/ / How to whip cream? Some tips

How to whip the cream? A few tips

At first glance it seems that it is very easy to whipcream. But if you do not know some of the features and secrets, then as a result you can not get a beautiful and tasty treat. Mostly whipped cream is used to decorate confectionery or as an addition to various desserts. How to whip cream properly? This will be discussed in this article.

First, let's look at what cream is.They are collected from the top of whole milk. They have a high fat content and significantly increase the nutritional properties of the products and dishes to which they are added. If you decide to whip the cream, you need to choose them correctly. They must be very fat. Choose a product with a fat content of at least 30 percent. Then you will not have a question about how to whip the cream, because this process is much simpler. If they are less fat, you can simply add them to tea, porridge or coffee.

If you take a natural product with highpercent fat, you can beat them without adding other ingredients. But keep in mind that with prolonged beating, they can turn into oil. So do not overdo it. They must have an airy consistency. Whip the cream should be at minimum speed so that they do not settle. If you want to sweeten them, then add the icing sugar in them. It must be added in the process of whipping, when the cream will already have some pomp. In the case when you add sugar, then do it before the start of beating, so that he has time to dissolve. Other ingredients, such as coffee, liqueur, cocoa or flavors, must also be added when the cream is ready and only in small proportions.

Before you start beating the product must be cooled.Prepared cream should be handled very carefully so as not to destroy the air bubbles with which they are saturated in the process of whipping. Only in this case they will be air.

Now on sale appeared vegetable creamorigin. They are whipped necessarily with the addition of starch or powdered sugar. The process is not much different from the preparation of a natural product. Now I will tell you how to whip cream of vegetable origin. Unlike a natural product, they have a higher durability and are ideal for decorating a cake. Such cream has a delicate flavor and their beating does not cause any problems. You must first cool them. If the cream is not whipped, then the wrong (too high) temperature may be one of the reasons. We also cool the whipping accessories: dishes and beaters.

200 ml of cream, and this is about one glass,We take a tablespoon of powdered sugar with a slide and one spoonful of tea starch without a slide. All ingredients are whipped with a mixer for 15 minutes. Turnovers expose the minimum. In the process of whipping the cream is saturated with air and becomes very airy. Therefore, in the future, carefully use them for their intended purpose.

What to replace the cream? If there was no cream on hand, then take sour cream, which has a high fat content. Whipping technology is the same as cream.
Usually there are no special problems withcooking whipped cream if all rules are followed. The most important requirement is the good quality of the original product. They must be fresh and fat. Cream with lower fat is more difficult to whip into a lush foam. But if they are natural, it should be ensured that they do not turn into butter. If the cream is not whipped, you can fold them on a sieve and remove excess moisture. Then continue beating only at minimum speed.

Here, perhaps, and all the tips for those who do not know how to whip the cream. If you use these recommendations, you can make a great addition to any dessert.