/ / Regal lilies: reproduction in several ways

Regal lilies: reproduction in several ways

Lilies are very diverse.To date, there are more than 2000 varieties, differing in many parameters (plant height, number of leaves on the stem, shape, color and number of flowers, etc.).

lily breeding
Probably there are no people who like them. The only difference is that one prefers Asian, and the other - OT hybrids or some other.

Having planted several bulbs on its plot andwaiting for their flowering, you may want to have more such wonderful plants as lilies. Their reproduction is simple, it can be done in four ways.

1. Reproduction by children

Спустя 4 года после посадки одного растения на this place forms a whole nest, consisting of maternal bulbs and uneven-aged children. It is better to plant them in the second half of August. Undermining from all sides, the nest must be carefully removed from the soil, trying to preserve the roots. In case of suspicion of any diseases, the bulbs can be kept in the “Maxim” solution for half an hour, and then landed on the prepared place. In the landing pit, you need to make a mound, placing the bulb on it and straighten the roots of lilies. Reproduction by children is the easiest way.

2. Reproduction "Bulb"

lily flower breeding

In some species of lilies in the axils of the leavespokkolukovichki formed in the common people called "bulb". If they are not touched, they will crumble and possibly sprout next season. If you collect and plant for growing, then the probability of obtaining new plants will increase significantly. On a prepared, composted, wetted place, you need to make a groove 2 cm deep and spread the lily bulbs with a certain distance. Reproduction in this way has one drawback - the flowering of plants with good care will come only in the 3rd year.

3. Leaf propagation

If you somehow got lily(flower), its reproduction is possible with leaves. To do this, they need to cut a sterile instrument at the base. Immerse them for 6 hours in a solution of heteroauxin 1/3 of the length. Then land in a cold greenhouse at a depth of half a leaf. Periodically water and gently loosen the soil. After about 45 days, small onion-sized pea-sized bulbs form at the base of the leaves. In the spring they need to be planted on the garden bed for growing. In winter, the landing site should be warmed, for example, with fallen leaves from healthy trees or compost.

4. Reproduction scales

lily garden breeding

With lily bulbs, the reproduction of which you wantspend an accelerated pace, you can safely remove a few scales. To do this, do not need to dig it up, just barely bare it. To process the received material with the preparation "Maxim" or phytosporin. If it happens in spring or summer, the scales can be planted in the penumbra. If it is autumn outside the window, they should be put in a bag, poured with wetted sawdust, and tied. Place it in a cool shaded place. After 2 months, you need to check whether the procedure was successful or not. If onion scales have formed at the base of the scales, then they should be put in a pot with soil and put in the fridge until March. After the time, set the landing on the bright windowsill.

5. Stem cuttings

Rarely found garden lily, breedingwhich is extremely necessary, can be reproduced stem cuttings. The stalk is cut off during the budding period, divided into fragments 7 cm long, the lower leaves are removed and rooted in moist pearlite. After a time, onions can form in the leaf axils.

Кроме расписанных способов, следует отметить еще One variant of lily reproduction is seed reproduction. This is a time-consuming procedure, having pros (the progeny will be disease free) and minuses (the resulting plants may differ from the parent).