/ How to insulate the roof in a private house?

How to insulate the roof in a private house?

Since ancient times, in any structure, twoimportant aspects - the foundation and the roof. If the foundation is the foundation of the durability and strength of the structure, then the properly arranged roof is the key to dryness and heat in any private house. To the roofing, serious demands have always been made, as constant contact with the aggressive external environment required the use of high-quality and reliable building material that is strong, and also has good protection against ultraviolet rays and severe frost. In addition, today, much attention is paid to the question of how to insulate the roof, since this directly affects the energy savings for heating the house. Quality roofing allows you to keep the heat in the house, and also save a lot on heating your home.

So, first of all, you should know the principalthe device of a roof as without it it is impossible to approach seriously a question on how to warm a roof. Its design in most cases is a wooden rafter (with a thickness and width of about 5 and 15 cm, respectively), which are strengthened in the lower part of the base on the transverse joists of the last floor, and are fixed to each other, forming a triangle. At the top point of the rafters' connection, there is a carrying board that holds such triangles together and gives the entire structure a stable and strong shape.

The tree is traditionally used as athe base of the roof, because, firstly, it is lighter than other building materials, and secondly, it keeps the heat well, which is an important aspect in creating a reliable protection against any type of precipitation. Professional builders as to how to insulate the roof, recommend the use of quality and reliable polystyrene foam plates, which are not afraid of moisture. The fact is that the traditional inexpensive insulation is already a long time considered mineral wool, which has the ease and flexibility, so it has received the widest distribution. However, today there are new systems of quality insulation, which allow not only to efficiently produce all necessary work, but also to provide reliable waterproofing of your roof. In the question of how to properly insulate the roof, today the leading role is played by expanded polystyrene plates, which have a number of advantages over mineral wool.

First, polystyrene foam is not afraid of moisture, butnamely - it is waterproof, and even if water gets on it, it will simply flow into the under-roof space, and the stove will be completely dry after a few hours.

Secondly, polystyrene plates have a solid structure, as a result of which there are no emissions of harmful particles of fiberglass, of which ordinary mineral wool is composed.

Thirdly, it is much more convenient to work with expanded polystyrene, because it is easily cut with a knife, and is installed in the interstitial space simply due to a tight fit to the bearing lags.

In the question of how to insulate the roof is important to rememberand about the vapor barrier, as when using soft insulation from fiberglass they must be reliably protected from penetration of steam from the side of the room. The matter is that people in the course of the vital activity exhale humid air which rises upwards. In the absence of a vapor barrier film, it penetrates into the insulation, and by cooling it turns into droplets of water. As a result, the heat loss of such a house increases several times. That's why from the side of the premises, a qualitative vapor barrier film must be laid. In addition, under direct roofing, it is necessary to use a waterproofing material that can additionally protect our insulation from accidental penetration of moisture into it. This is also a very important point, under which your roof will not only be reliably insulated, but also protected from moisture.

Summarizing all of the above, moreonce to emphasize that in the question of how to insulate the roof of the house, it is necessary to carefully observe the entire technological process when constructing the roof. Only in this case you will be sure that the heat loss of your home will be minimal.