The union of Aquarius-men and Aquarius-women is notvainly considered one of the most successful in the horoscope. Literally from the first minutes of communication, from the first meeting between them the strongest thread of mutual understanding is established. These people are able to fully penetrate the thoughts, moods, desires of each other even without words. This is due to the fact that they are extremely similar in character to each other.
High compatibility of Aquarius and Aquarius in marriagedue to the fact that all the advantages and disadvantages they have in common. This is the miracle of the strongest attraction. However, it is fair to say that there is a parallel risk of mutual repulsion.

Every Aquarius by nature is an individualist,who zealously protects the independence of his heart and soul. The compatibility of Aquarius and Aquarius in marriage, like all their relationships in general, are a unique phenomenon. They are very far from the standard notions of romantic connection. These relations are built on respect and friendly feelings. Another characteristic feature of them is the precaution of partners towards each other. Without much effort, they are able to make mutual concessions.

As a rule, a man of Aquarius in marriage seeks to see in his wife is not just the keeper of the home, the mistress and the mother of her children, but also her best friend, faithful assistant and counselor.
In the house of two Aquarius there will always be a lot of guests, common friends, friends, acquaintances. These two conquer each other so much that their lives literally unite and become one and the same.
Speaking about the compatibility of Aquarius and Aquarius inmarriage, it is important to note that from the image of ideal parents these two will be far enough. Why is that? This is due to the fact that, despite the similarity of attitude and life principles, they have radically different ideas about how to build relationships in the family and raise children. On this basis, most conflicts will arise in an ideal, at first glance, pair.

This pair will be constantly harassed by problemsfinancial nature, because he and she are big spoilers. It is important that at the very beginning of a joint life, both of them revise their attitude to money. Otherwise, "black days" will not be so rare in their family life.
Aquarius and Aquarius Compatibility in Marriagehigh enough. But only if both want it. Only then can they, holding hands, overcome any obstacles in life and adversity, take all surprises with humor and give each other huge inspiration and a lot of positive emotions.