  • olive oil without aroma - 500 ml;
  • fresh basil - medium bunch;
  • Adygei cheese - about 200 g;
  • ripe fleshy tomatoes - 600 g;
  • iodized salt - a couple of pinches;
  • small lemon - 1 fruit;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • ground black pepper - pinch;
  • mustard beans - dessert spoon.

Preparation of sauce

Vegetarian festive salads can befill with different sauces. We decided to apply olive. To make it, you should squeeze a small lemon into a bowl, and then add crushed garlic cloves, ground pepper and mustard seeds to it. After mixing all the ingredients, they must be poured into a bottle of olive oil, sealed tightly, and kept in the refrigerator for about half an hour. Shake the sauce well before use.

delicious vegetarian salads

Processing Products

Before you start mixing the salad, allingredients should be carefully processed. Ripe tomatoes should be washed, cut the navels and chop into medium cubes. The Adyghe cheese is also exactly ground. As for fresh basil, it must be rinsed and coarsely chopped with a knife.

We form a salad

Для формирования такой закуски следует взять a large bowl and put in it fresh tomatoes, soft cheese and basil. Mix the ingredients in a chilled olive oil sauce and mix them thoroughly. If necessary, products can be salted to taste.

How to properly present a vegetarian salad to the table?

Formed salad of tomatoes and cheese is not only very tasty and healthy, but also surprisingly beautiful. This snack will serve as an excellent decoration for the New Year's table.

After the dish is ready and refilled, you need to put it in a deep salad bowl and serve it to invited guests.

salad with mushrooms vegetarian

Let's sum up the results

As you can see, almost all vegetarian saladsinclude a minimum of low-cost and simple products. Because of this, these snacks are made quickly and easily, and are surprisingly light and useful. By the way, they can be presented not only for the New Year, but also for the daily table.