/ / Was Wolf Messing's special biography predetermined?

The special biography of Wolf Messing was predetermined?

Wolf Messing’s biography dates back toa small settlement in Poland (Góra Kalwaria, 25 kilometers from Warsaw). He was born on September 10, 1899 and, perhaps, the date of birth gave him some supernormal abilities.

Wolf's biography
Numerologists believe that a large numberNines in dates give such properties as intellect, memory and clairvoyance abilities. In Messing, the number of these figures in the "Pythagorean square" reached three, which is a high figure.

The first years of life biography of Wolf Messingdescribes how heavy enough. He grew up in a poor family with several brothers, from an early age suffered from sleepwalking, from which they tried to wean him, putting a container with cold water next to the bed. Every time the boy got up at night, he stepped into the icy water and came to his senses.

Biography of Wolf Messing reports that in childhood(from the age of 6) he was sent to a religious school at the synagogue (seder), where he showed excellent abilities in understanding and memorizing complex texts. His father wanted to see him as a priest and planned to send him to an educational institution for clergy. But Wolf himself had a slightly different opinion about his fate, so he went to Berlin by train. On this trip, for the first time, he unwittingly applied his hypnotist abilities, instilling the conductor that a random piece of paper was the ticket.

wolf messing biography

Working as a messenger in Berlin, Wolf could notto secure a normal existence, so one day I just fainted from hunger. The doctors found him dead, and the boy spent three days in the morgue. After he woke up, they became interested in Dr. Abel, who became engaged in his extraordinary gift.

How did Wolf Messing become famous?The clairvoyant’s biography contains information that he worked in the Berlin Panopticum (he was in a cataleptic state for three days), demonstrated his abilities to Freud, met with Einstein, who later supported him. He enrolls in psychology courses at the University of Villeneuve, tours a lot. After the statement at one of the concerts that Hitler was waiting for death, he ended up in a German punishment cell and had to die. However, the ability to suggestion again helped him out of the dungeon, get to the Western Bug, cross the border with the USSR and get a job in the concert brigade, toured near Brest. Here he was noticed by NKVD officers and taken to Stalin.

After a series of tests, the biography of Wolf Messing could have been further developed simply as an artist, but he made several predictions in the field of USSR foreign policy.

wolf messing predictions
In particular, the seer reported that the pactMolotov-Ribbentrop will be broken, that there will be tanks with red stars in Berlin, there will be a war that will end on May 8 (I did not name the year Messing). A kind of criticism of the decisions made by the “father of nations” could cost many lives, but Messing was simply removed from the concerts until his visions came true.

What else told the head of the USSR and his entourageWolf Messing? Predictions are likely to be still classified, so they are not known to the general population. However, there is evidence that he told Stalin the date of his death, and also knew when he would leave this world. This happened on November 8, 1974. A couple of days before that, he was taken to the hospital, while informing those around him that he would not return home anymore. Wolf Grigorievich was buried at Vostryakovskoye cemetery. The secret of his abilities has not yet been disclosed, although he himself said that his subconscious mind simply receives information from "someone" or "something."