/ How delicious to pickle ginger. Recipe for home

How delicious to pickle ginger. Recipe for home

Recently, more often among the familiar to usfast food restaurants began to appear so-called sushi-houses, where you can taste traditional Japanese cuisine. And, I must say that the variegated rolls with a variety of appetizing fillings, sushi with seafood, as well as other dishes of the country of the rising sun, quite easily found responses in the hearts, and most importantly, in the stomachs of their visitors. Japanese cuisine is distinguished by its originality and special tradition of decorating a feast. Each dish is treated strictly individually.

A separate topic is spices andseasoning, which are used when serving and serving the most popular Japanese dish - sushi. One of them is wasabi. This creamy spice has a pronounced sharp taste and a green color. In fact, wasabi is an analogue of the Russian horse-radish. However, we are talking about another no less interesting spice, which looks like a thin pink petals and has a spicy, pungent taste. In this form, visitors to the restaurant is offered nothing more than a pickled ginger. For sushi, it is a kind of natural flavor enhancer, since the rice from which the traditional delicacy is prepared, absolutely fresh and without additional seasonings has almost no taste.

Many connoisseurs of this cuisine have already managed to learndo some sorts of rolls and sushi at home. Moreover, they are able to make even their own pickled ginger. The recipe for cooking it is surprisingly simple and does not require any special skills. Even the composition of the necessary products is available to everyone who can desire to personally pick up this ginger. The recipe will be written below, but for now we will get acquainted with the product itself and find out what gives it such a rich pink shade.

From the whole plant to food is used onlyroot, which in its fresh form has a yellowish tinge. Ginger is very useful in its properties, a product rich in vitamins necessary for the body, which is often lacking in ordinary food. When choosing a root suitable for marinade, pay attention not to its surface. It should be monophonic, without any stains, which indicates a poor quality of the product and the presence of decay processes.

With industrial production of ginger pickle(the recipe, in principle, almost does not differ from manual cooking) will no longer be individually cooked, but automated systems. In this case, pink color ginger only takes advantage of the dyes.

If you are not a fan of artificial ingredients, then in order to pick up the ginger, the recipe with a minimal set of basic components is attached:

- fresh ginger 0,25 kg;

- rice vinegar 1 glass;

- a third of 1 tsp. granulated sugar;

- 4 tsp. table salt.

Ginger pickle (the recipe you are now reading)It is recommended in any vessel that is not made of metal. Also, you should carefully sterilize the containers in which the final product will be stored.

Ginger must first be cleaned, cut atthis is as thin as possible layer of peel. Then cut into very thin slices, the thickness of which will not exceed 1 millimeter. After this, the prepared ginger is laid out in a colander, filled with 3 tablespoons of salt and left for about an hour, so that excess moisture will come out. Then it should be washed and dried with a tissue. To ginger softened a bit, it should be immersed in boiling water for half a minute. And only after all the above actions have been completed, it can be placed in a prepared bank.

For marinade it is necessary in a saucepan on a slowfire mix the remainder of the salt with sugar and vinegar, and after dissolving them bring to a boil. This hot "broth" you need to fill the ginger in the jar and mix well. Then cool and refrigerate. After 6 hours, the ginger will be ready for use.