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Is it useful to porridge for children and adults

Before, we did not even think about how usefulwhether the porridge is semolina. Since childhood, each of us was accustomed to absorb a plate of sweet manga for breakfast. And if the mother at home could cook this dish not often, then here in children's institutions and at the grandmother on a visit it was an integral part of a weekly diet. Let's talk about the benefits of semolina for children and adults.

Is mana porridge useful?

Of what make a manga?

Semolina is nothing more thanpeeled ground wheat grains. If you carefully read the instructions on the packaging of cereals, you can see the marking indicating the grade of grain. Do you know if the porridge is useful? Buy cereal with the "T" label (solid wheat), because this is the food that dieticians prefer.

Use of porridge for adults

To find out whether thedish, you need to get acquainted with the composition of the product, energy value and influence on the body. The manga contains potassium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, calcium and iron, as well as vitamins B and E. But to know for sure whether manna porridge is useful to adults, it is necessary to make a comparative analysis with the composition of cereals cooked from other groats. So, in comparison with buckwheat, Herculean or rice, our porridge is rather poor in microelements. Some radical dietitians also call a manga an empty product. This, of course, is not so. Simply, it is somewhat inferior in nutritional value to other cereals.

Is semolina useful in pregnancy?

Who is recommended for the manga

We continue to find out if the semolina is useful.Manka almost 100% consists of carbohydrates, quickly digested, saturating the body with energy. In view of this, doctors recommend to absorb the product to people with weakened digestion or patients in the postoperative period during recovery. Manna porridge does not bother digestion and at the expense of its soft, delicate structure well envelops the walls of the stomach. But to stay in it for more than 2 hours the product is not able to, since completely devoid of fiber. The dish is shown in case of diabetes mellitus, as well as to purify the intestinal walls from mucus.

Who should not have the dish in the diet?

Now we learn whether useful semolina is useful whenpregnancy and who better to refrain from using the product. Contraindications in the period of gestation are not revealed, except when the future mother has an individual gluten intolerance (gluten). It is in connection with the increased content of this substance dish is not recommended to people suffering from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as constipation.

Is manna cereal useful to adults

Caloric content of semolina porridge

Is cooked cereal for breakfast?Nutritionists in this case give an affirmative answer. Having used a bowl of porridge in the morning, a person can easily "hold out" before dinner, but in this case it is necessary to understand that various additives make the dish even more saturated. So, the calorie content of the porridge welded on the water hardly reaches 100 kcal per 100 g of product. If you include milk, butter, dried fruits or honey, the energy value, respectively, will increase. Experts recommend not to add butter to the porridge. It is much more useful to spice a prepared dish with a spoonful of honey or fruits. It turns out very tasty and useful.

Is it useful to semolina porridge for children up to one year: an expert evaluation

With adults have understood, now we will considerthe influence of semolina porridge on the children's body. Let's start with babies. As is known, from the age of 6 months it is recommended for babies to introduce lures, including baby rats. Doctors warn against using as a complementary meal manki, because it contains gluten, negatively affecting the fragile stomach crumbs. If parents begin to feed the baby with semolina porridge, we can confidently state that the villi of the small intestine will be damaged, which will cause constipation, or, conversely, diarrhea. The scanty content of vitamins and trace elements is also an obvious minus of the product. That is why pediatricians are categorically against the introduction of children under one year of such a dish as semolina. And experts recommend starting a lure with rice or corn kashki.

Is it useful to semolina porridge for children up to a year

Is semolina useful for children? The influence of phytin on the assimilation of vitamins

When considering the use of the productgrown up children, experts note that it can not cause special harm. However, the manga contains a phytin - an organophosphorus chemical compound, which is observed in the shell of wheat grain. After processing wheat, the concentration of phytin in grains increases sharply. In itself, nothing dangerous substance, almost equated with the property of vitamins, does not carry. Only its increased concentration in the body is harmful. In this case, the child will not be able to absorb calcium, which will lead to inhibition of growth. But magnesium, zinc and iron can not be absorbed, but, on the contrary, be excreted from the body.

To avoid oversaturation with a rare chemicalnutritionists recommend that after a year the children eat up to two plates of semolina porridge weekly. Ideally, you can confine yourself to one. Children love a manga, it is well saturated with energy and very tasty. Therefore, it is absolutely not necessary to exclude a dish from the diet of fidgets and tomboy.

Is it useful to semolina porridge for children

Tips and tricks for cooking

In this article, we discussed whether a porridge is useful, now it's time to learn the secrets of cooking it from our grandmothers.

  • What to do to avoid clots formingwhen cooking? There is no one way to prepare a uniform composition. So, the manke can be laid in cold water, sprinkled with salt and sugar and put the pan on the fire. If you regularly stir the contents until it boils, then the lumps will surely be avoided. In another way, the grains are covered in boiling water or milk with a very thin trickle, evenly spreading over the surface and mixing.
  • Due to the fact that the porridge is cooked for a relatively short time (no more than 4 minutes), after switching off the fire, the breakfast is covered with a lid, and the pan is wrapped with a kitchen towel.
  • From the mango you can cook a delicious pudding.To do this, in a butter, 3 tablespoons of cereals are roasted to a characteristic yellowness, then ½ liter of boiled milk is poured directly into a frying pan. Add vanillin or granulated sugar, sometimes salt. If you boil the pan for a further 3 minutes, you will get a rather dense and thick pudding, which is good to serve to a table with sour cream or fruit jam.
  • It is best to prepare breakfast on a mixture of water andmilk. If you want to get a medium consistency gruel, use a croup in the proportion of 1.5 tablespoon per glass of liquid. Those who love semolina gruel will be limited to one spoon, and those who are more dense - two.
  • Remember that as you cool down, the density of the prepared dish increases. Children eat slowly, so do not cook too much porridge for them.

Is semolina cereal useful for breakfast

Variety of dishes

There are various interpretations in terms ofThe use of liquids for the "basis" of semolina porridge. Not quite widely, but still widely used for this purpose is the use of vegetable, meat or mushroom broth, and sometimes berry juice (mors).

Today, the hostesses are pleased to prepare breakfast inmultivark, and also in the oven on a baking sheet. To prepare manna porridge in the oven, you need to prepare a decoction of 100 grams of fresh cranberries. For 200 ml of cranberry juice take 50 grams of mango and a little sugar. First, the composition is brought to a boil in a saucepan, and then poured undercooked porridge on a baking tray and sent to the oven for 10 minutes. Before serving, they are cooled and cut into portions, like an omelet.

Bon Appetit!