/ / Polypropylene pipes for heating: how to choose? Technical characteristics, prices

Polypropylene pipes for heating: how to choose? Technical characteristics, prices

Today, private masters and professionalteams are increasingly using polypropylene pipes for heating. How to choose them, it is important to know before the time of purchase. Steel or cast iron products for the installation of engineering systems are no longer used as often as they are replaced by polypropylene.

Varieties of PP pipes for heating installation

polypropylene pipes for heating

Pipes from polypropylene for arrangementHeating systems can be divided into several basic types. Among them - reinforced with aluminum canvas. Such a polypropylene reinforced pipe has a special layer that can be located outside or located closer to the middle or inner wall of the product. In production, solid aluminum sheets, incomplete or completely corrugated, can be used.

Reinforcement of pipes with fiberglass

polypropylene pipes for heating

Reinforcement of pipes can be performed also on the basis offiberglass. This material is located in the pipe using co-extrusion technology. And they introduce it into the inner layer. In the role of internal and external layers is polypropylene.

Composite reinforcement

polypropylene reinforced tube

Polypropylene reinforced pipeAssume a composite as a reinforcing layer. In this case, the reinforcement layer differs not only in the presence of a composite, but also in polypropylene, as well as in glass fibers. This pipe manufacturing technology allows the production of products that have more outstanding performance characteristics.

Characteristics of PP-pipes for installation of heating systems

polypropylene pipes for water supply

Polypropylene pipes for heating, technicalcharacteristics of which can be more fully learned in the article, it is no accident that gradually more traditional products are being ousted from the market. This is due to the fact that they have excellent performance characteristics, which were achieved due to multi-layered walls of products. The method of production of polypropylene pipes allowed to increase resistance to mechanical wear. In addition, because of their outstanding qualities, they are actively used in the installation of systems for the transport of cold and hot water. Among other things, PP-products are quite easy to stack, and there is no need to use heavy equipment, the rent of which increases the cost of work. The ease of installation is due to the low weight of polypropylene. The same concerns the issues of transportation and subsequent unloading, which are quite simple to solve.

Tightness and resistance to impacts

heating in a private house made of polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene pipes for heating, technicalthe characteristics of which will become known to you after reading the article, it is quite easy to maintain. The need for their repair does not arise during the entire life of the operation, guaranteed by the manufacturer. Among the positive features of products made of polypropylene can also be identified and absolute tightness. And after laying, there is no need to produce color, as the surface without it has increased resistance to external influences and aggressive environments. Polypropylene differs also in that microorganisms are not able to arise and multiply on its surface, as for internal walls, on which no mineral deposits are formed, they eliminate the need for cleaning and premature repair.

Ecological and insignificant resistance

reinforced polypropylene pipes for heating

You have already decided to purchase polypropylene pipesfor heating? How to choose them, you need to know in advance. It is important to take into account that unlike some other types of pipes, the described are completely ecological. This indicates that products of this kind are completely harmless and safe. They can be used in the internal space of residential premises, because the PP does not release harmful substances into the environment, in addition, the material at the base of such pipes does not affect the structure of the water.

Professionals advise choosing polypropylenepipes for water supply also because such products are characterized by a low coefficient of hydraulic resistance, and during the transportation of liquids through the pipes there are no vibrations. Polypropylene pipe is not capable of being a conductor of wandering currents. The material can be affected by an aggressive chemical environment, this will not act as a destructive effect. A significant pressure of water can also be applied to polypropylene pipes for heating. How to choose them, it is important to know, because even such a modern material with an incorrect choice can simply become unfit.

Fire resistance

diameter of polypropylene pipe for heating

Another plus of such products is ratherhigh resistance to fire, with its direct effect of the pipe is not flammable. They can transport a liquid of considerable temperature, while the walls do not lose their quality characteristics and do not change linear dimensions. To all the rest, we must not add that the PP has a low value. And the products will serve for half a century.

Area of ​​use of PP pipes for heating

In different areas, polypropylenepipes for heating. How to choose them, you need to know every consumer who plans to do installation of engineering systems. Thus, PP-pipes for heating can be used in boiler plants, in the arrangement of risers, for the installation of central heating systems, in the process of laying hot and cold water supply systems. In addition, in recent years, PP has become part of the warm floor systems.

The wide use of these pipes and inagricultural sector. In this area, the products described are used in the drainage of waste and soil water. It is rather convenient to use such pipes for the installation of irrigation and drainage systems. Industry also applies them when necessary to arrange the transportation of chemicals and compressed oxygen.

Diameters of PP pipes for heating

Polypropylene pipes for water supply andheating differ in different diameters. This parameter can be called one of the most important in the design of the pipeline. The diameter should be chosen after the hydrodynamic calculation. At the same time, professionals adhere to the goal of selecting for any site the smallest diameter of the pipe. This indicator should be determined taking into account the working pressure, as well as the heating circuit.

Diameter of polypropylene pipe for heatingis selected from the calculation of the demand. Thus, if there is a need to supply an engineering system with a hospital hospital, a large sauna or a hotel, then, as a rule, pipes with a diameter exceeding 200 mm are used. Only through such products is it possible to equip a system that will have to function correctly and justify the needs of a large number of people.

If there is a need to install heating inprivate house made of polypropylene pipes, it is recommended to use products of less impressive diameter. This parameter should vary under the conditions described from 20 to 32 mm. PP-pipes of this diameter will simply be laid independently, giving them the required bend. While the bandwidth they will be sufficient for a private builder.

If necessary, arrange a hot systemwater supply should be used reinforced polypropylene pipes for heating, whose diameter is 20 mm. And how about the risers? It is advisable to use products whose diameter is equivalent to 25 mm. The central heating system can not do without pipes 25 mm across. When installing an autonomous heating system, it is necessary to use products with different diameters.

Are you planning to equip the underfloor heating system?Then you should purchase pipes 16 mm in diameter, but no more. Despite the existing recommendations, it is necessary to choose the diameter of pipes for the installation of a heating system, taking into account the individual features of a particular heating branch. If you decide to purchase a PP pipe, then for 4 m you have to pay 80 rubles. In this case, the product will have a diameter of 20 mm. But the pipe 40 mm across will cost 138 rubles. The length remains the same. The product with a diameter of 63 mm has a price equal to 345 rubles for 4 m. With a diameter of 90 mm, the buyer will pay 810 rubles.