/ / Several ways to destroy bedbugs

Several ways to destroy bedbugs

Bedbugs are insects, to live with in the neighborhooda person will not want under any circumstances. They are pests that drink human blood in the literal sense of the word. These small insects not only cause a lot of trouble, settling in the neighborhood with the person, but also carry a danger to health. Why is the appearance of bedbugs so unpleasant? What can a person face such a neighborhood? And how to forever drive out the bug settlements from your home? This will be discussed.

Dangerous neighborhood

Bedbugs - bloodsucking insects, life activitywhich directly depends on people. These little bloodsuckers, settling in the house, immediately begin to harm, turning a person's life into something terrible and uncomfortable. And from the moment of settling in the house (on clothes, in furniture) bugs there is a serious threat to human life and health.

Live bugs in those places and corners of the humandwellings, where no one looks. They do not like light, air and cleanliness. Usually, the bug-raising families settle in cracks, under the wallpaper, skirting boards, in crevices. They also like to live in soft furniture.

Immediately after the identification of such neighbors, it is worththink about how to destroy bedbugs. In the afternoon they rarely crawl out of their hiding places. Although, especially at the time of the hunger strike, a bug and in the light of the day can attack its victim. They bite not only people, but also pets. And the bug is not afraid of dogs or mice. Anyone who has blood in his veins can become a victim of a bug.

The bug's bite is not so painful.Bitten at all may not notice that he was the victim of this bug. However, in a few minutes the place of the bite is hard to miss. Redness, itching and blistering are evidence that there was a bug here. Many people have an allergy to bug bites.

But the most unpleasant thing about these insects is that theyare carriers of very terrible, intractable and dangerous diseases. This is tuberculosis, anthrax and leprosy. Even smallpox and plague can tolerate these small parasites.

Of course, it is unequivocal to say that in all casesbitten by a bedbug, the victim is infected with a dangerous disease, it is impossible. Although the risk is great. On the other hand, the bug bites bring a lot of trouble. They constantly itch, do not allow to fall asleep, irritate. Yes, and heal the combed wounds for a long time. In short, the fight should begin immediately after the detection of pests at home.

How to save yourself from the neighborhood with "uninvited guests"

There are a lot of ways to destroy bedbugs.Each of them is attractive in something, and, of course, it seems reliable. But it should be noted that it is better to call professional fighters with bedbugs who will not only destroy bloodsuckers, but also conduct disinfection of your entire home.

If you do not intend to call a squad of "rescuers", and are thinking how to destroy bedbugs yourself, then the following information will come in handy.

So, before declaring war, one shouldclearly find out which bedbugs at home you have settled, and who does not allow you to live peacefully. For example, before you get rid of bed bugs, you should say goodbye not only with furniture, but also with linens, carpets, blankets and pillows.

So, there are three ways to deal with bedbugs.The first is mechanical. The essence of it is that the room is cleaned from furniture, wallpaper, skirting and flooring. Then the bugs need to either be collected manually, or use a vacuum cleaner, or sweep them with a broom. The way, maybe someone helped to get rid of an unpleasant neighborhood. But if you can make a new repair, then with furniture to say goodbye (especially with the road and recently bought) do not want to.

The second way is physical. This is how we fought against bedbugs from time immemorial. They were destroyed by steam and boiling water, as well as various special liquids: kerosene, turpentine, methylated spirit.

The third way is chemical.This way, how to destroy bedbugs, is the most faithful. Parasites are destroyed with the help of chemical poisonous preparations. Naturally, the bugs should be destroyed by professionals. Although it is possible to conduct chemical disinfection quite realistically and independently. But in this case, you should take seriously to work with poisonous drugs and remember about safety measures.