/ Milk soup with pasta - prepare properly

Milk soup with pasta - we prepare correctly

Rational nutrition is the basis of health andlongevity. From the correct selection of products depends directly on the quality of life. There is no single recipe. In this case, everything is individual. The main thing is one thing: food should be diverse and it should be consumed in moderation, taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of the organism.

A little about the benefits of milk

Nutritionists are strongly recommended to include milk dishes in the daily menu. There are many recipes for milk-based dishes. They are simple enough to cook and loved from childhood.

milk soup with pasta

For example, all known milk soup withpasta is well absorbed by the body, low-calorie and is indicated for various diseases. High content of protein, vitamins and minerals contributes to strengthening of musculoskeletal tissue, normalizes the work of the heart, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, increases the elasticity of blood vessels, removes excess fluid from the body, reduces weight, improves metabolic processes.

In addition, this dish is great for breakfast, saturating the body with energy for the whole day.

Basics of Cooking

Технология приготовления супа молочного с pasta and cereals is as follows. To prepare this dish whole milk is mixed with condensed milk, add water and dried milk. As a dressing, various cereals and pasta can be used.

preparation of dairy soup with pasta
It should pay attention to the moment thatcereals and pasta are poorly boiled in milk. Therefore, they are brewed in two stages: first to half-cooked in water, then sent to boiling milk. The only exceptions are small-grained cereals and semolina - they can be cooked in milk immediately.

Milk soup with pasta recommendcook in small portions. With long-term storage, the taste and smell deteriorate, and the backfill loses its shape. By technology, salt and sugar are added at the end of cooking, and butter is put already in the plate just before serving.

При использовании вермишели «паутинка» следует remember that it quickly boils and grows in volume. Therefore, do not add it more than indicated in the recipe, according to the technology, such a soup should turn out to be liquid. When refueling it is added to boiling milk in small portions, continuously stirring to avoid the formation of lumps.

We prepare milk soup with pasta

For this dish we will need:

- pasta - 150 g (you can use vermicelli "spiderweb", but it will take about 400 g);

- milk - 500 ml;

- some water;

- salt, sugar;

- Butter - 40 g.

Pasta must be boiled in boiling salted water until half-ready: pasta - 8-10 minutes, noodles - 4-7 minutes, vermicelli - no more than five minutes.

technology of preparation of soup of dairy with macaroni products
Fold it in a sieve, then add to boilingMilk, reduce the heat slightly and bring it to the ready. Whole milk should be slightly diluted with water. At the end of cooking add sugar to taste. Many do not do this, preferring a savory dish. Add sweets to everyone individually during lunch.

Preparation of dairy soup with pastaproducts such as "ears", "stars", "alphabet" does not require their preliminary boiling in water. The dressing is added immediately to boiling milk and cooked until ready, adding salt and sugar at the end of cooking. When serving, you can add butter. The cooking time takes about 5 minutes.

milk soup with pasta

To not burn milk, recommend to the bottompour a little water and lower the heat. The taste of burnt milk will forever ruin the taste of the ready-made dish. To avoid lumps, during the preparation of soup, you must constantly stir.

Children's menu

Often parents complain that the child has a badappetite and feed it is extremely difficult. But after all, milk dishes are necessary for a growing body, they must be included in the daily menu. In this case, fantasy will help. To normal meals do not cause boredom in children, they can be decorated a little. For example, you can use special curly pasta for children: letters, little animals, cars, flowers and so on.

Milk soup with pasta for children
In the finished dish, add raisins, nuts, marmalade, berries, fruit. From the latter, you can cut decorative figurines and decorate them with a plate of soup. Instead of sugar, you can use jam or honey.

Helpful advice for girls

Пищевая ценность супа молочного с макаронными products is 110-170 kilocalories. This amount varies depending on the fat content of milk and the grade of pasta. Whole milk, butter and pasta from soft wheat varieties will easily add a couple of extra pounds. To make milk soup less caloric, you need to choose products from wheat of solid varieties, and replace sugar with natural honey and dried fruits. This way will make the dish more dietetic, but not less tasty and useful.

What's better?

The usefulness of soups has long been proven.Unlike solid foods, they easily fill the stomach and quickly reduce the feeling of hunger. For those who want to lose weight is just a godsend. It remains to choose low-calorie ingredients and choose the appropriate recipe.

And one more thing: milk soup can be cold and hot - it does not affect the taste and the usefulness of the dish.