/ / Phalaenopsis Diseases - the result of improper care

Phalaenopsis disease is the result of improper care

Disease or pest damage- The result of a violation of the conditions of phalaenopsis care. If the plant is well-grown, its roots are well developed, the regime of irrigation and dressing is observed, then you should not be afraid of the disease. Overheated and pampered orchids easily fall ill.

phalaenopsis disease
Most novice florist scares witheringleaves, which is provoked by insufficient watering and high temperature content. These problems are related to non-communicable diseases. They are solved quite simply - by adjusting the care and cutting off the affected leaf.

Phalaenopsis is watered in the same way as other rooms.plants, but trying not to fill the growth point. If the water gets into the center of the outlet, then it must be removed, you can blow it out or blot it with a napkin. If this is not done, then rot can develop. Watering an orchid should be in the summer every 2-3 days, in the winter - once a week with warm water, preferably boiled, and preferably distilled (the soil will not get salted). The method of immersing the pot in a bowl of water can also be watered with phalaenopsis. The photo below demonstrates this process.

Phalaenopsis diseases are divided into fungal, bacterial and viral.

Diseases of the fungal nature appear as spots, often with sporulation. Used for the treatment of foundationol.

phalaenopsis photo
Black rot is detected in root rot, less oftenleaves. Damaged parts must be cut out with a sterile instrument, and the cut sections must be filled with ground cinnamon. Replant the diseased specimen in a new disinfected primer and isolate it from others for the duration of the recovery.

Fusarium rot begins with yellowing leaveswith the acquisition of dark gray shades. The leaves become soft, loose, covered with spores of mushrooms pink. The affected leaves curl around the edges, the central shoot rots and dies. Treatment: spraying and pouring with baseline 0.2% three times a day. After 10 days, the procedure must be repeated.

Anthracnose appears as brown spots withblack splashes on the leaves and brown drips on the edges of the leaves. The affected leaf acquires a mosaic color and dies off. Control measures: remove affected areas, spray fungicide 3 times at intervals of 10 days, reduce watering.

Phalaenopsis watering
Diseases of phalaenopsis bacterial natureaffect the plant with excessive watering, caused by phytopathogenic bacteria. They are usually accompanied by the formation of mucus. In case of severe injury, it is recommended to use human antibiotics, for example, tetracycline at a dosage of 500 mg per 1 liter of water. Treatments must be made at least 5 every 3 days. In the early stages of phalaenopsis disease, one-time treatment with furacilin of the entire surface of the plant, including the soil, is effective. A tablet of the drug must be crushed, pour 500 ml of water, boil, cool the solution. If the rot is found in the lower part, then the plant can be missed with brilliant green.

Phalaenopsis diseases are often provokedpests that are carriers of pathogenic flora. If pests are detected, action must be taken immediately. Orchids are attacked by spider mites, scale insects, and bug insects. Actelic, aktar, fitoverm (the advantage of the latter, it is odorless) will help to cope with them.

Take care of your pets, and they will please with a healthy look and long flowering, and later, perhaps, with children on peduncles.