How to make a doorway

When carrying out repair or construction workquite often there are situations in which you have to make holes in an already finished wall. This is done in cases when it is necessary to conduct additional communications.

or when redevelopment.To do this, use a special tool with carbide drills and cutters. However, there are situations in which you have to expand the doorway or re-create it in the wall.

For this kind of work you should usea very special tool, which is distinguished not only by its power and material for the manufacture of cutting elements, but sometimes even by the principle of operation. This is due to the fact that the design of the doorway in a brick wall or in concrete is a fairly large-scale process, and you often have to deal with various solid inclusions, and in the case of panels, also with reinforcement. That is why conventional mills and saws produce such work is not only difficult, but also disadvantageous from an economic point of view.

It is worth noting that a professional tool for making a doorway

widening doorway
It is very expensive.Therefore, only large companies or large construction teams can afford to purchase it. In this case, there are such masters who, acquiring a similar tool, are engaged only in making holes in concrete. Their ads can often be found in special newspapers, and the services of such specialists are often used by various construction teams, for whom it is easier to pay for the services of manufacturing a doorway than to do it yourself.

However, if you have to do this workindependently, you should initially make accurate measurements. Then draw directly on the wall the shape of the future door with a small margin for additional refinement. It is better then to remove a part of the wall a little more than to close the gap too large. Then you need to drill a few holes in the wall to loosen it and prepare to form a doorway.

clearance doorway
After that, you can use such toolslike a sledgehammer, hammer, chisel and hammer drill to make a large hole and expand it to the required value. You can use a metal saw or other tool to remove reinforcement or wire. Often used for this gas welding.

After the formation of the doorway shouldprepare it for installing doors. To do this, all end parts should be leveled and plaster. Then the walls are plastered using a perforated corner so that a small space of about two centimeters on each side remains between the inside and the door frame. It is also recommended to immediately treat not only the walls, but also the joints of the opening with a primer in order to give it strength and improve adhesion.

After completing all the above processes, the doorway is considered ready. It is possible to immediately install various structures into it or fix the necessary material.