Condensed milk from the store does not always happentasty and useful. Often, for the sake of economy, manufacturers use vegetable fats. Milk (whole, fat-free) and sugar are included in the condensed milk. How to make a condensed milk at home, we will discuss in this article. We offer several recipes.
How to make condensed milk at home: the first way 

We all know that homemade delicacies are always tastier. To prepare natural and nutritious condensed milk, it will take about 1.5-2 hours of time and a simple set of ingredients. So, the composition:
- fresh cow milk (fat content 3.2%) in volume of 500 ml;
- powdered milk in the amount of 300 g;
- sugar in quantity of 600 g.
Technology of preparation
How to make condensed milk from milk?You can cook a sweet treat in two ways. The first is the boiling of the mass over a slow fire. The second is the preparation of dessert in a water bath. Both methods take approximately the same time. In addition to the ingredients listed, nothing is needed for condensed milk. You can put some vanilla to give a special flavor. Ingredients should be mixed, brought to a boil on high heat, then reduce heat to a minimum and cook for 1.5-2 hours. After the treat is cooled.
How to make condensed milk in the home: the second recipe (in the multivark) 

The multivariate is ideal for longlongings. Therefore, it produces very tasty condensed milk. The list of ingredients is almost identical to that indicated in the first recipe, but instead of dry milk we take only the whole. So, the composition:
- fresh whole cow milk in a volume of 1 liter;
- 500 g of sugar.
How to make condensed milk at home: cooking technology
In order to reduce the time, you can on the platebring milk to a boil. Then dissolve the sugar in it and pour the whole mass into the bowl of the multivariate. After that, set the "Quenching" function to 2 hours. During cooking, open the lid 4-5 times and stir the contents. Do not pour too much milk into the bowl, there is a risk that it can "run away." You can try to open the steam valve. If you do not want to use the stove, pour the milk into the bowl and set the "Milk porridge" function. Do not cover the lid. Wait until the milk boils. Then dissolve the sugar in it and go to the "Quenching" function. After the sound signal, cool the milk, pour into a suitable container and put in the refrigerator.

How to thicken the condensed milk?
If you cook milk with sugar longer than indicated inrecipe of time, you will get a caramel dense mass, similar to a viscous toffee. Watch how the consistency of milk changes during the heat treatment. Turn off the fire (multivark), as soon as the condensed milk is matched to your taste preferences.
- For the preparation of condensed milk, it is best to use homemade cow milk, in which cream has not yet settled. If you take the product in the store, then choose the fat content from 3.5%.
- It is best to cook a low-fat, wide aluminum saucepan. In this capacity, moisture will evaporate better.
- To make the condensed milk without lumps, during cooking you can add a little (a third of a teaspoon) of baking soda.