/ / Delicious and nourishing chicken drumstick with potatoes in the oven

Delicious and hearty chicken drumstick with potatoes in the oven

Chicken drumstick with potatoes in the oven is cooked surprisingly easily and quickly. It is worth noting that this dish, if desired, can be made very appetizing and served at any holiday table.

Chicken drumstick with potatoes: cooking recipe in the oven

Necessary ingredients:

  • young medium sized potatoes 7-8 tubers;
  • chicken drumsticks - 6-7 pieces (depending on the number of guests);
  • fresh big carrots - 3 pieces;
  • black pepper - 1/3 of a spoon;
  • dill and parsley - in half a bunch;
  • bulbs large - 1-2 pieces;
  • sunflower oil - 7 dessert spoons;
  • iodized salt - an incomplete little spoon.

chicken drumstick with potatoes in the oven
Chicken drumstick with potatoes in the oven: preparing meat for baking

Acquired chicken drumsticks should be goodwash and then peel them off. After that, the meat is required to put in enamel or plastic dishes, add to it the necessary amount of iodized salt and fragrant ground pepper. All products are desirable to mix and leave aside for some time.

Chicken drumstick with potatoes in the oven: preparing vegetables for baking

7-8 tubers of fresh potatoes, 2 large onionsand 3 large carrots must be thoroughly washed, and then peeled and chopped into cubes of small size. After that, you need to put the vegetables in one container, add iodized salt to them, as well as chopped parsley and dill.

chicken drumstick with potato recipe

Chicken drumstick with potatoes in the oven: the formation of a dish

To beautifully arrange such a festive dinner,You should take a dense foil, cut out squares (6-7 pieces, according to the number of shins) with a side of 15-20 centimeters, and then smear each with sunflower oil, lay the processed vegetables and chicken drumstick in the middle. After that, the cooking foil should be wrapped so that the bone from the meat is outside, and all other ingredients remain inside.

Heat treatment

All formed "bags" of foil shouldput on a baking tray that needs to be sent to a preheated oven for fifty minutes. Over time, chicken drumsticks with potatoes must be removed, placed on separate saucers and served to the guests directly in the non-expanded form.

stewed potatoes with chicken drumstick

Stewed potatoes with chicken drumstick: cooking process

If you do not have time to beautifulbake a dish of chicken and potatoes in the oven, then it can be done on the stove. To do this, several shins should be placed in a shallow pot or stew-pan, add to them the onion sliced ​​in half rings, fresh chopped carrots and a few potatoes, chopped in circles. After that, ingredients need to spice up with pepper, oil and salt, and then pour one or two glasses of drinking water. Next, the dish must be closed and then slowly simmer for sixty minutes. After an hour, the finished lunch of potatoes and chicken should be sprinkled with chopped dill and parsley, and also poured with fresh sour cream and spread out on a la carte plates.

Bon Appetit!