Stars say that astrological compatibilityAquarius and Scorpio - this is not a very successful combination of two human destinies. These people have absolutely the opposite idea of the meaning of life: Aquarius always starts from the events that happened to him at the moment, Scorpio is used to everything and always take them to heart. About this and talk.

Stars whisper that in a pair of Aquarius + Scorpiothe leader, of course, is Aquarius. Having joined spiritually, representatives of these signs can overcome all barriers in professional and social spheres. Only for this they need to be in harmony and peace, and also to hold on to each other, despite all the adversities that they do not always get. Do not you think that such a relationship resembles some kind of collusion or professional union on contract, rather than passionate love to the grave? It's all the "arithmetic" of their relationship. About this - further.
Simple arithmetic: Scorpio + Aquarius
The compatibility of signs, according to the stars, is not suchso perfect. Their relationship will always be accompanied by quarrels. There will be no winners, because everyone will get what they deserve. However, they have much in common, for example, an intellectual approach to the world around them. That is why Scorpio and Aquarius are able to experience both mutual attraction to each other, and mutual repulsion. This couple needs to work on themselves hourly. Here such arithmetic, friends!

Compatibility of Aquarius with Scorpio in Marriage
Both partners, having entered into a marriage union, will be able toto build very practical plans for the future. In the absolute priority for both partners will be a career, after - home and children. The least they care about are personal cherished desires and dreams. Family compatibility of Aquarius and Scorpio makes them one cohesive and strong team, because both are characterized by iron will and excessive self-confidence.
If you disassemble their marriage in more detail, the best option for family relationships will be between the Aquarius male and the Scorpio woman.

Sexual Compatibility of Aquarius and Scorpio
Their sexual relationships resemble some kind ofthe eternal rivalry of conflicting desires. Here much will depend on the emotional component: for Scorpio, carnal love is accompanied by feelings, and for Aquarius it does not matter. That is why Aquarius is able to quickly return from heaven to earth, while Scorpio is hovering in the clouds and slowly returning from the heights of its passion. It is interesting that the sexual initiative will come from Scorpio.