/ / How to cook kupaty in the oven and in the pan: recipes with photos

How to cook sweets in the oven and pan: recipes with photos

Kupaty - this is incredibly delicious Georgiansausages, which are usually based on beef or pork. This product is really useful and natural, unlike most meat products, lying on store windows. And if you know how to cook kupaty at home, then the sausages will definitely get the most juicy, fragrant and satisfying.

Besides actually cooking them completelyit's hard enough just to fry sausages in a frying pan, skewers or bake at all in the oven. Such a process does not take too much time, and as a result you will get an amazingly appetizing dish that every member of your family will surely appreciate. Although for beginners in cooking, making traditional kupat may raise some questions. That is why before you begin the process, be sure to learn how to cook kupaty.

A few words about the dish

There are a huge amount of them today, soYou can choose any vending option. Georgian sausages can be fried on a brazier or a frying pan, boiled in broth, baked in the oven with side dishes or stewed, cut into slices, in a slow cooker. But no matter how cooked kupaty, as a result, they still get deliciously delicious and nutritious.

Already ready sausages can simply be bought instore, but, of course, there is nothing tastier and better than the sausages made by hand. However, in fact, it is not enough to know how to cook kupaty, - it is also necessary to process sausages by technology. Only by adhering to all the rules, you can truly enjoy their extraordinary aroma and rich taste.

Ingredients for cooking kupat

Serving kupaty traditionally taken in conjunction withtkemali sauce, onion rings, spicy ketchup, all sorts of pickles. And they are usually decorated with pomegranate seeds or finely chopped greens.

Recipe: how to cook kupaty with photo

If you still decide to please yourHouseholds delicious Georgian sausages, made with your own hands, stock up with all the necessary products and begin to act. So, to make sausages, you need:

  • 1 kg of meat;
  • 2 m shell;
  • half a teaspoon of red pepper;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • tea - salt;
  • a large onion;
  • garlic head;
  • 0.5 tsp black pepper.


A feature of these kupat is the use of natural pig guts. Using a collagen substitute, you are unlikely to be able to achieve a unique taste.

For cooking kupat you can useany type of meat at its discretion: chicken, pork, beef, and even lamb. It can be crushed with a meat grinder or with an ordinary knife. Place sliced ​​meat in a deep bowl, salt and pepper it. Here send the garlic and grated garlic and finely chopped onion. Mix well the cooked mince, preferably with your hands.

How to cook kupaty at home

Thoroughly rinse the inside and outside of the wheel.Then drain them in a colander to allow excess liquid to drain. Using a special nozzle for sausages, fill the bowl with cooked meat. Keep in mind that wieners should not be too dense. Then measure equal lengths of approximately 10-15 cm, tie them up with threads and cut them. As a result, you get small wieners. Now you know how to cook kupaty with your own hands. As you can see, in reality it is not so difficult - the process does not take more than an hour.

Неповторимого вкуса своим купатам вы можете impart with a variety of spices. For example, adding hops-suneli, cinnamon, cilantro, cloves or cumin would be an excellent option. It all depends on your personal preferences.

Preparing sausages

How to cook kupatu right?Before proceeding with the further processing of the kupat, be it baking or roasting, they should be prepared in advance. This is necessary in order to prevent sudden changes in temperature inside the shell and, as a result, its cracking. And to make it very simple - you just need to boil the sausages, so the gut will become more elastic.

Cooking recipe kupat

Type in the pan water and put it on the stove.Immediately lower cooked sausages into it. Bringing the broth to the boil is not worth it - you need to maintain the heat on low heat for 15-20 minutes. After a specified time, remove the boiled sausages. Now they can be roasted or baked. And if you want, you can make them blanks at all by simply placing them in the freezer. Only then do not forget to defrost them in advance, otherwise the shell will still burst.

Kupaty in the oven

Such cooking Georgian sausages - the mosta simple way that takes a minimum of time. Yes, and it turns out this dish is incredibly nourishing, fragrant and tasty. Moreover, with this method of cooking, you can simultaneously cook any number of sausages. But the time it takes to roast depends on the number of prepared kupat.

Turn on the oven 180 degrees.Place boiled kupaty on a wire rack or baking tray and place for half an hour. You can visually determine the readiness of the sausages - as soon as an appetizing golden crust forms on them, they should be pulled out.

Cooking Georgian Kupat

Now you know how to cook kupaty inthe oven. By the way, if you want to complement your dish with any side dish, then put the sausages in a sleeve or foil with vegetables. So you can cook a full meal in just half an hour.

How to cook kupaty in a pan

If you have bought ready-made frozen sausages, they should be defrosted at room temperature. The prepared sausages should be such as if they were just made from meat.

There are several ways to talk abouthow to cook kupaty in a frying pan at home. However, they all boil down to one thing - preservation of the original appearance of the product, in particular its shell.

If you have previously boiled sausages, thenFurther processing will be very simple for you. Heat the oil or fat in a pan and put dried sausages on it. Immediately after this, pierce each kupat with a toothpick or needle. This is necessary in order to ensure the release of air from the product and prevent its cracking. Do not make too deep punctures - just enough of a few millimeters.

How to prepare kupaty for frying

First, fry the kupat must on averagefire to achieve a uniform crust over the entire surface of the sausages. Then the power must be reduced to a minimum, so that the sausages will reach full readiness, not only outside, but also inside the shell.

The second way

If you do not have time for preliminarypreparation kupat, you can cook them using another technology. It will not affect the result at all - sausages in any case will be very tasty and fragrant.

In a deep thick-walled pan or cauldronpour a glass of water, add a tablespoon of vegetable oil and spread the kupaty. Cover and wait for boiling. Then lower the heat a little, without opening the pan, and cook sausages for 5 minutes. Then remove the cover, and without reducing the power, let the liquid evaporate. Thus fry the kupaty until golden brown. Try to turn them as often as possible. In general, the process of roasting sausages, as a rule, takes 15 minutes.

How to cook kupaty in the oven

Not sure how to cook kupaty bought inthe store? The processing of store sausages is no different from the recipes of homemade products. Only one thing is important - to defrost the product in advance. With proper technology, even purchased kupaty will be very juicy and appetizing.

The fastest cooking method

Do you want to save your time and satisfyinghave dinner? Cook kupaty right in the microwave. Moreover, it is very easy to do. It takes about 15 minutes for the minced meat to be fully cooked. True, there is one drawback of such a dish - you will hardly get an appetizing golden crust on such kupat. Is that your microwave has a grill function.

How to cook kupaty

Pre-cooked sausages put inceramic dishes, cover and place in the oven for 10 minutes, choosing the maximum power. Then open the dish and grill the sausages until golden brown.


Cooked sausages should be served.only hot - just so the dish will be really juicy and fragrant. Top you can sprinkle them with finely chopped cilantro or add parsley sprigs.

Perfectly harmonizes with Georgian sausages.satsabeli sauce, tkemali or spicy adjika. And with them all kinds of salads based on fresh vegetables and pickles are perfectly combined. In addition, be sure to complement your dish with pita bread. In general, everything should be kept in the best Caucasian traditions.