/ / Cognac "Ararat", 5 stars: reviews, how to distinguish a fake, photo

Cognac "Ararat", 5 stars: reviews, how to distinguish a fake, photo

- “I am saddened by the look of your drunk ...
What reason are you not happy about? ”
And hawk ryok, - "Yes, that's Armenians
They make glorious "Ararat" ...

Cognac "Ararat" is a true legend. It is made from a special grape that grows in a unique microclimate, according to a recipe that has passed the test of time.

cognac ararat 5 stars reviews

Unique climate

Sunny Valley Ararat is located at a height700 m above the sea. Its microclimate is unique. It seems to be specially created to grow grapes on it. The sun illuminates it for 300 days from 365 a year. Mountains save from the winds.

Consequences of the aphid invasion

It is also unique because of the largePhylloxera epidemics, when many vineyards in the world suffered, the plantations in this valley were not contaminated. The epidemic has made its own adjustments to the world of winemaking. Many growers suffered heavy losses. Therefore, since then they prefer to grow specially bred varieties that are not affected by this grape disease. At the same time, grape varieties used to make brandy and wines for many years have become more resistant to pests. However, together with the modification above them, they lost certain taste characteristics.

Only the valley of Ararat remained special.mysterious place that escaped this fate. The grapes here were not genetically modified and retained their exquisite natural flavor. It is the local variety that is used for the manufacture of "Ararat" brandy.

Cognac Ararat 5 stars reviews how to distinguish a fake
These are just some of the reasons for the special taste of Armenian brandy "Ararat" 5 stars. Reviews only confirm its uniqueness.

Distillation method

Another indicator of cognac uniquenessArmenian Valley - is a method of double distillation, which is used in the manufacture of fine strong drink. Thanks to him, he manages to preserve the original flavor of the grapes used. This method was patented by the Cognac Factory in Yerevan.

Cognac Ararat 5 stars reviews how to distinguish a fake

Cognac is aged in special wooden barrels. The technology of their production is well known only at the brandy factory. All the barrels that are used today are made here by local craftsmen.

Cognac Ararat 5 stars reviews how to distinguish a fake photo

All this also makes it special.

"Ararat" has become a real business cardthe legend of Armenia, one of its symbols, which is known far beyond its borders. On European websites about the best strong drinks, the Armenian "Ararat" brandy 5 stars collected reviews as a worthy competitive alcoholic drink with its own history and special taste.

The legendary name combines seven different types of cognac. But each of them in itself is notorious and has its own history. Each has no less flattering than Ararat cognac 5 stars, reviews.

Scope of falsification

Unfortunately, not everyone who tastes "Ararat" cognac5 star feedback leaves positive. This is explained by the fact that counterfeit brandy is found in some regions much more than the original.

Today, the fake alcohol took unprecedentedsizes. Armenian cognacs, unfortunately, are fake more often than many others. You can find on the Internet from those who appreciate the real Ararat cognac 5 stars, reviews how to distinguish a fake.

Substitute "Ararat"

Those who are not lucky to get a real "Ararat" cognac 5 stars, reviews leave with their observations about what can be bought in a beautiful cognac bottle instead of sunny "Ararat."

1. Cognac drink with a short aging period.

2. A mixture of tea with alcohol.

Unfortunately, determine the purchased "cat in the bag"many have only organoleptically. But not everyone can accurately distinguish a fake in this case. Fans who respect the Ararat cognac 5 stars, reviews how to distinguish a fake, photos are left on different sites and warn that the danger is not only that the taste will be significantly different, but also that there are cases of poisoning with a fake drink .

How to buy what you need

How not to make a mistake and buy exactly the one that has already become a legend?

It may be worthwhile to read what they say about the Ararat cognac 5 star reviews.

So, tips on choosing this "Ararat" 5 stars.

Some cognac gourmets claim that knowledge about this triple of conditions will protect against the acquisition of any fakes.

1. The bottom of the brandy bottle is decorated with the name of brandy. It is made in glass relief.

2. The bottle is equipped with a transparent cap. It has a tape-like hologram with an EKZ mark. And the transparent cap itself has perforations along the edge.

3. On the bottle above, above the label, the name of the brandy and the date of its bottling are applied. The letters are very small, so you should be more careful.

cognac ararat 5 stars reviews

Есть и такие, кто поступает проще.Without reading 5 stars before buying Ararat cognac, reviews, how to distinguish a fake, they recommend not to look for “in the picture ... delightful differences.” And just find the distributor’s phone number on the bottle and find out if it’s delivered in this store this cognac. This recipe is effective, provided that the buyer has free time and the desire to telephone communication.

However, do not rely on reviews for all 100.So, there are various comments on the Internet about the Nizhny Novgorod market selling 5 stars Ararat brandy. "Magnet" has negative reviews as well as a seller of fake cognac, and vice versa, positive.


Unfortunately, determine the purchased "cat in the bag"many have only by experience. But not everyone will be able to accurately determine originality in this case. Some tips on how to distinguish a fake, are to determine the simple organoleptic properties of the drink. and before buying it.

1. Консистенция напитка.This Armenian drink seems thick. It looks like an oily liquid. Before buying, you should determine these properties of brandy still in the bottle. To do this, the container is turned upside down. If one large drop fell from the bottom or traces of runoff are detected on the bottle wall, this indicates a good quality of the drink. But what if the bottle is filled to capacity? Then it is recommended to turn the bottle anyway and pay attention to the presence and direction of movement of the bubbles. In good cognac, large bubbles first rise, and only then small ones.

2 Transparency of the drink. The present is always exceptionally transparent. There are no impurities or any sediment.

3. Color. But this property may vary. It depends on many indicators. For example, from exposure, from the period of the novelty of the barrels in which the cognac "grew up", from the volume of caramel, which was added.

4. Label.It is bright, neatly and symmetrically glued to the bottle. Sometimes they are made relief, like on banknotes. The label contains brief but useful information. Must have an excise stamp.

5. Aroma. Real cognac has a flavor that evaporates over time, changing its shades. The smell of a fake drink is always the same.

The original has an oak smell first. Then it changes to the aroma of caramel, and then to the smell of grapes.

cognac ararat 5 star magnet reviews

Armenian "Ararat" is worth it to drink it with pleasure. This will require only a little care and scrupulousness when buying.