/ / Refreshing drink from lemon and mint

Refreshing drink made of lemon and mint

Refreshing drink from lemon and mint not onlygives the joy of taste and helps to quench your thirst, but on the whole it positively influences the body. Citrus infusion gives energy for the whole day and contains a lot of vitamin C. The main advantage of lemonade is that it allows you to lose weight, and also releases the body from toxins and toxins, improves skin color and rejuvenates it from the inside.

The benefits of the main components of drinks based on lemon and mint

Citrus, which is part of a refreshing drink,allows to increase immunity and purify blood, favorably affects the gastrointestinal tract, contains antioxidants, helps reduce fever or colds. The lemon contains a lot of vitamins C, B, phosphorus, carbohydrates and a small amount of proteins.

drink of lemon and mint

Mint is known for its painkillers,soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. It has a beneficial effect on digestion, namely, it improves the appetite, suppresses nausea, heartburn. Mint is also widely used in the preparation of drinks for weight loss, because it dulls the feeling of hunger.

Cucumber is 90 percent composed of healthy juice and 10 percent of cellulose, which has a positive effect on digestion and has a positive effect on the intestines.

Ginger, in contrast, causes gastrointestinaltract in tone and accelerates the processes occurring in it, which contributes to weight loss. The root of this plant contains many vitamins of group B, C, iron, zinc, magnesium, potassium and other trace elements. It also has a tonic effect on the human body. Drink of ginger, lemon and mint not only has a cooling and tonic effect, but also releases the body from toxins and toxins, speeds up the metabolism.

Consuming refreshments made fromThe above components in various ways and in different proportions, you can not only enjoy the magic of taste and quench your thirst, but also take care of your body, lose those extra pounds. In the fight against obesity, a drink made from ginger, lemon, cucumber and mint is especially effective.

You can also make children's drinks, which will contain only natural ingredients. For example, it may be a drink of lemon and mint, the recipe of which is presented below.

Lemon and mint drink


  • lemon - 2 pieces (large);
  • sugar - ½ cup;
  • fresh mint - 4 sprigs;
  • honey - 1.5 tablespoons.

lemon and mint drink recipe

How to make a drink of mint and lemon:

  1. Pour 3 liters of water into a saucepan, add mint (whole), boil. Leave to cool.
  2. Whole lemons pour boiling water for five minutes. After washing the citrus, remove the tails. Together with the skin, cut them into pieces, removing the bones.
  3. Sliced ​​lemons, sugar and honey using a blender to bring the state of gruel.
  4. Put the mixture in a glassthree-liter jar and pour ostuzhennoy to 40 degrees with water and mint (sprigs need to get). Leave a lemon and mint drink in the fridge until the next morning. Strain before use. Drink chilled.

Refreshing Lemon Mint Drink

Ingredients for one serving:

  • carbonated water;
  • lemon - half;
  • sugar - 2 teaspoons;
  • fresh mint - 1 sprig;
  • ice.


  1. Pour sugar into the bottom of the glass.
  2. Fill a glass with ice cubes.
  3. Add the juice of half a lemon and a sprig of mint.
  4. Add sparkling water to the glass. Decorate with mint and a slice of lemon.

Homemade lemonade with mint, reducing appetite

Wanting to lose a few extra pounds, you can use this drink from mint and lemon for weight loss.


  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • lime - 2 pieces;
  • sugar - 150 grams;
  • fresh mint - bunch;
  • ice.

lemon and mint ginger drink


  1. Boil two liters of water, cool slightly.
  2. Squeeze the juice out of citrus and pour it into boiled water.
  3. Pour half the sugar and mix well until it is completely dissolved.
  4. Grind mint, grind with the remaining sugar and add to lemonade. Mix well.
  5. Let stand for 15-20 minutes. Then strain and cool.
  6. Pour the finished drink into a glass, add ice and decorate with whole mint leaves.

Lemon, Mint and Ginger Drink


  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • ginger root - a piece of 2 centimeters in length;
  • mint is a small bunch.


  1. Cut ginger into thin slices.
  2. Cut lemon into slices.
  3. Boil a half liter of water. Without removing from the heat, add ginger. Boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Add sliced ​​lemon, honey and mint. Bring to a boil and set aside with the lid on.
  5. After half an hour, strain the drink. It is recommended to cool it before use.

Iced ginger tea with lemon and mint


  • black tea - 5 bags;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • sugar to taste;
  • ginger root - a thumb-sized piece;
  • Mint - 2-3 sprigs.
    how to make a drink of mint and lemon

Cooking process:

  1. Put tea bags, mint, ginger and lemon zest in a teapot.
  2. Pour one and a half liters of boiling water.
  3. After brewing, get tea bags. Add sugar and citrus juice to taste.
  4. Cool to room temperature, remove ginger, mint and lemon zest. Put the drink in the fridge.
  5. Serve a drink of ginger, lemon and mint with ice and a slice of citrus.

Drink with cucumber, lemon, ginger and mint


  • cucumber - 1 piece;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • fresh mint leaves - 6 pieces;
  • chopped ginger root - ½ tablespoon.


  1. Cut the cucumber into thin slices.
  2. Cut lemon into slices.
  3. In the jar add all the components, add twoliters of cold water and put in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, strain. A drink made from cucumber, lemon and mint with ginger is recommended to be used chilled.

Drink "Formula freshness"


  • ginger root - a piece of 3 centimeters in length;
  • fresh mint leaves - 12 pieces;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • cucumber - 1 piece;
  • honey.

cucumber and mint lemon ginger drink


  1. Finely rub the ginger, put it in a glass jar.
  2. Add mint and juice of half a lemon.
  3. Pour one liter of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes.
  4. Strain the infusion.
  5. Cut the peeled cucumber into circles and put it on the bottom of the jug.
  6. Cut the remaining lemon into slices and add to the cucumber.
  7. Pour the cucumber and citrus ginger infusion and send in the refrigerator.
  8. After two hours, the drink must be drained.
  9. Serve in glasses, garnished with a slice of lemon and mint leaves. You can add honey to taste.

A drink of lemon and mint is not only greatrefreshes and quenches thirst, but also has a positive effect on the entire body, tones and cleanses it. When added to the citrus-mint extract of ginger root and cucumber, you get a tool that will help lose those extra pounds. Children like homemade lemonade. And its natural composition favorably distinguishes this drink from sweet soda or store juices.