/ / Black magic at home: rituals, conspiracies, love spells

Black magic at home: rituals, conspiracies, privoroty

There are periods in life when waves per personBig troubles roll in, interspersed with smaller troubles. Tosca overwhelms the soul, leaving no hope for a turn for the better. And no one tool helps to get out of this gray timelessness, full of despair and hopelessness. The discovery of other, imperceptible from this state of roads contributes to black magic. At home, it should be used very carefully. Let's talk about this.

black magic at home

When to turn to magic?

All sorts of rites and rituals help to correctmistakes made in this and past lives. After all, the complete collapse that a person encounters from time to time is just a lesson for his soul. The task sent from above should be completed using talents and abilities, actively thinking and acting. Ways man selects at its discretion. One of them is black magic. At home, the practice is not difficult. However, it requires some advance preparation. The fact is that the spells of black magic can not be pronounced with the bay-floundering, when he pleases. It is necessary to create appropriate conditions, internally get together and tune. After all, you will not have to communicate with the kindest forces - with the dark ones. Most often they are associated with the devil. You understand that this entity will come to your aid not from altruistic motives. It should cajole the demonstration of understanding its essence. Then practical black magic will be successful and will not lead to further deterioration of life circumstances.

black magic spells

Preparing decorations for rites

You must have read or watched witch movies.and sorcerers. These sources exaggerate slightly. Black magic at home is not dangerous or scary. Everything is easier and more ordinary. To create the appropriate atmosphere, acquire the following attributes:

  • candles in black;
  • crystal ball;
  • the image of the devil or imitation of the skull.

In the room, hang mirrors opposite each other.This is done to protect against the threats of dark forces. In such a corridor you can always send a special word to those who appeared uninvited. Of course, other things will be needed for rituals. They will be selected as needed. Try to arrange a magical corner in a secret place. Practical black magic does not tolerate publicity. Not only that people will gossip your name in gossip, they also bring misfortunes with their thought forms. Admiration or respect in them clearly will not.

black magic conspiracy

Daily exercise - the success of magical practice

You know, witchcraft requires constant humanconcentration. It is difficult to maintain the usual rhythm of life, only sometimes diving into practice. Forces must be constantly with you. Then black magic spells will not crash. Rituals will be effective. And over time, and conspiracy is not needed. Circumstances themselves lined up as you like. It is for this purpose that a witch corner is created. The magician at any time has the opportunity to "touch" the forces, to be fed from their energy. Black magic at home is a permanent job. First, take the common Orthodox prayers and copy their texts backwards. They are used in a large number of rites to activate helpers. Often act as independent conspiracies. Take a closer look at your outfits and toilets. Spells of black magic, cast in an unreconciled situation, can turn against the artist. Clothes pick up dark tones. It protects against attack. Be sure to wear a magic amulet. For example, the Star of David or the pendant in the form of a black cat. Yes, and it is desirable to keep the animal in the house. It more than anyone else helps to create a portal for the entities you need in your business.

practical black magic

Black magic: damage

Let's look at how to harm another.man Deface and curses are common in witch practice. They are made with the help of cemetery paraphernalia, water, land, salt and other means. One of the strongest tools are ropes that tie up the legs of the deceased. They are simply thrown to a person, mentally forming a task. This is done for death. If there is a desire to simply impede a person’s life, then find a photo or create a victim's doll. Such attributes are characteristic of the rites that are recommended by black magic. Conspiracies are usually pronounced in Latin. But now they are being transferred. The effectiveness of Russian-language texts is no less than that of the ancients. Here it is important to rely not on words, but on thought forms created by the magician. To restore damage, you can take the land from the grave of the victim's namesake and pour it under the threshold. If you do not know the special formula, read “Our Father” the other way round. This conspiracy is called “Chanechto”. Another rite is performed with water and thistle. By the way, this grass is magical. She pulls out of a man of strength, holes his energy. You need to collect flowers (or buy dried at the pharmacy) and make a decoction. Salt, pepper, black cat excrement are poured into it. After seven days of infusion, the broth is poured under the threshold of the victim.

black magic love spell

How to fix problems in your personal life?

If you delve into the subject, you will understand:A lot of ways to attract the attention of the desired person, to fully seize him, provides black magic. The love spell, made by her methods, gives almost one hundred percent guarantee of success. After all, the rite leads to the enslavement of the victim. This person falls into complete dependence on the customer, voluntarily refuses his own desires and goals. In this fact, danger lurks at the same time. After all, you have to answer for it before the Creator. It turns out that the customer spell lives for two. But this, by the way, stops very few people. In any case, people who are fascinated by black magic. Love spell is best carried out on the blood. Remember, what ink signed a contract with the devil? In the ritual itself must be made intention. After all, bindings are different. The victim is sexually or emotionally attracted. This determines the magician. However, it should be remembered that the effect on the soul is the most complete and powerful.

black magic damage

Black magic: conspiracy

Argued that the best real sorcererread your formulas in Latin. This is true only in one case, if you know this language. Otherwise, you have to trust the sources from which you gathered information. And this, to put it mildly, is dangerous. Black magic, whose conspiracies spread openly, is replete with traps. To solve them and eliminate the novice sorcerer is not under force. It turns out that a person, pronouncing the formula and activating the process, gives most of the energy to an unknown goodness who has slipped the plot. This can lead to damage, loss of control over their lives and other undesirable consequences. So it's easier and safer to use clear texts. After all, their words can be independently analyzed, tested and changed, if something is not pleasant. In general, the success of any sorcerer is considered to be the possession of old folios, written in those times when mass manipulations of another's energy have not yet been thought of.

black magic rituals

How to tune in to the rites

Let's touch on the emotional state of people whomattract the rituals of black magic. It should be understood that you will have to interact with very powerful and ruthless entities. They do not react to requests and tears. Imagine that you are climbing into a jar with poisonous spiders. There every man for himself. You need to be very strong, active, fast, arrogant, to survive in this world. These are the laws of black magic. If you are not sure what to do, then do not undertake to study it, especially for practice. Devilish energies absorb people by the hundreds and thousands. These are features of today's world. It should be considered whether you can go through life in a cloak of a lonely warrior fighting against the enemies. Friends of the black mage does not happen, comrades, too, only random companions.

How to protect yourself

This is a highlight for the novice sorcerer.Dangers will at first lie in wait at every turn. It is necessary to take care of the power amulet. It is made personally. It is not allowed to bring another specialist to the process. Best of all, if it is a natural precious mineral. It is selected individually, based on a detailed horoscope and personal sensations. It should be activated by blood. Black magic is the path of the strong. Think about it before you begin the practice.