/ / Cherry maize: a recipe from our great-grandmothers

Cherry Mug: recipe of our great-grandmothers

Из современных детей мало кто знает, что такое Mash, what it is, and how it is made, not even all adults know. It's a shame that such a wonderful dessert is forgotten by descendants, despite its simplicity of preparation from different berries, for example, from cherries.

What is marshmallow?

Primordially Russian sweet, sweet mass fromberry or fruit puree, dried to the state of dried fruit, is made mainly from whipped puree and sugar, although until the XIX century marshmallow was prepared on honey, rarely added beaten protein to lighten the product, because of which this kind of delicacy looked more like a dry marshmallow. Then they began to distinguish this product by areas where the kind of marshmallow was first made:

  • Kolomna (from the city of Kolomna) was thinner,more dried and lacking protein. The color of such a marshmallow was from rusty orange to maroon, depending on the fruit from which it was made. It is closer to this pastille of the Middle Ages.
  • Belevskaya (Belev city):It is this variety that is prepared on whipped proteins, with a lower content of fruit and berry puree, therefore its color is pale: from fawn to pale cherry. It looks like a pastila on a biscuit, and tastes like berry marshmallow.

marshmallow cherry
By the way, before the October Revolution in 1917the word “marshmallow” was written and pronounced through “O”: she had laid. This is the native name of the product, derived from the cooking process: “lay, lay, spread”. Pastille was laid with long wide layers for drying, and then it was cut and packed.

Ingredients and recipe

В домашних условиях пастилу из вишни made from fresh berries, which remained from the blanks of another kind: jams, juices, and so on. The berries can be torn, damaged pieces are cut off - if only without rot and pests. Of course, it is possible to do it from any, even the most beautiful and whole berries, but not to throw it away. For cherry pastilles, they usually take a proportion of 2: 1 — cherry sugar, but here the taste preference plays a greater role. Someone likes a very sweet, while others prefer a natural taste with sourness.

How to make marshmallow cherries without sugar?You can replace it with honey, the product will be more healthy, the main thing is to choose suitable honey: buckwheat is definitely not worth taking - its smell will kill the main smell of cherry, and the dessert will not be very tasty. Acacia honey is also not suitable - it is too liquid and does not crystallize well: the marshmallow will not dry and will become a sticky puff. You need to take honey without a pronounced smell, but with a good ability to sugar.

marshmallow at home

The first thing that is done is to remove the bone fromCherries, berries are poured into the pan with water so that they are barely covered, and put on the fire. The berry mass should boil over medium heat for 40 minutes, after which the juice is drained and used to make syrups, jellies, compotes and other tasty things, and the melted cherries are crushed with a blender into mashed potatoes to which sugar or honey is added.

How and how much to cook?

Приготовленное пюре снова отправить на плиту, boil over a minimum of fire to the maximum possible thickness: the groove, held a spoon along the bottom, slips slowly, and the whole mass easily lags behind the walls of the pan. It is very important in the process of evaporation of the liquid to interfere with the mash as often as possible, otherwise it will burn and all the work will go to ashes.

how to make a marshmallow cherry

On a lined baking sheet or anyflat form pour out still warm cherry puree: the marshmallow is ready for drying. In the old days, our great-great-grandmothers dried it on the stove bench: it was warm and dry there, because something was always being prepared in the oven.

How to dry: in the oven or dryer?

The cherry maw must have such a statein which it is possible to cut it into stripes and twist into rolls, while it should not stick too much to your hands, but rather be dry to the touch. Fans of home-made products face the question: how best and faster to achieve this?

Three methods are used in total:

  • In the oven: the temperature is set at 50-65 degrees, and the cherry candy is dried to the desired state.
  • In the dryer: in order to dry the pastilles with its help, it is necessary to make trays of foil in order to pour cherry puree on them. On average, the drying process takes from 12 to 16 hours.
  • Outdoors: this grandfather's method can be very convenient and, most importantly, economical. You just need to find a place that is well blown by drafts, but without direct sunlight and gas pollution.

marshmallow cherry

Готовность пастилы определяется на ощупь:it should be dense, but not rock-hard and curl easily (roll out the foil before this). How can tasteless marshmallows and marmalade from a supermarket with fragrant, homemade cherry pastilla match up?

How to store dessert?

At home storage ismaintaining the dry state of pastes: this can be achieved by placing the finished product in glass jars, lightly pouring with powdered sugar (optional, if you do not use sugar at all). The pastille strips twisted into tight rolls are cut into pieces from three to five centimeters and placed in a jar under the lid. It can also be stored in plastic containers or in a refrigerator in the department for fruits and vegetables, after being wrapped in foil so that the pastilla does not absorb foreign odors.