/ / Sweets "Raffaello" at home: cooking recipes and ingredients

Raffaello sweets at home: cooking recipes and ingredients

Raffaello candies are known worldwide asexquisite delicacy, which is hard to resist the sweet tooth. The dessert is a snow-white ball, consisting of two thin wafer halves, inside which is hidden almond nut (solid), covered with soft cream and coconut flakes. Many light and tender treats sprinkled with coconut flakes are considered to be an ideal gift. Home-cooking lovers are interested in the question: “How can I make Rafaello sweets with my own hands?”


Sweets "Raffaello" are made famousConcern Ferrero (Italy). A remarkable feature of the product, which the manufacturer is very proud of, is the fact that this dazzlingly white delicacy does not melt even in conditions of extreme heat.

The composition of sweets "Raffaello" includes onlyhigh-quality products: coconut (dried), sugar, vegetable oil, fats (rast.), milk (dried, skimmed), almond nut, wheat flour and dairy. whey (dry). Products are packaged in special bags (polyester), and then folded in a metal or cardboard packaging.

Calorie sweets "Raffaello" is 623 kcal. Energy value of the product:

  • proteins: 9.3 grams (37 kcal);
  • fat: 47.8 grams (439 kcal);
  • carbohydrate: 38.8 grams (155 kcal).

Consumers will be interested to know that inThe composition of sweets "Raffaello" also contains products that pose a certain danger to the body (often advertisers position them as "not very useful"). These are flavorings and soy lecithin.

Registration of a grant.

On the effect of dessert on the body (benefit and harm)

According to experts, useful propertiesproducts of a popular brand due to the presence in its composition of almonds and shavings, beneficial effects on human health, improving his health. The use of delicacy not only delivers extraordinary gastronomic pleasure, but also contributes to:

  • improving intestinal and gastric function, as well as brain activity;
  • cleanse the body of toxins;
  • immunity strengthening;
  • strengthening nails and hair;

The product is very high in calories, so its notIt is recommended to use for people who have problems with excess weight, as well as for cores. It is also not recommended to use a delicacy with individual intolerance of ingredients.

Sweets "Raffaello": how to cook a treat at home?

It is no secret that many due to differentcircumstances are often not satisfied with factory products. In particular, this also applies to lovers of the popular delicacy. The best way out for those who do not trust the manufacturer will be to make Raffaello candies with their own hands.

As experienced homemade confectioners assure, the processthis one is fairly simple and does not require any special skills or exotic ingredients. Moreover, there are many different interpretations of the recipes for this magnificent dessert. How to cook "Raffaello" at home? Let's talk about this later in the article.

Roll the ball in the crumb.

Traditional recipe: sweets "Raffaello" from condensed milk and coconut chips

Many people like to prepare this sweet gift for relatives and loved ones with their own hands. For the preparation of the proposed recipe sweets "Raffaello" at home are usually used:

  • milk (condensed) - 200 g;
  • butter (butter) - 25 g;
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar (optional);
  • coconut chips - 150 g;
  • almond nut (whole) - 15-16 pieces


Прежде всего растапливают масло (сливочное) и it is mixed with condensed milk, and then vanillin and half of coconut shavings are added to the elastic mass. All well whipped until smooth and clean in the cold. The cooled cream becomes dense enough so that balls can be rolled out of it. At the end of the preparation, a whole nutlet is placed in the middle of the coconut cream, then an even ball is formed from the mass, which is rolled in coconut chips.

Cooking dessert

Users should consider that cooked inHome conditions “Raffaello” are afraid of heat and in conditions of high temperature they begin to melt and lose their shape. That is why the prerequisite for their storage is cold. The finished treat, decorated in paper cups (disposable), is placed in a beautiful box and tied up with a beautiful ribbon.

About the recipe "Raffaello" with white chocolate

To make delicious Raffaello candies according to this recipe at home, you need to prudently stock up with the following products:

  • 100 grams of almond;
  • 100 grams of coconut chips;
  • one bar of white chocolate;
  • 200 ml of heavy cream;
  • tablespoon butter;
  • a quarter cup of powdered sugar;
  • wafer sheets (crushed).

About cooking

To make raffaello sweets from waffles:

  1. Melt the white chocolate without boiling it. It is best to use with a microwave or water bath.
  2. Then the melted chocolate is slightly cooled, afterwhich add to it butter and coconut chips (two tablespoons). In the resulting mass pour salt (a small pinch). Then the cream is sent to the fridge.
  3. Almonds are sprinkled with powdered sugar (1 tbsp. L.), After which you should mix it thoroughly with wet hands. Then the nuts are fried until golden brown and cooled.
  4. Next, you should prepare waffle breading. Waffle sheets are ground for this in a mortar. Baby should get big.
  5. Then whip cream with powdered sugar (remaining).
  6. Next, with the help of two teaspoons, Raffaello balls are formed: with one, cream is collected, cooled in a refrigerator, a nutlet is placed in its middle. The second smooth the surface of the ball.
  7. Each cake (many call it a treatsweets) roll first in a waffle breading, then coat it with cream (whipped) and sprinkle with coconut chips at the end. The dessert is placed in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning it will be possible to treat home treats.
Wafer crumb.

How to make "Raffaello" of cottage cheese, condensed milk and coconut chips?

You can also pamper babies delicioussweets, which will be at the same time for them and very useful. According to reviews, this delicacy is a great delight in kids. The reason, according to the masters, lies not only in the exceptionally pleasant taste of the Raffaello dessert made from cottage cheese, but also in the fact that it looks like a delicacy is quite attractive for children, like snowballs. Some mothers, preparing a treat for the child, use colored coconut chips, which makes the yummy look even more elegant. Hazelnuts or almonds are placed inside the curd candies. In the summer you can also use strawberries.

In this dessert, the cottage cheese remains fresh, it is not subjected to heat treatment, which is more useful than baking. Ingredients:

  • cottage cheese - 500 grams;
  • condensed milk - three tablespoons;
  • coconut chips - 170 grams;
  • hazelnuts (or almonds) -70 grams;

Cooking a treat

Cottage cheese spread in a deep container.Condensed milk (prescription) is added to it. All thoroughly stirred until a homogeneous mass. If you use homemade cottage cheese, it is better to grind through a sieve or grind with an immersion blender. Next to the curd mass add coconut chips and again all mixed with a spoon. Then you should take a bit of the resulting mass, put it on your hand, lightly press it down and put the hazelnut inside. The edges should be bonded and give the dessert a ball shape. Next, the resulting curd ball roll in coconut chips (you can - color). A treat for a couple of hours is sent to the fridge.

Pieces of butter.

Powdered Milk Recipe

This dessert is a version of the previous treat, which includes white chocolate. Rafaello candies are made by many housewives on the basis of milk powder. Use:

  • 100 grams of powdered milk;
  • 100 grams (less) sugar;
  • 200 grams of butter;
  • optional - vanilla extract;
  • about 30 wafer nuts (hemispheres);
  • about 50 grams of almond;
  • 200 grams of coconut chips;
  • 200 grams of white chocolate;
  • 400 grams of condensed milk.

Description of cooking method

For making cream:

  1. In a small saucepan spread creamyoil (50 g) and melt over low heat. Dry milk is added and drinking water (50 ml) is poured. At the same time add sugar (to taste). Then mix thoroughly the mass and bring to a boil. Next, remove from plate, add vanilla extract. The cream is stirred, cooled, and then refrigerated for about one hour.
  2. В другой посуде растапливают оставшиеся 150 грамм oils. White chocolate is broken into small pieces and thrown into the heated oily liquid. Bring the mixture to homogeneity with constant stirring, pour in condensed milk and boil for about five minutes. Then 100 grams of coconut chips are poured into the mass and boiled for about five minutes. The mixture is cooled, the resulting thick mass is sent to the refrigerator.
  3. Next, the cooled cream is distributed over the wafer hemispheres. Almonds (peeled) are placed in half of the blanks. Form wafer balls with a nutlet in the middle.
  4. From the coconut mass (chilled) sculpt small lozenges. In the center of each of them is placed one piece of waffles, and then roll the balls.
  5. Each candy roll in the remnants of coconut chips. Store dessert is recommended in the refrigerator.
White delicacy.

The recipe most similar to the original (with mascarpone)

This recipe hostess is considered as close as possible to the original. Use:

  • 150 grams Mascarpone cream cheese;
  • 100 grams of coconut chips;
  • three tablespoons of condensed milk;
  • 150 grams of white chocolate;
  • 40-50 ml of cream (20%);
  • about 50 grams of almond;
  • about 40-50 wafer blanks (wafer nuts or hemispheres).

How to make a cream for dessert?

Treats are prepared as follows:

  1. Mascarpone spread in a deep container, pour in condensed milk. The cream is whipped with a mixer into a fluffy light mass, so that in the end it will turn out to be “airy”.
  2. On the "water bath" melt 50 grams of whitechocolate, adding two teaspoons of milk cream. Cool and add liquid chocolate to a delicate cream. Beat until a state of uniformity, and then clean in the refrigerator for about one hour.
  3. Already cooled cream spread over the wafer hemispheres. In half of all blanks placed peeled walnut. From the wafer halves with almonds inside form balls.
  4. The remaining chocolate is melted in a water bath, adding cream to it. Next, the balls one by one should be dipped in the resulting viscous mass, then immediately roll in coconut chips.
  5. So that thin waffles do not soften from the cream, each candy should be wrapped in foil and placed in the freezer for 60-80 minutes.

Before serving, dessert should be kept at room temperature for about 10-15 minutes (you can eat right away - like ice cream).

Mass for balls.

About dessert with corn sticks

This recipe of sweets "Raffaello" with cornChopsticks are used if coconut chips are not available. Dessert to taste, as gourmets say about it, a little like the original, but still it is perfect for any tea party. It will take:

  • one can of condensed milk;
  • 100 grams of nuts (almond, cashew, peanut, walnut);
  • 100 grams of corn sticks.
Ready balls.

How to cook?

Corn sticks are ground in a blender orpass through a meat grinder. Mix the corn chips (not all, should be left a little for the powder) with condensed milk. The resulting mixture is sent to the fridge to harden for several hours. The frozen mass is used to form balls (it is recommended to do this with wet hands), and a nutlet is placed in the center of each of them. Then each ball roll in corn chips. Original desserts spread on a plate and refrigerated for about 1 hour. When sweets harden slightly, they are served at the table. Have a nice tea party!