/ / Magic pepper tincture - instructions for each

Magic tincture of water pepper - instruction for everyone

Alcohol tincture of water pepper - one of thosemedicines that must be in the first-aid kit of each family. Its effectiveness was appreciated both by women suffering from heavy and painful menstruation, and those who suffered from agonizing hemorrhoids, and those who once had internal bleeding. In all these cases, tincture of water pepper will help. The instructions for use, however, indicate only the hemostatic effect recognized by official medicine, forgetting about the analgesic and antispasmodic effect.

Usually this medicine is prescribed for heavymenstruation. The loss of blood decreases, the drop in the level of hemoglobin in the blood slows down. Pain and cramps decrease. It is often used for postpartum hemorrhage. It is important that when arresting bleeding there is no increase in blood pressure, this is why hypertensives can take this drug.

Also, the infusion of a highlander pepper is prescribed for different types of internal bleeding: pulmonary, bladder, hemorrhoidal, and bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract.

In some cases with diarrhea and variousenterocolitis in combination with other drugs used and tincture of water pepper. Instructions to the drug about this property is silent. In the collection, this medicinal plant is prescribed for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by lesions of the gastric mucosa and bleeding. Also, herbs with water pepper are taken for colitis. And when hemorrhoids effective tincture of water pepper. The instructions accompanying the medicine indicate exactly this drug action. Therefore, in the people it is called hemorrhoidal weed. In addition to decoctions taken orally, with hemorrhoids make and warm sessile baths with them. They relieve pain, reduce swelling, cramping and bleeding.


Действие этого растения очень близко к механизму effects of ergot, but the mountaineer, in addition to hemostasis, has an analgesic effect. Due to the presence of essential oils in the composition, water pepper slightly lowers blood pressure. Contained flavonoids reduce the permeability of the vascular walls, increase their strength.

Possible adverse reactions

In individual cases or uncontrolledTaking side effects from this medicinal herb can cause adverse reactions - dizziness, headache, weakness, fainting, nausea, vomiting. Allergic reactions are possible - swelling, rash, itching. In any case, the drug should be stopped. If the swelling appears in the throat area and increases all the time, an urgent need to call a doctor. Since this reaction is almost never caused by tincture of water pepper, the instruction does not mention this. But it is worth remembering about safety, because these are general rules of behavior when symptoms of anaphylactic shock appear.


With severe bleeding, the first thing to advisetake - tincture of water pepper, the instruction warns about contraindications. Do not recommend taking this medication to pregnant women (to exclude exposure of the fetus to alcohol and the active ingredients of this drug), children (due to the high concentration of alcohol in the medicine) and people who are hypersensitive to any of the herb components and to the action of ethyl alcohol.

Water pepper tincture: reviews

Tincture Highlander, except for its main purpose(stop bleeding), has many other properties and is widely used in folk medicine. Thus, a positive effect in the treatment of impotence, it is used as a diuretic. It is very effective to use this medicine with low acidity of the stomach.