Существует еще несколько толкований для женщин.Successful marriage, which will make a woman happy, is what the girl dreams about. A newborn girl in a dream leads to the renewal of emotions, feelings and traits of a woman. If a girl is beautiful as a doll, then it is worth waiting for a miracle. The joy and surprise of a little girl seen in a dream foreshadows unexpected events that can happen in real life.
Interpretation, what is the dream girl playingwater, has a hidden and important meaning. This means that a person must carry out the things that he has conceived, since this will change life for the better. A sad girl playing means that you need to think about your loved ones. A dream speaks of the offense of your relatives, that you pay little attention to them.

Holding a baby in your arms is a problem that moves a person away from the realization of his cherished goal. However, a cheerful girl sitting in her arms means that you can easily solve the problems that have arisen on the way.
A girl in a dream, lying on your hands with a temperature, promises a deterioration in your morale. Experiences that will bother you, can cause upcoming illness.
Another interpretation of what the child dreams(girl), - this is fast news. The appearance of the girl means the nature of the news. If the baby is beautiful and well-groomed, then you expect great news. In the case when the girl is unhappy and dirty, the news is accordingly bad. A crying girl in a dream foreshadows a serious illness, but the treatment started on time will help to avoid its complications and further spread. A little girl with a harmless face promises intrigue of enemies in real life. Only constant vigilance and caution will help not to become a victim of intrigue enemies.
Dreams in which there is disheveledgirl, foreshadow chaos in affairs, unpleasant events and the destruction of hopes. If a woman in a dream sees herself as a little girl, this means that soon she will receive pleasant news from her parents.

To dream of an unfamiliar girl who entersin your home, expect uninvited guests. If this does not let the girl into the house - face small disappointments. In a dream, talking with a girl for a very long time means getting great wealth and great luck. A little girl in a dream can foretell both bad and good, so if you recall most of the details of sleep, you can save yourself from many troubles.