/ / Liver kebab: tasty and easy

Shish kebab from the liver: tasty and simple

Without a doubt, kebabs are one of thosedishes that everyone likes, regardless of age and nationality. That is why the recipe for cooking kebabs can be found in the kitchen of many nations of the world.

There are many types of it.The traditional is the kebab of pork or lamb. However, if you are tired of the usual recipes and want to try something unusual, the ideal option would be a liver kebab.

If you cook it right, it will turn outunusually juicy and fragrant, possessing at the same time the most delicate taste. Like other popular dishes, liver kebab has many recipes. It can be made from pork, beef or chicken liver. Each country has its own subtleties in the preparation of this delicious dish. For example, in Uzbekistan, in order to give the kebab more juiciness, it is fried along with pieces of fat. In Egypt, the liver is marinated with local spices and tamarind. A special piquancy of the kebab from the liver can be given by adding a little soy sauce and garlic, as is done in China.

To get a juicy and delicate dish, you needchoose the right product from which it will be prepared. It is best to cook the liver kebab from fresh by-products, because after freezing the liver loses its taste, and the kebab is more dry and not so fragrant. It is possible to determine whether fresh liver or not by smell - a pleasant, slightly sweetish smell must emanate from a fresh product. Any unpleasant smell speaks of a product of poor quality, so it is better to refuse to buy it.

The most delicious liver kebab can be obtained byfrying on the coals of the vine, but to get them is quite problematic. Therefore, coals from logs of aspen, apple or birch will be a great alternative.

Let's try to cook beef liver skewers, according to the classic recipe of Caucasian cuisine. By law, the most delicious liver is cooked in the gland.

To do this, take beef liver, chop itcubes the size of about one and a half centimeters. Gland (pork or mutton) must be cut so that it was convenient to wrap the pieces of the liver in it.

Salt the liver just before frying on the grill. To make the kebab sharp, you can sprinkle it with hot red pepper before frying.

Such a kebab is fried at an average temperature ofcoals about 8 minutes. Turn it over every two minutes. Readiness kebabs can be determined by changing the transparency and color of the gland: when it is charred in protruding places, and in other places it becomes transparent, it can be argued that the dish is completely ready to eat.

Liver skewers are served only hot.It is best to serve it with thinly chopped onion rings, which can be pre-sprinkled with infused vinegar and sprinkled with red pepper. Very good this dish is combined with a sauce of tomatoes, cilantro and black pepper.

Economy version of this delicious dish - kebab from chicken liver.

His recipe can be varied by adding garlic and sweet red pepper and other ingredients that fantasy tells you.

Wash my chicken liver, peel off films and chopcubes. Now take the sweet pepper (zucchini, apple) and also cut them into small pieces. We mix all the ingredients and to add sharpness add finely chopped garlic and spices (herbs, red pepper, coriander) to taste. Next, string the liver and vegetables alternately on a skewer or skewers and fry in the coals. This is an easy way to get a pretty tasty dish for the whole company. Bon Appetit!