Pepper agrotechnics

Despite the fact that pepper is quite thermophilicvegetable culture, it is quite possible to cultivate it in Russia, in central regions and even slightly north. In a harsh climate, it is grown not by direct planting in open ground, but only by means of seedlings. This is a very useful vegetable, it is the record among vegetables for the content of vitamin C. True, it is so much in pepper only in an immature state. And when the fruit ripens, the content of another useful substance - provitamin A - considerably rises in it.

Он находит очень широкое применение в кулинарии, especially sweet pepper. This product perfectly combines mainly with meat dishes, complementing them and adding to them piquancy. In general, pepper is tasty in any form - and being cooked for a couple, and in fried, and in the form of lecho (it is made using sweet pepper, whose agrotechnics are the same). Thanks to its useful properties and such wide application, many people grow it, despite certain difficulties.

Pepper agrotechnics when grown in mediumthe strip of Russia is as follows: first, seedlings are prepared. Seeds are soaked and warmed up. After germination, they are planted in small pots for seedlings: special small or traditional cut-off bottles from soda or mineral water, cropped juice boxes. In each pot, 2 seeds are placed. It should be remembered that the vegetative period of pepper (ie the period of time from germination to fruiting) is approximately 140 days, or less than 5 months. And in the open ground (or in a greenhouse, depending on where you are going to grow peppers) the seedlings are planted at the age of about 70 days. At this point, the buds are ripening on the bushes. The agrotechnics of pepper practically does not depend on the variety that you have chosen, the rules for all of them are approximately the same.

As a rule, an average family of 4-5 people planting 15-20 pairs of bushes is abundant with excess. Suffices and in order to eat fresh pepper, and to make various preparations for the winter.

Peppers should be planted after such plants asmustard, radish, turnip, cabbage (any), radish or tomatoes. Before planting peppers in the open ground, you need to properly fertilize the land, make it balanced. Ideal option - a sandy-clay soil with a good content of humus. Pepper does not tolerate cold ground and cold winds, and therefore it is best to plant it near the south side of the house - the wall will protect from the wind, and the soil warms up best of all from the south and lots of sunlight.

Agrotechnics of pepper is carried out taking into account that the plant loves heat with an average content of water in the soil. That is, where peppers grow, it should be very warm and moderately moist.

Plant peppers with beds, every 50 cm from each otherfriend. They are strong and tall bushes with a tree-like trunk. And so be sure to think about the garter, consider its possibility. You can immediately stick a row near the column, so you do not have to stick it then and traumatize the roots. Tie up at the level of the main fork of the bush.

But you can plant and more often (25 cm between bushes), thenthere is a so-called thickened type of planting, in which much more land is planted on the same plant area. Fruits are much smaller, but their number increases from one bush. - Choose what you value - quality or quantity.

Агротехника перца предусматривает его обрезку, which he safely endures. Crop only the longest shoots on the bushes. Thus, they achieve that none of the branches on the bush is obtained too shaded by others. Be sure to cut off the branches below the main fork and shoots inside the crown of the plant, because they always turn out to be shaded and, as a result, do not bring normal fruits. Or they are not given at all. Fruits are removed as they achieve a presentation. This stimulates the formation of new ovaries.

Agrotehnika sweet pepper practically does not differ from the above. So you can grow it the same way.