/ / What is a conspiracy and how does it work? Plots Siberian healer

What is a conspiracy and how does it work? Plots Siberian healer

About magic nowadays they write and say a lot, but to sense fromthis a bit. Wizards do not have the most common knowledge base, so they make mistakes, nullify the results of the work at best. You know what a conspiracy is, why a few words allow you to change the world to one degree or another? And without understanding this element of the magical theory, rituals and rituals are not only useless, but also very harmful. Let's take a look at what a conspiracy is, how it works and why it helps.

what is conspiracy

Two words about antiquity

Magic, as everyone knows, accompanies manmany millennia. This "science" arose before the primitive religion, and despite the persecution, lives to this day. And it does not just exist, but is trusted by the population of the planet, which is extremely important. For many nations, a conspiracy book is carefully passed on to descendants, complementing over time new records and interpretations. But references to this in popular media you will not find. People sacredly keep their secrets in order not to devalue the ancient knowledge. But the point here is not at all in greed, as you might think, but in the mechanism of the work of conspiracies and rites. Today it is difficult to say how many millennia it took for their understanding and awareness. We get ready-made knowledge. The impact of the conspiracy is based on a variety of energy entities created by mankind. Call them egregors. Each consists of the particles of the souls of many generations of people who lived (and are still living) in different countries. For example, when you utter a conspiracy in which Christian symbols are mentioned, you turn to a religious egregor. In ancient times, they were convinced that ancestors came to help bring the magician’s goal to life.

conspiracy book

What is a conspiracy

At the very beginning of the birth of magic, people turned tonatural phenomena, believed that they have incredible power. The words of the conspiracy were made in such a way as to attract the attention of the entity that controls the elements. That is, the text of the spell is a set of sounds designed to associate the magician with the egregore. It can be a little easier to tell what a conspiracy is. Imagine that it is on the bank of the river and you want to have breakfast, while your friend is resting on the opposite side, next to which is a basket of food. To get to the treats, you need a bridge. Plot and fulfill its role. He connects the magician with the forces that can help him. The building material of this “bridge” is not only words, but rather a mental attitude, the inner powers of a wizard. The text is actually necessary to direct the energy flow in a certain direction, namely, to the egregor.

plots of the Siberian healer

Who is plotting?

There are erroneous wizards among the present.opinions. Some believe that distort the text can not in any case. People think, then from the change of just one word the plot will stop working. Others, in contrast to them, firmly believe that they can create effective spells themselves. Wrong and those and others. Distortion of the original text leads to dissipation of the energy flow. If it is critical, then the plot really stops working, as it does not reach the egregore. The same with the texts created by non-professionals. They simply do not know how to direct the thought in the right direction. Although neither is prohibited. If, for example, you consider it necessary to change the words in the original text, you should know how they will work, take this into account in the magical rite. And having studied the rules of the effects of sounds, it is possible to make your own formulas. Nothing complicated if you know what you are doing. Beginners, it is desirable to abandon the creative as long as they do not master the magical process.

plot on the moon

How the conspiracy works

Let's talk a little about the magical mechanism,so that he does not scare and not cause bewilderment. Words spoken by themselves do nothing. Your aura or subtle body works. We are all multi-dimensional creatures. The physical body is in our familiar space. But there is also a thin field, not visible to the eye. They are parts of our body and exist in the magical worlds. For example, we see dreams in the astral. This is the closest to our world in which there are feelings and fruits of imagination. Conspiracies work due to the energy of subtle bodies. Few people can feel it. But for us it is clear that magic is effective when you believe in it. This feeling of confidence in the conspiracy and shows the readiness of the aura to work. If it is, then the person becomes a wizard. In his absence, the sorcerer does little, no matter how much he learns spells, nor penetrate the subtleties of rituals. And no most ancient book of conspiracies will help. Aura is required to work, to magic.

conspiracy to love at a distance

Attraction of forces

Mages use the entire visible and unmanifested worldfor their own purposes. You have heard that there is a conspiracy on the moon, on the water, the wind, and the like. This is a way to involve natural phenomena in the process of achieving your own goal. Words are pronounced on certain days or even moments. For example, there are rituals associated with lightning. For them to work, magicians are waiting for a natural electrical discharge in the atmosphere. But this, of course, is a difficult case. Most often attract cyclic phenomena of nature or the forces of plants and minerals. By the way, the plots of the Siberian healer are based on this. Natalya Stepanova has gathered bit by bit traditions and ceremonies of village grandmothers and based on them has created a whole magic system. In its arsenal - rituals against disease and negative impact, to attract love, wealth, well-being and many others. Of course, almost all the plots of the Siberian healer are set out in modern language. But the effectiveness of the rites does not suffer from this. Simply, this person understands how magic works, based on the ancient folk traditions.

conspiracy to love

Is the physical distance to the object of influence important in magic?

This question is not so much controversy asmisunderstanding. It is difficult for the uninitiated to imagine that his thought is "omnipotent." There is no distance for it. The fact is that magic operates in subtle worlds. And there people do not exist separately. Mankind (past, present and even future) together with the planet and space bodies form a single whole. I thought one thing - everyone heard and responded. We just do not notice this, there is no such organ of perception in humans. But it is quite possible to use this state of affairs. For example, a conspiracy to love at a distance works because there are no obstacles between the wizard and the object of influence in the subtle worlds. Yes, you yourself can feel it, if you pre-tension. Everybody knows the cases when mothers feel the misfortune threatening the children, lovers - the danger hanging over their loved ones, and similar things. This is the manifestation of magic in everyday life.