/ / Healthy Eating: how many eggs you can eat per day

Healthy Eating: how many eggs you can eat per day

About how many eggs you can eat per day, walksa lot of disputes, partly inspired by medical concerns, partly life experience. But all of them, one way or another, are built on one. Eggs are one of the best sources of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the ideal ratio in which they are needed by the body. By composition

how many eggs can you eat per day
and their usefulness can be compared withmushrooms, beans, fat-free cottage cheese or chicken, but they also have their own catch. Medical research has shown that consumption of a large number of eggs increases the risk of coronary disease, promotes the accumulation of cholesterol in the body and favors the formation of plaques in the vessels. All this sounds scary, but how is it going in real life, far from medical terms? Let's figure out how many eggs you can eat per day without risk to health and harm to the body.

For athletes

Weightlifters, especially bodybuilders, often brush aside all the warnings of doctors, as their experience shows that eggs are absolutely harmless

how many eggs can you eat per week
for a person engaged in intensivetraining, since with a high level of metabolism, characteristic of athletes, they are absorbed faster than they manage to harm. The answer to the question "how many eggs you can eat a day for athletes" is unambiguous - no more than 4-6 pieces per day, taking into account their consumption in raw form at breakfast or after a hard workout. This is due to the fact that it is at this time that our body most in need of proteins and carbohydrates, and therefore, the cholesterol, which is so afraid of nutritionists, just do not have time to form and deposited in the blood. And this is confirmed even by doctors. But if everything is clear with the daily rate, then the question of how many eggs you can eat per week is still open. The constant consumption of protein foods is not always useful, and certainly not in such volumes, but this issue is very easy for athletes to decide: usually they take a break every other day, using whey protein and gains as an additional source of protein.

For ordinary people

If with people who lead an active lifestyle, everythingis very clear, then the question arises: "How many eggs can you eat per day for those who spend most of it in a stationary, sitting position?" There are already much more modest figures: no more than 1-2 pieces per day, taking into account two or three days break for every five days. And again, thanks to the influence of our metabolism on the formation of cholesterol. It is understandable - the less we move, the more inclined to accumulate excess fat, and, accordingly, over time, we completely forget to train our own

how many eggs can you eat per day
the circulatory system and the heart. And the consumption of a large number of eggs, chips, meat or mushrooms becomes for us not only a harmful food, but also a real poison.


So, in the examples that we cited, we answeredthe question "how many eggs you can eat a day" is quite detailed, but do not forget about the natural characteristics of each organism. In particular, it should be checked at least once every six months to the level of cholesterol in the blood in order to avoid the risk of unwanted diseases and correctly make up your daily diet.