/ / How to cook sturgeon skewers

How to cook shashlik from sturgeon

For cooking kebabs in nature usuallyuse different types of meat and all sorts of marinades. At the same time, the marinating process often takes a lot of time, and the very idea of ​​roasting pork or lamb on a fire has become so boring that it has become boring. Therefore, for a change, you can cook sturgeon skewers. It does not need to marinate for a long time, and the exquisite taste of fish will allow you to add variety to the menu.

sturgeon shashlik

Cooking fish is significantly different fromfrying on the fire of meat. The fact is that sturgeon is a very delicate product, which is considered a delicacy all over the world, so you should not interrupt its taste with various spices. All recipes telling how to cook sturgeon skewers recommend not only reducing the use of seasonings, but also the time of heat treatment. At the same time, various subtleties of culinary art are used, allowing to reveal the taste of the dish in its full glory.


For preparation it will be required:

  • sturgeon fillet - 1 kg;
  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • pepper to taste;
  • salt to taste;
  • onions - 2 pcs.

Fish preparation and marinade features

This stage is the most responsible.The fact is that sturgeon meat has the appearance of wavy fibers. Therefore, when cutting it is necessary to form small pieces that could be strung on a skewer without destroying the structure. It should be borne in mind that the marinade for sturgeon kebabs can greatly soften the fibers and make the roasting process very difficult. To avoid this, many cooks recommend keeping the fish in the sauce with a whole piece, although in this recipe it is better to cut it immediately, because the marinade will be light and will not damage the product structure.

how to cook sturgeon shish kebab


Cut the fillet into pieces in a containerand let them stand for ten minutes. So that the sturgeon kebab was not fresh, add a little salt and pepper to it. From above lay out sliced ​​onion rings, which is poured with lemon juice. In this form, the fish is marinated for about ten minutes, you can add a little rosemary or seasoning for fish. However, it is better to cook sturgeon shashlik with a minimum amount of spices.


Once the fish is pickled, it is neatput on wooden sticks, which will serve as skewers. It is necessary to fry on coals, which have already ceased to burn and began to become covered with white ash. It should be noted that the process itself should not take a lot of time. It is not necessary to prepare the dish before acquiring the crust, as when roasting meat. It is enough to fry just five minutes on each side to make the fish juicy and get a pleasant taste. Some believe that such sturgeon kebabs will turn out raw, but in fact it will reach a condition due to the temperature set earlier, and during prolonged frying the meat will turn out to be dry and tasteless.

marinade for sturgeon shashlik


To the table this dish is served directly on the skewer.When serving, you can use cream sauce and greens. A light white wine or dry pink vermouth is well suited for such a kebab. As a garnish, vegetables cooked on a fire or boiled rice are usually used.