/ / Dranniki without eggs - tasty, useful, easy

Draniki without eggs - tasty, useful, easy

Seldom you meet the person who does not like it is deliciousto eat. Preferences in food are developed from childhood. Someone does not like porridge, cabbage, rice, but everyone loves potatoes. This vegetable is almost impossible to spoil, no matter how it is cooked! Good potatoes in any form: fried, boiled, baked. There are millions of recipes for its preparation. But the most popular and favorite dish of the people is draniki.

Potato fritters

Draniki - pancakes from finely grated potatoes withadding onions, salt, pepper and eggs. Draniki without eggs - classics of the genre. They can be used in fasting and eating on those who follow a diet. Slimming people often pamper themselves with potato pancakes, cabbage, squash. Ideal option - draniki in the multivark. No drop of oil and no eggs - a delicious, healthy lunch!

pancakes without eggs

Originally draniki migrated to us from Europe inbeginning of the 19th century. But the Belarusians and Ukrainians fell in love with them so much that they made a visiting card of their cuisine. No feast in these countries can do without delicious potato pancakes. They are served in cafes and restaurants, with a variety of fillings and sauces.

A simple recipe

A rare combination of excellent taste and an easy cooking process was combined with draniki without eggs. It will take:

  • 4 large potatoes;
  • salt pepper;
  • 2 tablespoons of flour;
  • 1 large onion;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Peel potatoes and onion and rinse well.cold water. Grind vegetables better on a grater, to be exact - to tear. Hence the name of the dish. In some countries it is called the deruny. Three onion and potatoes on a small grater, squeeze a little through gauze and add to a deep bowl. Ready mixture of salt, pepper, pour the flour and mix thoroughly. In the frying pan, we warm up the vegetable oil. You can spread draniki on a frying pan, forming them with wet hands. They will turn out a little tolstovatye, so they need to press the spatula, flatten. Or spread with a spoon and also spread the layer a little. They fry quickly, as soon as the crust turns golden, you can turn over. We spread draniki first on a napkin, and then shift it into a plate, the paper will absorb excess fat. Draniki classic ready!

draniki in the multivark

Belarusian motives

There is a simplified recipe, draniki without eggs and flour. This portion is enough for a large company or a festive table:

  • 12 medium-sized potatoes;
  • bulb;
  • salt;
  • oil for frying.

We chop the potatoes and onion together, at the expense ofOnion juice potatoes will not darken. Solim to taste. On a hot frying pan with butter, we spread the balls from the prepared mixture and press them with a spoon. They are Belarusian dranis, they must be impressive in size. Serve them better with fresh thick sour cream, lard and onions.

draniki Belarusian

Healthy food

Dishes cooked in the oven, useful anddelicious. Draniki in the pot can be offered for dinner even to babies. Hot aromatic potato pancakes will taste even to avid critics. There are many recipes for cooking this dish in the oven. You can add to fried potatoes fried mushrooms or chicken breast. Consider a vegetarian option:

  • 500 g champignons fry in olive oil;
  • we cook pancakes without eggs, add only onions, salt and pepper;
  • At the bottom of the pot we lay fragrant potato pancakes, and on top of a layer of mushrooms;
  • make several layers - potatoes / mushrooms;
  • the final layer is grated hard cheese;
  • send the filled pots to the oven, heated to 180 degrees;
  • after 35 minutes turn off the oven, open the lid on the pots and leave it for another 10 minutes;
  • in the house there is an astounding aroma, draniki in a pot with a crisp crust are ready! It remains only to pour sour cream and taste, guests and family members lick their fingers.
    potatoes in a pot

Miracle of technology

To help modern housewives came multivarka!This miracle machine enthralls all lovers of cooking! Recipes are very simple, and the dishes are delicious. No mountain of dirty dishes, burnt pots and hours spent at the stove!

Draniki in the multivark are very popular. The recipe is uncomplicated, you can quickly prepare a full dinner:

  • 7 medium-sized potatoes are cleaned, washed, grated or grinded by technique;
  • The same procedure is subjected to a large bulb;
  • mix the vegetable mix and merge excess juice;
  • add salt, pepper, 2 tablespoons mango;
  • in a bowl multivarki pour a little oil and heat it in the "baking" mode;
  • with a spoon lay out the vegetable forcemeat;
  • close the lid, fry the trouters on each side for 15 minutes;
  • draniki in the multivark are ready - all very quickly! Serve hot, with tomato sauce, greens or sour cream.
    draniki classic


Terniki, deruny, draniki - a wonderful dish,they are good in hot form, and as a cold snack. This dish is not a shame to submit to the festive table, and the children are simply delighted with it. You can slightly complicate the process of cooking and make draniki with stuffing. Prepare the potato mixture, squeeze well through gauze. Chicken or pork forcemeat a little fry in a pan, cool. You can begin to prepare the puffed deruns. Heat the oil in a large frying pan, spoon the ground potatoes and put them in a frying pan. Now take the spatula and press it, squash the potatoes into a flat cake. On top carefully lay a layer of ground beef and again potato. Press the spatula with a spatula. Fry on both sides until brown. Nutritious and all favorite draniki ready for use. Do not forget to season them with sour cream and sprinkle with fresh herbs! Bon Appetit!

Experiment, supplement the recipe with your "chips", and maybe this dish will become a family tradition!