/ / Cellars in a private house. How to insulate the basement and make heating?

Cellars in a private house. How to insulate the basement and make heating?

The basement is in almost every private house. As a rule, it stores a fresh crop and pickles, as well as unnecessary things. In addition, it is often rebuilt in the living room.

basements in a private house

Types of basements

Cellars in a private house can be of various purposes, in accordance with which, the underground is divided into several types.

  • Cellar. Its functions include the storage of vegetables and fruits, as well as home-made for the winter period of time.
  • Utility room.It is good to place engineering facilities in it, such as water heaters, boilers, filters. This makes it possible to remove bulky appliances from the bathroom or kitchen, and use the useful area with benefit.
  • Ground floor. Ideal for creating a billiard room, gym or office in the basement.
  • Workshop.Such a basement in a private house will be just a salvation for those who like to do something with their own hands. If desired, the room can be divided into two parts: a workshop and a warehouse where tools will be stored.
  • Basement garage. This is the most popular option.However, it should be remembered that the main condition during construction is to make a convenient entry. Such basements in a private house should be spacious enough, as they will not only store cars, but also carry out minor repairs if necessary.

Basement construction

If the basement in a private house is planned for technical use, the height of its walls should be in the range of 1.8-2.2 m. For a residential basement, the optimum height is 2.5 m.

The order of performance of work depends on groundwater. If they are located close enough, then, above all, form the floor. If they are missing, then you can begin the construction of walls.

basement in a private house photo

How is the floor done?

The floor in the basement of a private house is done as follows.in a way. Dig a hole with a margin in width for formwork, form a sand pillow with the addition of rubble. Next, equip the formwork, lay waterproofing followed by reinforcement and pour concrete.

If the walls were first erected, the sand cushion was simply poured with concrete. Between the walls lay out a layer of waterproofing. In this case, formwork is not needed. Here the main thing is to dig a hole.

How to make walls?

During the construction of monolithic basements wallsequip using strip footing technology. Dig trenches at the bottom of which poured sand and set the formwork. After completion of the waterproofing work, a reinforcing mesh is laid and concrete is poured.

If you first need to fill the floor, in this caseformwork for wall formation is installed only after the concrete has completely set. Otherwise, due to the severity of the mortar, formwork braces can be pressed into the floor and form completely unnecessary indentations.

Walls can be built from bricks.But the implementation of this work requires accuracy, because care must be taken to build walls horizontally and vertically. The masonry begins to run from the corner and is carried up to the 7th row.
It is recommended that every half meter be used to add reinforcement to the structure.

We must not forget about the place of the doorway. Lintels make reinforced or wooden.

Еще одним вариантом строительства стен является use of blocks. This method saves a lot of time - a basement in a private block house can be built rather quickly. The only thing that needs to be done is to align each block vertically and horizontally, as well as the level of the wall. Start laying best from the corners.

Basement Waterproofing

During the construction of the basement, even in the driest place, you need to make high-quality waterproofing. It should be remembered that the torrential rains and the breakthrough of the water pipe has not yet been canceled.

Internal waterproofing

Если подвал построен из кирпичей или блоков, it is necessary to secure the gaps between the joints. Waterproofing mastic is applied with a thickness of 2 cm. Additionally, processing of blocks with mastic can be performed. Now begin plastering work. The walls are filled with plaster mesh and put plaster. Proceed to the floor. Bitumen covers joints between walls and floor.

External waterproofing

This work is necessary to ensure reliableprotect against moisture from exterior walls and under floors. The best way to protect the floor is rammed at the bottom of the pit clay, which is covered with a double layer of roofing material and coated with bitumen.
The walls are protected in the same way.However, first you need to check that the horizontal waterproofing protrudes 15 cm behind the wall. Next, along the entire height of the walls, roofing material is laid, which should go beyond the surface by about 20 cm

how to insulate the basement of a private house

How to warm the basement of a private house?

As you know, the basement in a private house refers tothe coldest and most damp place, which implies not only waterproofing, but also warming. In the winter period of the year, heat insulation will relieve heat loss, and in a hot season condensate.
Итак, рассмотрим, как утеплить подвал частного houses. It is possible to warm the walls after 6 days, when the waterproofing mastic dries. Gluing extruded polystyrene plates is done directly on the waterproofing. Bitumen (resin) is suitable for bonding. The slabs should protrude approximately 40 cm above the ground. Before covering the trenches, cover the insulation with asbestos cement sheets. You also need to perform horizontal insulation at a depth of 30 cm at the place where there will be a blind area.

Пол утепляется таким же методом.Styrofoam, having a thickness of 10 cm, is placed on the waterproofing. Then put another layer of heat insulator. To reflect the heat inside the basement, you can use penofol.

The ceiling also needs protection. For its insulation suitable foam, mineral wool, polystyrene foam.

Basement ventilation

Хорошо продуманная вентиляция подвала в частном the house allows not only to protect the room from the appearance of fungi and mold on the surface of the walls, but also to significantly extend its operation time. In addition, air circulation makes it possible to preserve well the food and things there.

Types of ventilation

Basements in a private house can have two types of ventilation, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages:

• natural ventilation;
• forced.

basement in a private house

Natural ventilation

Such a system has been used for more than a dozen years, and now also does not lose its popularity. Its design is quite simple and does not require significant cash costs.

The operation of the system is based on the existing temperature difference inside and outside the basement, due to which air flows.

This ventilation system consists of twopipes - supply and exhaust. The exhaust pipe starts from the ceiling and goes to the roof. It provides air outlet from the room. The supply pipe is placed on the opposite wall and installed closer to the floor. Its function is to supply fresh oxygen. Thus, the natural ventilation of the basement in a private house maintains normal humidity in the room.

An important role has the diameter of the pipe. The best option is its overall diameter of at least 10 cm.

private house with basement

Forced ventilation

This system is most often used for largebasement areas. The purchase and installation of forced ventilation is quite a significant cost, for this reason, not everyone can afford this luxury. The advantage of this method is that it gives the opportunity to most approximate the microclimate of the cellar to the natural conditions. The main principle of its work is to force the creation of a stream of fresh air with the help of special fans.

Heating the basement of a private house

In order to keep the basement dry and warm, you need to take care of the heating system. The choice of equipment depends on how much heat energy is needed for heating.

how to insulate the basement of a private house

Storage of agricultural products

Normally, this is not required.additional basement heating. Most often, the neighborhood with heated living quarters on top is quite enough. The low temperature is not terrible, however, it is necessary to prevent the minus, as the products just freeze. In this case, should be organized heating. The best option is to connect a fan heater or heater.

Bath, pool or sauna

Premises with high humidity exceptheaters must have installed driers. For heating, infrared heaters are most often used, which are built into the ceiling, floors and walls. In order to obtain additional heat lay warm floor. Best suited tape, which is more unpretentious and durable. However, the constant use of a warm electric floor is an expensive pleasure. This is the best option for temporary heating.

basement ventilation in a private house

Isolated rooms

If the basement is in a private house (photos are shown inarticle) equipped as an additional living space, for its heating, you can use the boiler or stove. The boiler is most often placed on the whole house, and in the underground an additional pipe with heat carrier is simply laid. Use the following calculation of the basement heating:

• for heating 50-180 square meters. m installed boiler with a power of 25 kW;
• for heating 200-300 square meters. m put the unit having a power of 25-30 kW.

If the basements in a private house have an area of ​​up to 200sq. m, you can install a long-burning furnace, and for additional heating to make a warm floor. In such basements there is a billiard room, a dining room, a gym, a home theater, etc.

So, despite the fact that the basement requires additional costs during construction, a private house with a basement is very practical and convenient.