/ / Chubushnik: reproduction by cuttings - the best option

Chubushnik: reproduction by cuttings - the best option

Chubushnik is a shrub up to4 meters, with white flowers collected in the inflorescence. There is a huge number of varieties and species of this plant, it is simply impossible to list them. Many quite often confuse bush with jasmine for the similarity of flavor and the appearance of flowers. But here we should remember that in our climate jasmine does not grow, it can be planted and grown only in special greenhouses. And he blossoms a little differently. The flowers of jasmine petals are oval-narrow, and the stamens are only two.

chubushnik reproduction
Chubushnik - shrub is winter-hardy, it is not necessaryadditional shelter for the winter. He can tolerate frosts to -30 degrees. True, everything depends on the variety: some foreign varieties can withstand a maximum temperature of -15 degrees, so acquiring a rare variety, it is necessary to clarify its characteristics, otherwise it may simply not take root in our climatic conditions.

propagation of chubushnik by cuttings
Chubushnik Shrub: Reproduction

Propagate by cuttings or seeds, butthe second method is not very popular. Mostly experienced gardeners tend to vegetative way of breeding such a plant, as chubushnik. Reproduction by its seeds is inexpedient, since hybrid or varietal species will not retain the properties of the mother plant. Therefore, this option is used very rarely and for breeding only the most common species. In addition, to maintain the germination of seeds, it is required to fulfill a number of certain conditions, and most important of them - storage of seeds in a tightly closed plastic bag in the refrigerator.

So, the optimal way of breeding such ahandsome, like a chubushnik - reproduction by cuttings. In this case, it easily takes root. The mentioned event should be carried out in summer (using green shoots) or in autumn (cutting off already matured ones).

Reproduction of Chubushniki by cuttings. Basic moments:

• Do not use very thick shoots as cuttings.
• It is desirable that on each shoot there are a couple of leaves and not less than three internodes.
• Twigs are better to choose those that have not yet blossomed.

Prepared cuttings are planted in a dampland and sprinkled with moistened sand. For faster rooting, it is recommended to close the seedlings with plastic bottles. During adaptation, the cuttings should be watered and sprayed, and also ventilated. After rooting, the shelter is removed from the seedlings. Chubushnik, whose reproduction is performed by cuttings, grows quite rapidly.

We choose Chubushnik. Varieties for the Moscow region

The variety of species of this shrub is so great,That it is possible to become perplexed at a choice of a plant for the garden. Of course, I want to buy the most beautiful, fragrant bush, which, to all other things, does not require special efforts in growing. From this point of view, Piramidal, which has very well established itself and withstands severe winters, has proved well.

Chubushnik variety for the Moscow region
Trimming the bush: useful tips

Such plants look great in the livinghedges. The abundance of inflorescences and pleasant aroma attract attention. However, some tall Chubushnik varieties, reaching a certain height, do not look very aesthetic. Do not be afraid to cut the bushes - they really like pruning. In addition, it promotes the formation of new young shoots and, accordingly, more abundant flowering.

А чтобы растение не теряло силы, желательно после period of flowering to cut off the seeds that are forming seeds: then the bush will not waste its strength for their maturing. Of course, given the large number of colors, it is quite difficult to do this, but it will be enough to remove even some part during trimming.