/ / Mysteries of the Zodiac: Male Compatibility Libra and Aquarius Women

Mysteries of the Zodiac: Male Compatibility Libra and Aquarius Women

In fact, the compatibility of the male Libra andAquarius woman is very high. This pair is traditionally considered one of the most successful options in the Horoscope for a family union. These signs perfectly complement each other, between them there is such a rare phenomenon as the kinship of souls.

compatibility of male scales and Aquarius women
This is due to the fact that the man of Libra and a womanAquarius in many respects are similar in nature, and also in their views on life. Both one and the second are extremely sociable, they quickly start new acquaintances who are no less quickly becoming friends. New faces and unusual events for Aquarius and Libra like a magnet. They almost never become domosomes, being true to their image of "eternal pilgrims".

High compatibility of men Libra and womenAquarius makes their communication a strong impetus for development and growth, not only in the spiritual, but also in material terms. And the lady in this union is something like a muse that inspires her companion to conquer new heights. In return, the man of Libra will become for her something like a spiritual teacher, a mentor who will never let you stop on what has already been achieved and will continue to push it forward.

compatibility of zodiac signs Aquarius scales
But how strong is their sexual compatibility?Libra, Aquarius and in this regard are perfectly complementary. No hint of jealousy or dissatisfaction in such an alliance can not be. The Aquarius woman will not often insist on the performance of marital duties. Scales can close their eyes to the eternal presence in the life of a partner of a lot of male friends, although some of them may not be friends at all.

However, do not think that compatibilityMale Libra and Aquarius woman is 100%. Extremely easy to get close, this couple can just as easily break their relationship. Usually the background to this are everyday problems. Collisions with this monolith, the boat of joint happiness often simply does not stand: neither of them wants to take economic troubles on its shoulders.

sexual compatibility scales aquarius

The only way to avoid this is the infinitemovement and constant change. Social activities, work, meetings with friends and other irritants of the outside world must necessarily occupy an important place in the life of this couple, because partings usually happen just during the "calm" period.

Compatibility of men Libra and Aquarius womenis also based on the fact that both of them make a serious accent on social life and strive to make the existence of the whole of humanity better and happier. And it is not unusual for cases when they really get it. If in the historical sources a couple is mentioned that gave a new ideology to people, it was with this probability that such compatibility of the Zodiac signs played its role. Aquarius, Libra - these are Roerich's spouses who managed to make people look at the esoteric essence of being in a new way, and John Lennon and Yoko Ono, who are one of the most famous fighters for peace. Another bright example may be Tatiana and Nikita Mikhalkov, thanks to which the domestic fashion industry and cinematography reached a radically new level.