/ / Ginger in sugar - tasty, easy, useful

Ginger in sugar - tasty, simple, useful

Ginger in sugar is not only beneficial, but alsotasty, and most importantly, what a dish can be used for people who are obese and are struggling with excess weight. To cook this delicacy, you do not need to be a great cook and have sufficient knowledge in cooking, the main thing is to have sugar, ginger root and water on hand. Various sources talk about the many ways of cooking this dish, but we will consider several options - from the simplest, which is available to anyone, to the exotic and unconventional.

Many years ago, humanity perceived gingeronly as a seasoning, but today we are given the opportunity to experience the full flavor of the fresh, ground, watered chocolate and candied product. This "newcomer" from the East has useful properties that positively affect the body. Although this plant is considered to come from Western India and Southeast Asia, in Russia it is no less successful.

Ginger is rich in salts of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium,potassium, iron, zinc and sodium. This plant contains many B vitamins, as well as vitamins C and A. Overseas spice has essential amino acids, it contains tryptophan, lazine, valine, threonine and other components. And the pleasant and tart aroma of ginger speaks about the rich content of essential oils, which, according to numerous studies, have long proved their healing effect. This plant is good in combination with other components (chamomile, mint, yarrow). It can be brewed and used as a tea that will relieve abdominal pain, normalize blood circulation and improve digestion.

Ginger in sugar is sold everywhere, but its completelyeasy to cook at home. As mentioned above, to make this dish by yourself, you need to have one kilogram of ginger root, a pound of sugar and some water, and then follow the step by step instructions:

- cut the root into slices or slices;

- put them in a saucepan, cover them with sugar, add water and put on a small fire;

- boil until the moment when the water is almost boiled away and thick syrup remains on the bottom, the ginger strips should become transparent and shiny;

- put the almost ready dish in a sieve and let the syrup drain;

- put ginger in sugar, roll and dry in the oven.

Thick syrup that remained after cookingThis dish can be added to tea - and tasty, and very useful. If you add honey, lemon or lime to such a drink, you will get a real healing decoction that promotes well-being and prevention of various diseases. Ginger in sugar can be made even from a dried version, only it must first be soaked in water.

This is the easiest way to cook.But there are other, more saturated options for creating healthy and tasty treats. For example, replace the usual water broth sage or lavender, according to many connoisseurs of all unusual, this method is even better. Ginger in sugar can be supplemented with lemon, cooked along with citrus, cardamom and other spices. In a word - space for your fantasies.

Not everyone knows that this root vegetable is veryhelps pregnant women, ginger in sugar restores strength, relieves morning sickness and ailments. In addition, this dish can be eaten by people who strictly follow their weight, but also love sweets. Of course, ginger in sugar is a delicacy not for everyone (many do not perceive its refined taste), some enjoy it with pleasure, while others abstain.

Ginger dishes are all kinds of drinks,Hot dishes, desserts and pastries. Spice is perfect for fish, meat and various sauces. Ginger is added to marinades, they are flavored with gingerbread, cookies, cakes, candy fillings and jam, put it in tea, in honey drinks and compotes. Ginger is also useful for children, but again, not every child will eat it with pleasure. In this case, the same sugared variant or ginger poured with chocolate will do.