Dreams can have the most unexpected meaning.It is quite natural that everyone wants to decipher the essence of night visions. So, many are interested in what dreams of a tank. Different dream books give different explanations.
Opinion psychologists
A science like psychology devotes enormousattention to night visions. So, patients often turn to specialists with the question "What is the dream of a tank?". Everything related to military equipment and military action carries a certain danger. Thus, it can be judged that a person who dreamed of a tank feels some fear and needs protection from close people. However, such a dream may have a different meaning. Tanks at night often see aggressive people prone to dominance. This may be an indication that a person is militant towards someone.
What does miller say
Quite often, people dream about how they are traveling around the citytanks. Such a vision may indicate future trouble. In some cases, this may portend global changes, both in personal life and in society.
Many want to know about what dreams to go tothe tanker. In this case, you should be attentive to the proposals that you receive. There is a big risk of getting into trouble. If in the tank you are not driving, but your friend or the second half, then you should expect betrayal or betrayal.
Why dream of a tank woman?
Despite the fact that military equipment is the prerogative of men, women also often dream of tanks. Most often, this foreshadows life difficulties and the undermining of relations with friends and colleagues.
If the tank shoots, then try to be more attentive to your family and friends. It is possible that your family is brewing a serious conflict.
В том случае, если женщине приснилось, что она riding in a tank, it does not mean that she will feel like the mistress of the situation. Most likely, someone wants to take advantage of acquaintance with her for personal gain.
Interpretation of Longo's Dream Book
На вопрос о том, к чему снится танк, сонник Лонго has its answer. Most often this means that a person is dissatisfied with his life and does not see a way out of this situation. This is a signal that you need to pay more attention to yourself and, if possible, act in your own interests.
If you dreamed you were running away and tryingescape from the tank, then in real life you are in a state of fright. However, you cannot fully understand what exactly is threatening you. You should ignore false experiences and stop being afraid of change.
In the event that a person sees himself insidetank, if he controls it, then in life he does not pay attention to the opinions of others and is used to suppress. Such people are oppressive, and a dream indicates that it is time to reconsider your life position.
Interpretation on the modern dream book
Why do you dream of tanks and war?The modern interpretation portends a long trip. She will be accompanied by serious difficulties. For young people, such conduct is a harbinger of imminent military draft.
An unfavorable sign can be considered a dream, inwhich tank is chasing you. This may mean that serious problems await you soon. At the same time, the identity of a person who is trying to cause you trouble will be an absolute surprise.
Seeing yourself a tanker isn’t so gooda sign, as it might seem at first glance. On the contrary, you should review your behavior and weigh each step. It is possible that your rash actions will lead to irreparable consequences, which you will soon regret.
Dream Dream Book
Why does the girl dream of a tank?Most likely, problems may arise in her personal life. This may be a sign that a crisis will come in the relationship, to overcome which you will have to make every effort.
If a man in love dreams that hecontrols the tank, this is a favorable omen. Most likely, you will be able to achieve serious success on the love front. Your relationship will be happy and strong.
If the tank goes to meet you, then this is not the mostbest omen. It is entirely possible that the person you need is not near you. It is worth breaking these relationships before you become a victim of deception and betrayal.
Interpretation of the dream Vanga
To the famous seer Wang often enoughasked about what the tank was dreaming of. She considered such a vision to be an omen of serious discord in family relationships. But if the tank moves at you, it means that you need to reconsider your behavior and immediately take measures that will help avoid conflict.
Also, the tank may be a harbinger of the fact thatYou will appear a serious rival in business. If you do not want luck to get out of your hands, be more attentive to your surroundings. If you saw yourself as a tank driver, then most likely the victory will be on your side, although it will not be easy.
If you cannot remember the exact plot of the dream, then this will not interfere with the interpretation. In any case, the tank portends the emergence of serious difficulties or life tests.
If you're wondering what the tank is about,certainly, use the interpreter. Most authors consider it similar that such a vision portends imminent difficulties and troubles. Most likely, someone from your environment is plotting to you. You should also pay attention to your behavior. Most likely, you are too oppressive and do not take into account the interests of your loved ones.