/ / Recipe marshmallow apricots at home

Recipe marshmallow apricots at home

Homemade fruit candy - incredibly delicious and extremelyuseful dessert that can be made from a variety of berries and fruits. It consists of pectin, fiber and vitamins. Even a beginner can make an apricot marshmallow. Apricot candy has a beautiful color and delicious aroma. In addition, it is very sweet to the taste, so when preparing it, you can not add sugar at all! Consider some recipes marshmallow apricots. At home, to prepare such a dessert is not difficult.

marshmallow with apricots


Let us dwell on the general principles of cooking:

  1. Apricots for high-quality pastes must be taken only ripe. When using unripe fruits (even in small quantities), the finished product will turn out bitter.
  2. Apricots should be well washed, if there are damaged areas, they should be removed, remove the stones.
  3. It is possible to prepare the marshmallow from apricots both from fresh fruits and after their heat treatment.
  4. In the event that the fruits are very sweet, you do not need to add sugar to make a dessert.
  5. Drying marshmallow at home is recommended in a draft, in an oven, in a slow cooker or in a dryer.
  6. If you use mashed potatoes for cooking pastila, then it should be boiled over a very small fire until the mass is halved.

marshmallow apricot

Storage methods

Ready marshmallow must be stored in a cold place, in a jar with a lid or small trays. If the fruit candy is intended for long storage, it should be rolled up in cans with metal lids.

Apricot marshmallow recipe

Consider the preparation of pastes according to the oldrecipe. At first it is necessary to cook mashed apricots. To do this, take ripe apricots, rinse them thoroughly, remove the stones. Fold the fruit in a container, add sugar - at the rate of two tablespoons per kilogram of fruit. If apricots are sweet, sugar can not be put. To put the received mix on weak fire and to cook, constantly stirring until such time as the weight will not be halved. Cooking time may take several hours.

marshmallow apricot at home

Ready mashed potatoes pass through a sieve, spread out onbaking tray, which you need to cover with calcined parchment paper. If you want to get a crispy marshmallow of apricots, puree should be laid out with a layer of 0.5 cm, for a softer and delicate texture - 1 cm thick. Put baking sheets in the sun to dry the marshmallow. When it dries a little, remove it from the paper and put it on the wooden planks. Drying should be a few days. In the end, it turns out a dense, non-sticky candy of apricots. It can be cut into different pieces or just roll into a roll.

Mug of apricots at home

Prepare the candy that does not require heatprocessing. For its preparation will require very ripe apricots and any light honey (acacia, clover, linden or blackberry). First you need to wash the fruit, remove the bones from them and make mashed apricots. Add honey to taste.

marshmallow apricot recipe

Mix well and lay out thinlayer on a baking sheet, covered with parchment or cling film. Top cover with gauze (not allowing contact with the marshmallow) and set to dry. For this purpose, you can use a gas oven or electric dryer, or you can simply dry the marshmallow in the sun.

Apricot marshmallow in the electric drier

For this marshmallow, we need the following ingredients:

  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg;
  • citric acid - 1 g;
  • Cinnamon - a pinch.

First of all, apricots should be washed, dividedinto parts. Fold the fruit into a bowl and bring to a boil over low heat, then remove from heat and chop them in a blender. To this mass, you must add 200 grams of granulated sugar, mix, put on low heat and boil until the mixture thickens. Then pour a glass of water into it, add the rest of the sugar and add cinnamon and acid. Continue cooking until the mass again becomes thick. The finished product is laid out on sheets of parchment paper and dried in an electric dryer, this procedure takes about 3 hours.

apricot marshmallow recipe

Pastila in a slow cooker

Cooking marshmallow apricots in a slow cookerwill be held in two stages - cooking jam and drying the marshmallow. For jam, you should take 0.5 kilograms of apricots and 1 tablespoon of sugar and put in a slow cooker, put on the "Baking" mode and cook for an hour without closing the lid. When the mass is reduced by half, remove it from the multicooker bowl and, if necessary, beat with a blender. Place the mass back into the slow cooker, after having been lubricated with vegetable oil. Bake in the same mode for 1 hour, then lay out on parchment and dry. If desired, you can add crushed walnuts or other nuts to the pastille. Already prepared dessert can be cut into pieces and roll in coconut chips or powdered sugar.

homemade apricot marshmallow recipe

Pastila in the oven

In the oven, drying pastes takes muchless time than outdoors in the sun. For the preparation of marshmallow take fresh washed apricots without pits. Fruits can be boiled in a little water for about ten minutes or blanched in boiling water. The finished mixture is wiped through a sieve and placed on a low heat, boil, stirring constantly, until the weight is reduced by one and a half to two times. Put the mashed potatoes up to 2 centimeters thick on prepared baking trays and put them in the oven, heated to a temperature of 60-70 degrees. If there is no oven with such a temperature, you can put it in a regular oven with the lowest temperature and dry the marshmallow with the door open. This procedure will take about three hours, the pastille should be turned over regularly, separating it from the paper.

Можно сделать пастилу и для украшения десертов.To do this, you need to take very ripe apricots, remove the skin from them, remove the bones and grind in a blender. Place on a baking sheet with oiled parchment in a thin layer and smooth out with a cooking brush. Dry in the oven until the marshmallow becomes translucent. This candy is cut into thin strips along with paper, which is then removed, and the candy itself is used to decorate desserts.

marshmallow with apricots

Almond Recipe

In order to prepare pastila according to this recipe, you will need the following products:

  • apricots - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 0.8 kg;
  • Almonds - 0.2 kg;
  • some cinnamon.

The first step is to wash the apricots and remove fromthem bones, grind in a blender. Cooked mashed potatoes put on low heat, cook, stirring, not bringing to a boil. When the mixture thickens, add sugar, finely chopped almonds and cinnamon into it. Cook the mass for as much time as it takes to halve it. We spread the finished puree in 2 centimeters thick on a sheet of parchment and send to the oven preheated to 50 degrees.