/ / Monte Shoko Cognac: reviews, recipes, features

Cognac "Monte Shoko": reviews, recipes, features

Russian alcohol is not always known.solely due to negative reputation. Sometimes there are exceptions, which, fortunately, are becoming a trend. It is precisely the representative of such alcohol with potential that is Monte Choco cognac, reviews of which speak about the high quality and recipe characteristic of the best people of appellason of Bordeaux province. Alcohol of this brand belongs to the category of status, while its value is conditionally available, which favorably distinguishes the drink from the competition. However, the brand "Monte Shoko" offers the buyer an excellent taste with a subtle vanilla and chocolate aftertaste, with the aroma of tobacco and oak.

Industrial base

brandy monte shoko reviews
The production of Monte Shoko brandy is established onenterprise "OST-Alko", the main base of which is located in the suburbs. The manufacturer notes that the drink has absorbed all the best from the French and Russian spheres of winemaking. So, for example, the Monte Choco brandy has been produced for 5 years in accordance with French technologies, but in accordance with Russian traditions, coupled with high strength and rich taste. The blend of varieties is also from France, and the entire line meets the standards of the AF, VSOP and CW. Cognac is fully certified and approved for sale on the world market. The characteristics of the packaging are also dictated by the influence of traditional trends in the segment of cognac production. The drink is supplied in containers of 0.5 and 0.25 liters in the form of a flask.

Blend and external data

brandy monte shoko manufacturer
According to reviews, Monte Shoko cognac hasrich amber color, which varies depending on the extract and certification of the drink. So, for example, alcohol can be honey, wheat and even chocolate. The color of the liquid is solid, without overflow and sediment. The blend includes brandy spirits of different years of prescription, as well as sugar waters and spices. The grape variety is selected depending on the characteristics of the line, and raw materials are supplied directly from France. Extract alcohol passes in barrels of bog oak for 4-6 years or more, in accordance with the standards and standards of the WSOP. Through this process, the drink acquires a delicate taste and aroma.

Taste palette and aroma of cognac

Monte Shoco Cognac
Cognac "Monte Shoko" is fully consistentstated quality standards. The taste palette of alcohol is saturated with notes of wood, tobacco and the manufacturer’s hallmark - chocolate. Alcohol leaves a vanilla aftertaste, with a slight emphasis on spices and fruit. The aroma is deep, rich, with a rather strong predominance of tobacco and floral motifs. Cognac is drunk easily, does not leave behind a strong alcoholic aftertaste, is excellent as the main drink of the evening. The drink is suitable for the role of digestif, that is, a kind of afterword, which is served after the last change of dishes has passed.

Beverage Varieties

The manufacturer delivers to the market as youngalcohol, and soaking up to 6 years or more. It is quite simple to distinguish them among themselves: the younger drink is delivered in transparent containers, while the old one is bottled in matte, darkened bottles, the shape in the form of a flask remains unchanged. The producer of Monte Shoko brandy is supplied not only to the domestic market segment, but also to foreign buyers. Sommeliers recognize alcohol with the greatest exposure as a representative of the classical French school, the drink is often found in private collections.

Giving and application in cookery

Monte Shoco Brandy 5
Most often, the drink is served after the meal.According to reviews of Monte Shoko brandy, it is better to drink it without snacks or water in order to maximize the aftertaste with an abundance of notes of vanilla and chocolate. As an accompaniment, such alcohol is served to meat dishes, but in this role “Monte Shoko” is quite rare. The drink is widely distributed in Russia, since the production is located in the Moscow region, where it is customary to serve it on the table with a slice of lemon and chocolate.

Cost and market position

The cost of the most seasoned drinkis about 500-600 rubles per bottle, which is not typical for alcohol with high potential. At the same time, reviews of the brandy "Monte Shoko" indicate high quality. The manufacturer notes that this price is due to the peculiarities of the production line and product distillation. Cognac "Monte Shoko", whose photo is located above, is also often accused of consciously copying the traditions of the French school of winemaking. To which the company responds about an agreement regarding such cooperation, signed between OST-Alko and the French partners.

How to distinguish the original from forgery

Brandy Monte Shoco photo
Cognac "Monte Shoko", like other vintage wines,at risk of placing on the market of surrogates and fakes. You can distinguish the original by excise, color and flavor of the drink. In fakes, the color of alcohol is usually a few tones lighter or, on the contrary, too dark. The original has a bright, rich, but natural aroma, while the surrogate gives chemical impurities. The manufacturer also warns buyers about the dangers of surrogate consumption.

According to reviews, Monte Shoko cognac remainsone of the few vintage types of alcohol, which is available at relatively low prices and at the same time is ready to offer a relatively rich taste without the prevalence of a frank taste of alcohol. Favor of fans provides the brand with a stable position in the segment. “OST-Alco” declares that it will continue to cooperate with French partners in order to transfer experience of colleagues and further growth to Russian winemakers.