Certainly, many connoisseurs of "noble"Drinks, including wine, prefer homemade products. And this is quite understandable. When you cook yourself, you are 100% sure of the quality of the product, and completely no longer need to fear for the fact that under the guise of wine you will sell "chemical denaturant".
Separate attention deserves the specificity of the preparation of wine from plums, since from this fruit we obtain exquisite dining varieties - a storehouse of tannins.
Many will not only be interested, but also useful to learn about how to make a wine from cherry plum.
To get white semisweet wine withunusual aroma, experts use yellow fruits, while blue plums are an indispensable ingredient for preparing red dessert and fortified wines.
So, let's see in practice how to cookwine from cherry plum. As a rule, specialists use slightly ripe fruits. How to make wine from cherry plum? To begin with, the fruits must be dried under the sun, so that they become even sweeter and more fragrant. The popularity of connoisseurs of "noble" drinks is enjoyed by both red and white variations of plum wine. Experts recommend to take "semi-wild" sorts of plums as ingredients, the most tart and aromatic beverage is obtained from them.
It should be mentioned that before cookingwine from cherry plum, fruits must be removed from the fruit. The only minus of plum wine is its turbidity. That is why it is important not only to know how to make wine from plum, but also how to brighten it later. As a rule, this is done artificially.
To make red wine from cherry plum you will need:
- cherry plum red - 2 kg;
- sugar - 800 g;
- yeast - 15 g:
- lemon juice - 1 teaspoon;
- boiling water - 2 liters.
The recipe for wine from cherry plum is quite simple.Fruits without pits are poured with boiling water, put under the press and so insist four days. The resulting tincture must be filtered, and then add sugar, yeast and lemon juice to it. To drink was subjected to high-quality fermentation, it is placed in a warm place.
As soon as the process of fermentation is over, the alycha tincture is thoroughly mixed, gives it a solid insistence - about 3-4 days, and then the composition is again filtered through gauze.
Then, the "noble" drink gets into a wooden barrel and stays there for about six months, after which the wine is bottled in glass containers, which are then sent to the cellar.
It should be emphasized that to make a qualitativewine from cherry plum is a whole art. To master it, it will take more than one training. The thing is that such a fruit as a plum reluctantly allocates juice, and the fermentation process of wine material can be quite long. In order to accelerate it, add more glucose (sugar) - in the end you get a fairly strong dessert drink, the aging time of which is approximately one year. However, the most expensive fine varieties of alycha wine are made without sugar, while spending a huge amount of time.