If there is a need to install plasticpipes, the so-called cold welding is most often used for this. This technology involves the use of special purpose adhesive and fittings.
Advantages of using pipe joints without hot soldering

If you are thinking about how to connectpolypropylene pipe with polypropylene, it is possible to use a method that involves the use of special fittings. This technique has many advantages, among them, in particular, increase the speed of installation of water drainage and water supply systems, reduce the possibility of leaks, which may occur during butt welding or chemical bonding. Among other things, the described technology is less time consuming, and also involves less power consumption. Among other things, it is associated with less material intensity. Installation work is quite cheap. With the help of fittings and glue it is possible to connect pipes of all possible diameters, which range from 6 to 400 millimeters.
Comparison of cold soldering with mechanical and welded joints

Before connecting the polypropylene pipe to thepolypropylene, you should consider all the benefits of a cold soldering process. Thus, this technique, with a low material-intensity, speed and quality of the works performed, is not inferior to traditional welding. Such a technology of gluing does not provide for the use of special equipment, which greatly simplifies manipulation. Do not have to use a special apparatus designed for welding, which during operation consumes quite an impressive amount of electricity. Due to this, it is possible to reduce the cost of installation works. If you are faced with the task of how to connect a polypropylene pipe to a polypropylene pipe, then it is worth comparing the glued joint with fittings and the mechanical coupling of the elements. The latter technology is not so energy-intensive, but more material-intensive. This is due to the need to purchase additional fittings, which leads to higher costs of work.
Features of connection with fittings and glue

If you do not know how to connect a polypropylenepipe with polypropylene, it is important to get acquainted with the technology of cold welding. To do this, use the adhesive, which is intended to connect the pipes with parts by the type of fittings. The latter are most often made of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride. The adhesive after the application begins to dissolve the surface of the parts by 1/3 of the thickness. This allows the implementation of diffusion cold welding. This process is influenced by the temperature and humidity of the air. Before connecting polypropylene pipes with cold welding and fittings, you need to make sure that the ambient temperature is between 5 and 35 degrees. If there is a need to carry out installation work at a temperature below zero, you should purchase a frost-resistant adhesive, which can be applied until the thermometer mark drops to -18 degrees. If the work is carried out in hot weather, the gluing should be done in a much shorter time, which will eliminate the possibility of drying the composition until the moment of accomplishing the manipulations. Before connecting polypropylene pipes with the described technology, it is necessary to make sure that the glue has a uniform consistency, sufficient fluidity and has no foreign inclusions.

In the intervals between the work, the container with the adhesive composition should be closed as tightly as possible, which eliminates the evaporation of the volatile active components.
The technology of connecting pipes with fittings and glue
Если вы решили использовать метод холодного connection, then you need to use the technology described below. At the first stage, it is necessary to cut off a part of the pipe in such a way that it is possible to obtain an element of the required length. For which it is recommended to use a pipe cutter, a special scissors or a hacksaw for metal, the latter of which has rather small teeth.

If you are thinking about the question of howcorrectly connect polypropylene pipes, then the next step at the end of the product is chamfer, it is important to observe an angle equal to 15 degrees. In the process of carrying out these manipulations, a facelift is used, it is important to exclude the formation of burrs. The next step will be a thorough cleaning of the socket of the fitting, as well as the pipes from dust, dirt and moisture.
Council of the master
In order to achieve effective cleaningconnected elements, it is necessary to apply cleaners designed for pipes made of CPVC. With the help of this composition, it will be possible to sufficiently prepare the surfaces for further gluing.
Nuances of works

If you have a problem, how to connectpolypropylene pipes without a soldering iron, then at the next stage it is possible to carry out application of glue. Use this with a brush, gently distributing the composition over the surface of the socket and the tube. Elements are inserted into each other, to evenly distribute the composition, it is necessary to rotate the fitting 90 degrees relative to the pipe. The parts are fixed for 30 seconds, during which you should not re-rotate. The whole process is important to complete within 1 minute. If you are thinking about how to connect polypropylene pipes without soldering, then after the end of the gluing you need to check the presence of a roller, which is a uniform adhesive layer, located along the circumference. You may need to get rid of the excess amount of glue using a soft rag.
Why use a cold method of connecting plastic pipes
Before connecting polypropylene pipesfittings, you need to weigh all the positive negative aspects of other technologies. If we are talking about an adhesive joint, which was described above, it is worth highlighting the advantages that it is possible to carry out a quality pipe installation even in places where access is particularly difficult. The master does not have to use additional expensive equipment, which is able to consume a large amount of electricity during operation. The whole process is possible to carry out independently, without resorting to the help of professional companies. In the process of bonding parts, a monolithic type of structure is formed, which ensures a tight joint. If you decide to use glue cold welding, then unlike the usual, on the inner surface of the product there will be no buildups that are able to narrow the clearance and contribute to the settling of solid particles.
If you observe the connection of polypropylene pipesamong themselves, observing the simple rules and recommendations described above, the leaks and sagging of the pipeline will be excluded. The service life of the pipeline, mounted by a similar procedure, can reach 50 years.