/ How to choose a hallway design in a private house?

How to choose the design of the hallway in a private house?


It's no secret that the hall is the firstThe room in which each guest appears at the entrance to any house. From its design and grooming will depend on the future opinion of a person about the owner or hostess. This room is a kind of "business card" at home. Therefore, many homeowners are thinking about how to properly design the original hallway design in the house. And in order to make this room a real delight for the guests, you need to first determine the choice of furniture. So, how correctly to design an entrance hall in a private house? Let's figure it out.

hallway design in a private house

The right design of rooms in a private house is the choice of furniture

This stage is a very important step in thedesigning of design. Private houses differ from apartments with their large areas (as they say, there is where to turn around). But do not block the entrance hall with a huge number of unnecessary cabinets and nightstands. In this room it is enough to install only the most necessary elements. First, each hallway should have a hanger, and - preferably - an open type. With her help, you can dry the wet clothes after the rain, then calmly remove it in the closet. Do not forget about the shelves for scarves, umbrellas and hats. The next component is a bedside table for shoes. It is not so necessary to install an open cabinet. Whether it will be with the doors or without them, it's up to you. This does not affect the interior. Do not forget about the mirror. It must necessarily be in full growth. You can also decorate it with various accessories, making the design of the hallway in a private house even more original. If you have more space left, install a small ottoman in the room.

design of the hallway in the house

Design of rooms in a private house - the choice of materials

An important component in the designdesign are materials from which furniture is made. Fortunately, today's furniture stores have a large variety of pedestals, cabinets and ottomans with a different range of color shades made of different materials. The main selection criteria are practical and wear-resistant. Once a month, furniture will still have to be wiped with a damp cloth, as the hallway is the most polluted room, in which the dirt from under the shoes most of all accumulates. It is not recommended to glue wallpaper in such a room. Better stop at the choice of more practical products made of plastic. Choose furniture better from particleboard or MDF. With a carpet on the floor, the design of the hallway in a private home is not very practical. The best option will be linoleum or ceramic tiles - they are very durable and quite easy to care for. It is also possible to use wooden parquet in certain areas where water will not accumulate (away from the entrance doors), since this material is very vulnerable to moisture, and it is not cheap.

design of rooms in a private house


So, we have figured out the rules, following which,you can create a truly original and practical design of the hallway in a private home. And remember: interior design is limited only by your imagination and financial capabilities.