Is there an ideal compatibility between the signs of the zodiac of different elements? No, it does not exist. But close to the ideal - there is, and this compatibility marks Sagittarius and Gemini.
What are they so suitable for each other?Open horoscope: Sagittarius, Gemini - zodiac signs related to different elements - fire and air. It would seem that the signs of one element get along best with each other - Virgo with Cancer, Leo with Aries. But no, the signs of different elements can also fit each other like pieces of one mosaic. Let's see what the compatibility of the "man-Sagittarius - the woman-Gemini" is based on.
Gemini - the embodiment of the air element.Her opinion and interests change every second. She is an addicting nature, missing a couple of days, so that interest flares up like a torch and cool like an iceberg. The Gemini Woman is unsteady and elusive. She is not inclined to monogamy and can have relationships with several partners at the same time. She is very erudite, she owns a rich stock of stories, tales and interesting facts.
Gemini woman - master of the erection of airlocks. Her world is a world of mysterious and vague fantasies. She is an extremely pleasant interlocutor: delicate and attentive, has enough thought on the fly, analyzes the problem and gives efficient advice. But communication with her causes a feeling of draft. The Gemini woman artfully keeps the distance and does not let anyone into her soul. It is a living synonym of freedom and wind.
A Sagittarius man is a forest fire.Fierce and straightforward, not lying, he is directly on his way to the goal. His friends are the best. His family is the strongest. His house is the most cozy. The Sagittarius man is proud of everything he has. He is very active and greedy before adventure. His hobby is extreme sports and travel. It does not apply to lone wolves. On the contrary, Sagittarius is one of the most sociable zodiac signs. A friendly company will follow him like a tail behind a comet.
Compatibility "male Sagittarius -The Gemini woman is very strong in friendship, the Sagittarius man has a wide range of interests, and he will be pleasantly pleased by the erudite Gemini woman, whose conversations, arguments, verbal skirmishes, and the exchange of opinions can last for hours.
Compatibility "male Sagittarius -the "Gemini woman" is not always effective in the work.If the leader is a male Sagittarius, his subordinates will follow him through the thorns to the stars.The Gemini woman with her lively and ebullient mind will come up with a lot of ideas regarding how to optimize the department's work and adjust it under the line of the leader.If she takes a leadership position, then problems can arise.The Gemini woman is not a leader.It does not know how to manage or manipulate people.Contractions with Sagittarius that will not tolerate the leadership and the GSI in a chair boss.