/ Chocolates with own hands. How to make chocolate candies at home

Chocolate sweets with their own hands. How to make chocolate candies at home

Unfortunately, the shop chocolate sweetscontain not so much useful chocolate, as harmful additives. To obtain a clean product, you must not be too lazy and cook exclusive chocolates with your own hands. Then you will know exactly their composition. This is useful for the whole family, and especially for children.

Chocolate is undoubtedly useful

chocolates with own hands

Sweets - connoisseurs of chocolate - can withpleasure to weave your favorite delicacy. The myth about the harm of chocolate is dispelled! Moreover, its undoubted benefits are scientifically proven. Having carefully studied the chemical composition of the basis of chocolate - cocoa beans - the scientists came to the conclusion that chocolate:

  • slows down the aging of the body, prevents the development of cancer, cleanses the body of "harmful" radicals due to the presence of a large number of antioxidants;
  • is a valuable preventive agent of cardiovascular diseases;
  • prevents the development of calculus;
  • activates mental activity;
  • due to serotonin (a hormone of happiness) increases mood, struggles with stress;
  • stimulates sexual arousal;
  • increases the immunity of the whole organism.

The main thing is to consume chocolate not excessively, but in"correct" amount: approximately 50-60 g per day. The next article will tell you how to make chocolate candies yourself. Read the recipes carefully and enjoy the dessert.

Recipe 1. Everything is simple and affordable

chocolate sweets at home

It is quite simple and very inexpensive to make chocolate sweets at home most.

Ingredients: 220-250 g of cocoa powder, 150 g of cow's oil, a partial glass of water, 150 ml of milk, 30 g of flour (some advise to replace flour with baby food or milk powder), 100-130 g of sugar.

Cooking process: finely chopped butter to combine withcocoa powder, stir until a homogeneous paste is obtained (with a spoon or blender). Pour the water into a saucepan and heat it on fire, not letting it boil. In the hot water, add chocolate paste, milk, sugar and flour. All thoroughly mix until the lumps disappear. Mass put in a food tank, the bottom and walls of which are covered with parchment or foil. Put the container in the freezer until the sweetening dessert is completely frozen. Frozen mass carefully removed to a cutting board and cut into small portions. Chocolate homemade sweets are ready!

chocolates with own hands recipes

Recipe 2. Delicacy - homemade truffles

Using this recipe, it is very simple to create chocolate sweets with your own hands. Children will gladly help to make sweets.

Ingredients: 1 tile extra-bitter or simply bitterchocolate, 65 ml of fatty cream (better than 35%), 60 g of powdered sugar, a tablespoon of alcohol (rum or cognac), 1 tablespoon of ground nuts and almonds, 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder.

chocolate homemade sweets

Cooking process: finely chopped chocolate in a saucepanto a water bath. Mix the cream with the sugar powder, warm well and beat thoroughly. Constantly stirring, pour a thin cream into a melted chocolate. Continue to beat the cream until smooth, add alcohol and nuts. Mix again well. Put in the refrigerator (NOT in the freezer!) For about an hour and a half. The mass should become the consistency of soft plasticine. Get a lot of the refrigerator, pour in the saucer cocoa powder. Hands moistened with cold water, using a teaspoon to form chocolate balls, roll them in cocoa powder. Put on a clean and dry cutting board and again put in the refrigerator for 1 hour. After an hour, treat yourself and treat others!

Recipe 3. It will be a little more complicated

how to make chocolate candies

Here you have a little more to try to make amazing chocolate candies with your own hands. Recipes are not always easy.

Ingredients: 1 cup cocoa butter, a glass of cocoa powder, half a cup of liquid honey, an incomplete teaspoon of this vanilla extract, toasted chopped almonds, mint or orange extract to taste.

Cooking process: melt butter-cocoa in a double boiler or onlow heat on a steam bath. It should be ensured that the saucepan with butter-cocoa does not touch the water in a large saucepan (double-bottom method). When the cocoa butter completely melts, remove it from the heat and add cocoa powder, honey, vanilla or other flavors. Mix thoroughly until smooth and shiny. It is impossible for the liquid to get into this cream, as this will disrupt its texture. The landlady should be careful with wet hands or with wet dishes. The resulting mass (called in the culinary terminology of ganache) is put in a large parchment lined with vellum or in special silicone molds. Put for several hours in the cold. According to this recipe you will get real chocolate sweets at home!

Note. Cocoa butter can be replaced with coconut oil.

Recipe 4. Truffles homemade in white chocolate

Cooked on this recipe sweets look just wonderful. Guests may even not believe that you made these chocolate sweets with your own hands.

chocolates with own hands

Ingredients: 200 g black bitter chocolate, 2/3 cupfat cream (33-35%), 1 tablespoon of cow's oil, less than half a glass of Nutella, 1 white chocolate bar, 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil (odorless), grated chocolate for sprinkling.

Cooking process: break the bitter chocolate into pieces, add tocream, butter and "Nutella". Melt everything on the steam bath. Cool it down. Cover with a food film or lid and put in the cold for a couple of hours. From the cooled mass manually form balls, which put for 10-15 minutes in the freezer. While the truffles freeze, melt the white chocolate on the steam bath, add vegetable oil to it. Each truffle is chopped into a toothpick and "bathed" in white chocolate. Already put white sweets on a plane covered with parchment. At the top of the beauty sprinkle with grated chocolate. Again, sweets to clean in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. After that, with pleasure to eat.

Some tips

To make it possible to make delicious chocolates with your own hands, you must follow simple rules.

  • chocolate sweets at home
    All products must be of good quality.
  • Do not bring the liquid to a boil. It is necessary to work with hot, but not boiled mass.
  • Алкоголь и орехи можно убирать из рецепта на discretion mistress. It will not affect the taste of sweets, it just will change a little. For the experiment, you can add mint, an extract of orange or lemon, vanilla and other flavors.
  • It is mandatory to use NOT sugar, but exclusively powdered sugar. Its quantity in the composition of sweets can be changed.
  • Before you put a container with chocolate mass in the refrigerator to freeze, it must be covered with a lid or food film to avoid foreign smells.