/ / Peach jam slices for the winter

Peach jam slices for winter

Бархатистая золотая кожица, сочная мякоть и sweet and sour taste - all people, without exception, love peaches for this. It turns out that the delicate aroma of a tasty fruit can be felt not only in summer, but also in winter. In order to pamper your family with peaches at any time of the year, you just need to cook the jam in advance.

How to cook peach jam slices?

Now we look at one of the most simple.recipes for this unsurpassed dessert. At 1.5 kilograms of peaches need a little less than a kilogram of granulated sugar. You also need to take the juice of one lemon and a few sticks of cinnamon. They will give the dish spice.

Wash peaches and cut into slices.Place in a large bowl and sprinkle with granulated sugar. Leave the fruit overnight. During this time, they must put the juice. In the morning you need to put the jam on the stove. Over low heat bring it to a boil and only then add lemon juice and spices.

peach jam slices

Experienced housewives recommend strongly not to mix the jam during cooking. This will keep the fruit slices whole.

Now remove the pan from the stove.Cool the sweet mass. The procedure to bring to a boil should be carried out several times. The consistency of the jam should be viscous. Peaches will get a transparent golden color. At the end of cooking, the cinnamon stick should be removed. Delicious peach jam slices ready!

Peach jam with additives

Often berries, fruits and even nuts are added to the peaches of the housewife. The choice depends on the individual preferences of the person. At the same time, I would like to note that each of the recipes is tasty in its own way.

Peach and apricot jam

To make this amazing dessert, we need the following ingredients:

  • peaches - 1.5 kg;
  • apricots - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • lemon.

First thoroughly wash the fruit under runningcool water. Then dry them. Cut the peaches into slices, apricots simply split into halves. Lemon peeled and cut into pieces. It should be noted that the peaches and apricots should be put in different containers. Then fruit should be poured with sugar per pound. After they put the juice, you can proceed to cooking.

Begin to cook apricots on low heat. After 5 minutes add peaches to them. Gently mix the fruit and leave to cook for another 5 minutes. Now the pan can be removed from the stove.

how to make peach jam with slices

As soon as the peach jam slices cooled,put it on the stove again and bring to a boil over low heat. Appear foam should be removed. Cook for 5 minutes again and let the dessert cool. Now add lemon to the jam and cook to the desired consistency. Fold out the sterilized banks and roll up.

Fragrant peach and orange jam

Many people like this jam for its unusualsavory taste. How to cook peach jam with slices with the addition of citrus? Very simple! If you want to surprise your loved ones, then use this simple recipe. To prepare a portion of jam, we need:

  • three peaches;
  • two oranges;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • vanilla.

Fruit needs to be washed and dried. Cut into slices.Oranges must be peeled and cut into half rings. All ingredients are mixed in a saucepan and sprinkled with sugar. Boil the fruit on a low heat for 20 minutes. If desired, a little vanilla can be added to the sweetness. With this wonderful jam you can cook cakes and rolls. It is also served for tea with pancakes and pancakes.

jam slices of blanched peaches

Jam slices of blanched peaches

This delicious dessert is also made from peaches.For one kilogram of peaches you need to take 1.5 cups of water and 1.2 kilograms of granulated sugar. Fruits better cut into quarters and remove the bones. Prepared fruit is placed in a net capacity, and then in a pot of boiling water. Blanch them for a minute, and then quickly dipped in cold water.

Cooked dessert in three stages, as describedin previous recipes. The result is a clear jam from whole pieces of nectaric fruit. It must be poured into small sterile jars and rolled up. Wonderful fruits, thanks to sugar syrup, receive the most delicate texture, but do not lose their shape and wonderful aroma.

The benefits of peaches

Peaches are low-calorie fruits.Per 100 grams of fruit accounted for 39 kcal. However, despite the low energy value of the product, it is very healthy. Peaches contain ascorbic acid, vitamins of group B, vitamins A and D, cellulose, iron, calcium and magnesium.

The inclusion in the diet of peaches allows you to:

  • strengthen the immune system;
  • increase hemoglobin;
  • increase performance;
  • improve overall condition;
  • improve metabolism;
  • relieve stress after stress;
  • prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Recipe for peach jam with slices will help us to become a little healthier.

how to make peach jam slices

Peach jam with almond nut

This recipe is useful for those to whom traditional desserts are already pretty fed up. Peach jam slices in syrup with royal nutlet will allow you to diversify the most sophisticated table.

We will need to prepare this jam:

  • peaches - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • almond nut - 70 g;
  • cherry juice - 70 ml;
  • lemon acid;
  • water.

Preparing a dessert with a subtle bitter flavor can be divided into 2 stages:

  1. Cook the syrup and soak the peaches in it. Leave for 6 hours.
  2. Bring the syrup to a boil, cook for 40 minutes. Then add peeled almonds. Boil 15 minutes. Pour in cherry juice and add a small pinch of citric acid.

peach jam slices in syrup

How to cook peach jam in a slow cooker?

This recipe will appeal to those who have no time.to make peach jam with slices in the traditional way, but you still want to try the flavored peach dessert. Take peaches and sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. These are all ingredients of our jam. It should be noted that you do not need to add water.

Switch on the slow cooker to the “Soup” or “Quenching” mode.From time to time you need to open the lid and mix the contents. Also do not forget to remove the foam from the jam. After about an hour, our dessert will be ready. Now you know how to make peach jam with slices in a slow cooker.

Grandma's five-minute jam

This sweet preparation claims the title itselfuseful of those that were considered earlier. Dessert retains all the useful vitamins and elements, due to the fact that the heat treatment of fruit lasts only a few minutes.

Для этого варенья можно выбирать персики absolutely any ripeness, but preference is given to the still unripe fruit. For 1 kg of fruit we need 6 glasses of granulated sugar and one glass of pure water.

peach jam slices for winter

Quick and helpful jam recipe

We start by washing peaches thoroughlyunder running water. Then you need to remove the bones. Cut the fruit in half and use a knife to remove them. Now you can cut peaches into small pieces.

In the capacity that we took for cooking dessert,you need to lay out the fruit and pour five cups of sugar. Stir the fruit until they put the juice. We left one cup of sugar to make syrup. In the water heated in a saucepan, pour the sugar. Then bring to a boil until it is completely dissolved. Ready syrup pour into a container of peaches. Stir the fruit and leave it to simmer for several hours.

Now peaches have given as much juice as wewill be enough for cooking jam. We put the container with fruits on a slow fire and bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Cook for five minutes. We lay out our finished dessert in jars previously sterilized. Roll up the lids. Turn the jars over and wrap them in a warm blanket. When they have completely cooled down, they can be transferred to the pantry or the cellar. Enjoy your meal!

Peach Jam Tips

  1. To cook peach jam in slices, it is recommended to use slightly unripe peaches. Alternatively, you can use Crimean fruits.
  2. In a peach dessert, it is better to add additional ingredients. It can be slices of citrus fruits, apricots or nuts. These products will give jam a piquant peculiar notes.
  3. The dessert will be more tender if you peel the peaches first. To make it easy, just pour boiling water over the fruit.

peach jam recipe with slices

We reviewed with you the most popular andhealthy peach jam recipes. As you could see, making sweets from fruits is not at all difficult. This fragrant dessert will be the perfect complement to any tea party. You can make peach jam with slices for the winter. Its unsurpassed sweetness will appeal to all your household members.