/ / The simplest krotolovki do it yourself

The simplest gattoopers with their own hands

Moles - very cute, but rather harmfulrepresentatives of the fauna. They do not eat plants, but they cause significant harm to gardeners. Looking for earthworms, which are the main food for blind rodents, moles damage the roots of plants. If several families have settled on the site, they may completely worm the worms that are producers of humus. Heaps of land that the moles emit while digging do not decorate the site.

krotolovki do it yourself
It is difficult to get rid of small pests:they rarely leave areas where there is enough food. It remains only to scare or catch them and take them away from your garden or garden plot. In order to catch the mole, you need a special mole trap. You can buy the finished product in stores for gardeners. Usually it is a pipe, at the ends of which are fixed movable dampers. They open inwards and work in such a way that the mole can enter the pipe, and the dampers interfere with it. Similar krotolovki with their own hands can be assembled from metal pipes or hard plastic. Sometimes small traps are used to trap moles. The complexity of their use lies in the fact that moles, unlike mice, do not use food that can be set as bait. The very way of catching a trap is too cruel: bones often break bones, after which they die painfully. Hunting traps are difficult to establish in wormholes. To hunt moles, it is preferable to use mole traps made from scrap materials or purchased from stores. Of course, it is worth considering that the purchase traps are more reliable than hand-made ones made of wood or plastic. However, those and others may need about a dozen, so home-made devices are more economical. The simplest of them costs nothing: it can be made from an old pan.
hunting traps

Simplest trap

Such krotolovki, made with their own handsunnecessary kitchen utensils, install simply. They find a passage, an old pan (jar) is added to the ground under it, so that the animal running down the aisle falls into this container. You can, of course, do your own krotolovki from old children's toys, wooden bars or wire, but these products will require special skills. To catch the mole in the tureen without help can even a woman.

How to install the mole trap:

  1. It is better to set traps in the morning.To install the "pipe", you need to hands clean up the soil, which is supposed to be a move. Insert the trap inside so that the earth does not fall on it and does not interfere with the course of the dampers.
  2. To install mole traps, built with your own hands from pots, you need to a depth of 5-20 cm.
  3. Moles are very sensitive to sounds and smells of animals. Therefore, you need to install traps or traps with gloves and clothes that do not smell like tobacco or perfume.
    trap buy

Ways to fight against moles

Before setting traps, you cantry to scare away moles. Ready-made repellers are sold, and self-made can be made, for example, from a plastic bottle. To do this, a small plastic tube is instilled into the ground below the mole path. The bottom of the bottle is cut out (not completely, but slightly larger than the diameter of the tube). At the bottom, windows are cut and plastic is folded down so that the blades are obtained. Put the device on the tube. The bottle will spin in the wind, beat the phone, and the vibration will scare away moles. If the animals are not scared, then the mole will come in handy. With our own hands, as we found out, it is easy to do.