/ / Fish souffle, as in the garden. Recipe

Fish souffle, as in the garden. Recipe

Do you know how to prepare a fish souffle, as in the garden? The recipe for this incredibly tasty and delicate dish, we present in the materials of this article.

fish souffle as in a garden recipe

It should be noted that such a product can be prepared not only for an ordinary afternoon tea or for dinner, but also serve it to the festive table as a fragrant snack.

Fish souffle, as in the garden: a recipe for step-by-step cooking

In general, there are many wayscooking a similar dish. However, most housewives prefer to use exactly the recipe for which fish souffle is prepared, as in kindergartens and elementary school. After all, this dish has a special taste and delicate structure.

So what products are needed to make a tasty fish souffle, as in the garden? The recipe for this dish involves the use of:

  • fresh frozen pollock - about 1 kg;
  • 4–5 raw large eggs;
  • bulbs large white - 1 pc .;
  • sunflower oil - about 20 ml;
  • long rice - ½ cup;
  • butter - 2 large spoons;
  • Any spices - apply to taste.

Preparation of the basis

Fish dishes are always cooked very quickly.And the soufflé is no exception. But, before baking this product, it is necessary to properly form the base. To do this, from the fresh-frozen pollock, carefully peel the skin, and then wait until it is partially thawed. After this, the fish is divided in half lengthwise and the ridge with bones removed. The remaining pulp is spread into the bowl of the blender and whipped into a uniform slurry.

fish dishes

Preparing minced fish, start processingthe remaining ingredients. The onion bulb is peeled and then finely chopped. After that, it is laid out in a pan with butter and fried until full transparency.

Thermally processing the vegetable, it is laid out tostuffing. In the same bowl add spices to taste, soft butter and beaten chicken eggs. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed (using a mixer).

Heat treatment products

How should cook fish souffle in a slow cooker?To do this, the bowl device properly lubricated with cooking oil and spread the whole cooked stuffing. At the same time it is carefully tamped. In this form, the semi-finished product is closed and cooked in baking mode for 35-40 minutes. During this time, the souffle should be fully prepared and grabbed.

How to serve the table?

Now you know how to cook fish souffle, as in the garden. The recipe for this dish should be recorded in your cookbook.

After the product is cooked, the bowlMulticookers open and leave in this form for a few minutes. After cooling the souffle a bit, it is cut into pieces, spread into plates and served to the table along with a slice of bread and greens.

fish souffle in a slow cooker

The most delicious fish souffle in a slow cooker: a recipe of cooking

As mentioned above, fish souffle can be cookeddifferent ways. The simplest and fastest option was presented above. But if you want to make a more satisfying and unusual dish, then we suggest using this recipe. To implement it, we need:

  • fillet low-fat fish - about 400 g;
  • whole milk country milk - about 100 g;
  • 3 raw chicken eggs;
  • large carrot - 1 pc .;
  • white onions - 1 head;
  • yesterday's white bread production - 1-2 slices;
  • sweet pepper - 1 pc. (red);
  • any spices - use at discretion;
  • sunflower oil - a large spoon;
  • fresh herbs and spices - apply at discretion.

Making fish base

Any fish dishes should begin to cook withprocessing the main component. To do this, fresh fillets are thoroughly washed in cool water, and then crushed with a meat grinder or blender. After that, all white crusts are removed from yesterday’s white bread and soaked in whole and fat milk (approximately 8-10 minutes). Then onions and sweet peppers are finely chopped with a sharp knife, and the carrot is rubbed on a large grater.

souffle at home

All processed ingredients are placed in total.container and flavored with spices. They also add one egg yolk, whipped white and white bread soaked in milk. After that, all products are mixed until smooth. To do this, you can use a mixer or blender.

Preparation of the filling

To soufflé at home turned outtasty and original, it is recommended to cook it along with the filling. To do this, boil eggs to a steep state, and then cut into large cubes. In the future, they add finely chopped fresh herbs and a little salt. All components are well mixed with a large spoon.

The process of forming a dish

Having prepared the main components immediatelyproceed to the formation of the soufflé. To do this, take a bowl multicooker and generously grease it with sunflower oil. Then ½ part of the fish base is laid out in the dishes and tamped well. After that, the stuffing of eggs and greens is placed on the minced fish. At the end of it cover the remaining half of the base. Finished prefabricated equate spoon, and if desired, draw a beautiful pattern with the help of a fork.

Heat treatment process

Putting the ingredients in the bowl, they are immediately closed and prepared in the baking program for 43 minutes. During this time, the fish souffle should be well grasped and lightly browned.

fish souffle in a slow cooker recipe

We serve for dinner

The finished fish souffle with egg filling is taken outfrom the slow cooker and cool slightly. After that, it is cut into pieces, carefully laid out on small plates and served to the table along with the bread.