Standard height of the working table

Most people are used to the fact that the height of the workerThe table in the kitchen is always the same. Previously, the height of the person was not taken into account, and with different physical parameters the hostesses had to be content with the standard level of the tabletop. Now architects and stylists when planning a work area take into account the ergonomics of space and the height of the person who will manage in this kitchen.

desktop height

The main areas of the kitchen

Ergonomics not only helps competentlyto plan areas in the room, but also prevents problems with well-being and health. After all, if a person who is taller than 180 cm will work at a low tabletop, then he will eventually have problems with his back. Lower people will experience discomfort while cooking.

However, the height of the desktop depends not only on the physical data of the person, but also on the functions that are assigned to it. When planning a kitchen, the following technological zones are distinguished:

  • place for processing products;
  • washing space;
  • serving area;
  • hob;
  • dinner Zone.

height of the working surface of the table

Each tabletop for convenience should besuitable size. But hardly anyone will decide on such an experiment, and it is completely inconvenient to plan a multistage headset. The height of the desktop determines the level of all other zones, because it is this place that is used by the hostess most often. To make the most of the time for cooking, when ordering a kitchen set, several factors should be taken into account.

Headset height

Considering that most of the work in the kitchenproduced standing, it is useful to take into account the growth of the person who most often conjures over the preparation of dishes. With a standard solution, when cooking is done by all family members, it is better to choose the best option that suits everyone. The most comfortable height will be from 85 to 91 cm. The ratio is taken from the calculation that the edge of the table top rests just below the belt.

If the kitchen set is selected for a specific person, the height of the working surface of the table should take into account its parameters as much as possible:

  • So, with a small height, not higher than 160 cm,the table top is set at 82 cm from the floor. With a higher location, the body receives increased loads, and convenience and comfort are significantly reduced.
  • With growth from 160 to 180 cm, it is necessary to raise the tabletop to the mark of 91 cm.
  • For tall people who are above 180 cm, headsets are made at a height of 94 cm.

what is the height of the desktop

The calculations are purely theoretical. Perhaps someone recommended height of the desktop will not work. Therefore, you need to experiment with it in the furniture showroom before you place an order.

The ratio of the parameters of the kitchen

When selecting kitchen furniture in the first place isquestion: what height should be the desktop? Undoubtedly, the height of the person and the location of the table top are taken into account. But for a harmonious location and convenience when cooking should take into account the ratio of other measurements. So, the lower cabinets will be comfortable if they reach the lower level of the waist of a person, then the upper ones should not be bullied. At arm's length, without effort, the hostess must reach out to them by hand. But too low an arrangement will bring inconvenience, and accidental injuries and bruises of the head are possible at bends.

Physiological expediency

It has long been proven that optimal sizes andProper location of the kitchen areas greatly reduces the physical energy consumption during cooking. During the experiments, the developers of furniture standards found out that with a vertical arrangement during cooking two times less muscular effort is involved than with the same work, but in an uncomfortable, inclined posture.

what height should be the desktop

If the tabletop is too high, not onlydiscomfort occurs, but also hands get very tired. Cooking becomes uncomfortable, and there is a feeling of too much pressure. Therefore, the standard desktop height is not suitable for everyone. The measurements are designed for a person whose height is at the level of 165 cm. Only in this case, you can buy a ready-made kitchen set without changing its technical indicators.

Height depends on the work

If we consider the ideal height of the workingsurface, then the indicators should differ, depending on the work performed. It is proved that various kitchen operations are convenient to perform at different heights. Although it is rare that anyone decides on a multi-level set, it is useful to know what the height of the working surface of the table and other technological zones should be.

The main area for cutting and processing productsused most often. According to statistics, it is here that there is a significant amount of work in the kitchen. For comfortable cooking, you need to have a sufficiently spacious place so that you can cut meat, fish, knead the dough or stick chops.

desktop countertop height

Work on this surface is carried out with the application of some effort. Therefore, the height of the tabletop, the most convenient for hand movements, will be located at a level just above the belt.

Washing area

To determine the optimum height for washinguse a specially designed formula. It is necessary to measure the height from the floor to the arm bent at the elbow. The size of the fist is subtracted from the obtained value, and the required size is displayed. With this approach, while washing dishes, the back of a person has a comfortable physiological position and does not strain. Hands are bent at a right angle, and the palms are clearly located at the level of the washing space.

If you install the sink with the givenformulas, the hostess will put less effort and, accordingly, not so quickly tired. Of course, not all kitchen space allows you to install a multi-level set. If space is limited, then the wide part of the wash often assumes the functions of the work surface. In this case, they are placed on the same level, choosing the average height option.


Increasingly, hostesses prefer the installation of a hob to standard cookers. In this case, you need to correctly select its location and the appropriate height of the location.

what should the height of the working surface of the table

Чтобы удобно было взаимодействовать с кастрюлями and pans, burners are located no higher than 82 cm from the floor. In this case, even if the height of a person is above average, it is not worthwhile to place too high a hot item. When positioning the hob, it is important to consider other factors. When installing the hood, the required space to its edge should be about 70 cm. This is required by the safety of the use of the unit and technological standards. It should also be noted that the height of the table top of the desktop to the edge of the wall cabinets cannot be lower than 45 cm. Otherwise it will not only be inconvenient, but the headset may also be damaged.

Using technological tricks

Unfortunately, not all have spacious kitchens,where you can take into account all the recommendations for harmonious arrangement. In this case it is better to use small tricks that will transform the space. With a lack of space you can design retractable table tops. In order not to suffer the question of what height of the desktop is more convenient when using the headset by different people with different parameters, you can use thick cutting boards.

standard desktop height

Many prefer the majority of worksproduce, sitting comfortably in a chair. Therefore, the bar and high chairs will be able to change the required height during various jobs. If necessary, you can use the dining table to perform some operations that require more space.


All-inclusive standard kitchen unittechnological nuances and fashion trends, depends on the desires and capabilities of the buyer. But work on an individually selected surface, taking into account the height of a person, greatly facilitates hard everyday work and reduces the load on the muscles of the back, arms and legs.