/ Cooking milk soup. Quick and tasty.

We make milk soup. Fast and tasty.

Today we will talk about how to make milk soup for children. As always, I offer the most simple, easy and time-consuming recipes.

Milk Soup "Hercules" with an apple

Ingredients: a liter of milk, a glass of oat flakes "Hercules", two sweet apples, a tablespoon of sugar, vanilla.

CookingDishes from flakes "Hercules" are always cooked extremely quickly. The total cooking time does not take more than ten minutes. We bring the milk to a boil, we put some cereal and sugar in it, let it boil for another minute and a half and turn it off. Add vanilla (a few crystals or a pinch of vanilla sugar). Apples clean, free from the core, grate and add to the soup.

For older kids, you can add natural honey instead of sugar.

Milk soup with pumpkin and carrots (semolina)

Ingredients: carrots and pumpkin (100-120 g each), a liter of milk, sugar (to taste), a small piece of butter and salt.

CookingBoil pumpkin and carrots (already peeled and chopped) until cooked until they are completely soft. We rub through a sieve (it is possible to send in the blender) and we combine with milk. Once again, let boil, add sugar and a little salt.

Milk soup (sweet) with dumplings

This dish belongs to Estonian cuisine. For the test, you will need barley flour (although this is not at all necessary, you can take any other).

Ingredients: one and a half liters of milk, two eggs, sugar (1/2 cup), assorted dried fruits, a glass of flour, vanilla (or cinnamon).

Приготовление. Готовим клецки.Separate the whites and yolks. Squirrels are whipped to a thick foam. While stirring, add sugar (2 teaspoons, preferably powder), milk (glass) and flour to them. Add flour until we get the dough consistency of thick cream.

Now we bring the milk to the boil, and at this time we rub the yolks and sugar. We set aside the saucepan with the boiled milk to the side and carefully put in it, stirring, the yolks with sugar and vanilla.

Again put on a small fire and a teaspoonSpread the dough (dumplings). In order for the dough not to stick to the spoon and "move out" itself, each time before you type it, dip the spoon in boiling milk.

Add cream (pasteurized) and finely chopped dried fruits (pre-wash, pour over boiling water).

Milk soup (puree soup) with cookies

Today there are many types of cookies for babies on sale. So use cookies.

Ingredients: baby cookies (70-100 g), a glass of milk.

CookingWhile the milk boils, grind cookies on a coffee grinder and pour it into the milk. Remove from the heat, add sugar and some vanilla (if vanillin is in the composition of the biscuits, then you do not need to re-add it).

Малыши (можно давать детям до года) обычно любят this dish. If the child is not allergic to yolk, you can enter one yolk (according to the technology of the previous recipe). For variety, you can add pureed banana (and satisfying, and tastier). Banana for a child choose only ripe: large, with a yellow skinned, without greens, with brown specks.

Milk rice soup

Ingredients: a glass of rice (or rice pudding), a liter of milk, a pinch of salt, vanilla and sugar at discretion.

CookingRice go over, wash and boil in water. After the rice is completely cooked, pour out excess water, rinse with boiling water, let cool and rub through a sieve (you can use a blender). The resulting puree combine with milk, bring to a boil, add the vanilla with sugar and salt.

This soup is suitable for children older than three months (only without adding vanilla and salt).

For those who are older (after a year), for a change, you can add nuts and fruits (dried fruits), after pouring boiling water over them, drying and tar in a coffee grinder.

Low-fat dairy dishes (in this case without cream) belong to the category of dietary dishes. The recipes offered to you are quite suitable not only for children, but also for adults.