/ / Hashbroun: recipe for home cooking

Hashbroun: recipe for home cooking

Parents and young children, and teenagersprobably know what a hashbraun is. The recipe, however, has not yet been mastered by many: people for some reason have settled the opinion that it is complex and difficult to implement. The deepest delusion: similar dishes among the Slavs exist, and for the time being. Analogues are known under the names of dranits and sorcerers. The composition of them almost exactly coincides with that which has hashbraun - the recipe is exclusive except for certain subtleties of performance. And if you know and apply them, "McDonald's" will become less interesting for your offspring: all the same can be obtained at home.

hashbraun recipe

Features of cooking hashbraun

There are several subtleties to be observed if you want to get a dish from McDonald's, and not the Belarusian draniki.

  1. Potatoes do not fit all. A variety is required, which boils well, but does not decompose during frying. Ideally suitable "blue eyes" and potatoes with a reddish skin.
  2. Inside the "test" eggs are by no means introduced.
  3. If you are cooking khashbraun, a recipe can advise potatoes in raw or boiled form. But in any case, before sculpturing “cutlets”, it is necessary to squeeze it well through a paper towel.
  4. For cooking, you can not use olive oil. The best corn is unrefined, but the usual sunflower will also go. And some recipes require the use of cream.

Classic hashbraun: recipe with photo

As already mentioned, ways to build such athe children's favorite dish a few. Let's start with the option, which produces a hashbraun "as in" McDonald's. " The recipe requires the use of boiled tubers and butter. There are several secrets:

  1. Cook potatoes you need only purified, no "uniforms".
  2. Time for cooking is given so much that the tubers are softened, but they do not begin to be boiled even on the surface.
  3. After cooling, the potatoes should stand in the refrigerator for the night.

The next morning the tubers are rubbed on a large grater,podperchivayutsya and salting. Small flat cutlets are formed: their thickness is selected in such a way that the crusty crust grasps from the outside, and inside there is a soft "filling". The hashbroons are fried on both sides to a confident blush and served with sauces, mayonnaise or ketchup.

hashbraun as in McDonald's recipe

Hashbroun with pepper

This method may seem more laborious,but when you acquire a certain skill, it takes no more time than the classic hashbraun. The recipe at this time prescribes brushed potatoes quickly, so that it does not have time to darken, rub it and put it into the boiling water for a couple of minutes. Then the billet is first expressed through a colander, and then carefully squeezed out with a towel. As usual, the dough should be poured and seasoned with pepper; it is possible for the aroma to pour the chopped greens. At the same time, the finely chopped sweet Bulgarian pepper interferes with the dough. In a separate small bowl, a couple of eggs are beaten to a foam with salt, then a spoonful of flour is poured in, and the whipping resumes. Now let's start cooking. In the preheated oil put formed pancakes, from the top they are watered with egg-flour mix. When hashbrauny fry from the bottom, you need to deftly throw them to the other side. Ruddy from all sides, they immediately rush to starving children.

Khashbraun recipe with photo

“Raw” hashbraun

Closest to taste for Slavic counterpartskhashbraun from potatoes, which previously did not boil - either entirely or in a grated form. Tubers are rubbed and wrung out well. At the same time, it is necessary to catch the spinning measure: the “chips” should not be over-dried, otherwise the hashbrown will crumble. Salt, pepper, already described egg mixture on top - and sleight of hand when turning.