/ / How to pickle pike caviar at home - features, recipes and reviews

How to salt pike caviar at home - features, recipes and reviews

The best gift for a fisherman is a good one.catch. And what could be better than a large pike, especially with caviar? Fish meat can be baked, and you can cook a delicious fish soup, but then what to do with caviar? The answer is simple: it can be salted. Then another question arises: is it possible to salt the pike caviar at home? And the clear answer is yes! As a rule, this does not require special devices or any special additives. Enough of what is in every kitchen.

Pike caviar is transparent and not very large.Before salting pike eggs at home, you need to prepare the product. If you just bought it at the store, then there will be no problems with cleaning and preparation. And if you bought or caught fish with caviar, then in order to extract it, you need to know some rules.

jars of caviar

How to extract pike spawn

First you need to rinse the fish, andthen gently get rid of offal. Now we get a bag of caviar and release it, but then there are difficulties. Caviar is not large, and the film in which it is placed holds it well. But there are simple ways to get caviar:

  • Grate. In the process, the film and the veins will remain in the hands.
  • Do the same with a sieve. Caviar will separate from the film.
  • Put the product in a bowl and pour boiling water over it.The bag will burst and release caviar from the effects of hot temperatures. Drain boiling water and pour cold water. Not only the film, but also the bad eggs will emerge to the surface.
  • Use the mixer. The film is wound on the whisk and release caviar.
  • Scroll through the meat grinder. However, in this case, the film will be crushed. After scrolling, pour water into the bowl and mix. The film will rise, and it can be collected with a spoon.

Before salting the eggs of a pike, rinse it thoroughly at least 5–7 times.

caviar sandwich

A simple recipe for salting pike caviar

For this delicacy you need three ingredients:

  • sea ​​salt - 2.5 tbsp. l .;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l .;
  • pike roe - 500 g

Take caviar and rinse thoroughly.There should be no small debris or films. Fish can be a source of parasites, so it is best to wash it several times. It is not difficult, but can save health.

spoon with caviar

Cooking process

Put caviar in a glass jar or enameleda bowl. The main thing is not to put this product in an aluminum or plastic container, because such dishes can spoil the dish. Add salt and stir until it is completely dissolved. Otherwise, it will squeak on the teeth. It is better to take shallow sea salt, but if it was not at hand, the usual one will do. Do not be afraid if white foam appears in the tank. This means that you can proceed to the next stage. Add oil, mix everything again. Cover with a lid and put in the fridge for 5-7 days. During this time, caviar is well salted.

The finished product is better to put in small jars. Capacity must be sterilized - steamed or in a preheated oven. 15 minutes will be enough. The procedure must be done with covers.

As you can see, the salting process takes a lot of time, but for those who want to eat salted pike caviar, there is a faster way.

bucket of pike caviar

Step-by-step recipe for salting pike caviar

This cooking method will require the sameingredients, but in different quantities. For every 200 grams of pike caviar we take 1 liter of water. Water put on the fire and add sea or salt - about 2 tbsp. l on 1 l of water. Choose small salt, it dissolves faster.

When the water boils, add 3-5 peas-seeds of allspice, 1 bay leaf, as well as various seasonings. You need to let the marinade boil for a few more minutes before salting the pike caviar.

Prepared caviar is poured with half the marinade andleave for 15 minutes. After that, skip the caviar with marinade through cheesecloth and gently squeeze, so as not to turn the delicacy into porridge. We remove the product to the side.

Again put the marinade on the stove and bring it to a boil. Fill them with caviar and leave for 30 minutes. Stir every 10 minutes so that it is marinated evenly. Again filter through the gauze.

Add 1 tbsp. lsalt and 150 ml of sunflower oil, mix thoroughly until a white foam appears. Put the caviar in a transparent jar (do not forget about sterilization) and put in the fridge for 4 hours. After this time, try the product. If it is not ready, mix and refrigerate for another hour.

pike eggs

"Five minutes"

This method of salting will take no more than 45 minutes from the owner, provided that the main ingredient is cleaned and well washed.

Put in a bowl 400 g of caviar and pour 1 liter of boiling water.Now add 1 tbsp. l salt and mix for 5 minutes. After that, filter the eggs through cheesecloth and rinse in cool water. Next, pass it through a sieve and put in the fridge for 30 minutes.

Caviar is ready: it turns out transparent and crumbly. This is a way for those who are waiting for guests and want to surprise them.

Pike roe in brine

This recipe for pickling will appeal to lovers of not only caviar, but also onions. To the basic ingredients you need to add onions and green onions.

We take 500 g of purified caviar and pour boiling water over it.Add 3 tbsp. l salt and mix. We wait about 10 minutes - the eggs should be transparent. Then you need to drain and strain the eggs. We put the billet in a glass jar, and then add 3% vinegar (2 tbsp. L.), Salt and pepper. Stir and add 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil and mix again. Putting the bank aside.

Onion clean and grate.It should not be very large, otherwise it will kill the taste of caviar. Squeeze some onion juice and add the onion to the calf. Again, all the mix. We put in a cool place for 2-3 hours.

This dish is best served on toast, and sprinkle with finely chopped green onions.

crumbly caviar

How much salt pike caviar according to the rules?

First, the pike caviar readiness depends onrecipe that uses the hostess. You can salt a whole week, and you can only 4-6 hours. And there is a universal recipe, where the method of salting takes only 45 minutes. From this taste of the product practically does not change, everything will depend on the spices. It is also important to know that during the salting with boiling water, caviar can be stored for a month. If used oil, then no more than three days. But you can not worry: the household simply will not allow such a delicacy to stand in the refrigerator for a long time.

It takes a lot of time and effort to prepare the caviar, and it’s up to you to decide how to pickle it. The main thing is to avoid dirt and do heat treatment.

Useful properties of pike roe

Is there any benefit to using pike caviar?It is safe to say that it needs to be eaten. It contains amino acids that strengthen the immune system. Moreover, due to omega-3, cholesterol is normalized, and the vessels are cleared of slags. Pike caviar helps with problems with the thyroid gland, as it contains iodine. This will help to cope with fatigue, will give vigor and vitality. And for the fair sex this product is indispensable, as it rejuvenates the skin due to the high protein content. Also, caviar has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and optimizes metabolic processes in the body.

Cooks who have already mastered salting recipescaviar, note that the dish turns out incredibly delicate. Moreover, it acquires a pleasant light amber color, so it will surely become a table decoration. Contrary to popular belief, butter does not spoil the taste of a delicacy, but, on the contrary, “ennobles” it.

But it is important to remember that caviar should not be given to children beforethree years, since it contains collagen. It should also be excluded from people who are allergic to seafood. In terms of its performance, pike caviar is no worse than red or black caviar. She was considered a delicacy from tsarist times and always took pride of place at feasts. However, do not forget that fishing during spawning is prohibited.